Chandra Uncovers New Evidence For Event Horizons Surrounding Black Holes
Up-Dated BH vs NS Quescent Lx, with labels, without labels
XTE J1118+480: Chandra Pinpoints Edge Of Accretion Disk Around Black Hole
M31:Closer Look Reveals Andromeda's Black Hole Not As Cool As Believed
Chandra Finds a "Cool" Black Hole at the Heart of the Andromeda Galaxy
Astronomers Closing in on Black Holes
New Evidence for Black Hole Event Horizons from Chandra
The X-ray Spectra of Black Hole X-ray Novae in Quiescence as Measured by Chandra
X-ray Point Sources in The Central Region of M31 as seen by Chandra
A First Look at the Nuclear Region of M31 with Chandra
A Black Hole Greater Than 6 Msolar in the X-Ray Nova XTE J1118+480
Complete and Simultaneous Spectral Observations of the Black Hole X-Ray Nova XTE J1118+480
ADAF: Garcia etal 98, Menou etal 98 Narayan etal 97,
GRO J0422+32: Garcia etal 96: Callanan etal 96,
Garcia etal 98: Groot etal 98:
XTE J1118+480 , XTE J1118+480 , Aql X-1 , XTE J1946+274, XTE J2012+381, XTE J2012+381, XTE J2012+381, XTE J0421+560 AND CI CAMELOPARDALIS, GRB 971214, GRB 970828, GRB 970815, GRB 970508, V1333 AQUILAE, V1333 AQUILAE, EXO 1846-031, GRO J0422+32, GRO J0422+32, GRO J0422+32, GRO J0422+32, GRO J0422+32, GRO J0422+32, GRO J0422+32
XTE J1901+014 DSS+Simbad Objects
XTE J1901+014 K' band image, FLWO 1.2m
XTE J1901+014 three K' band images, FLWO 1.2m
XTE J1901+014 Optical images, FLWO 1.2m
XTE J1901+014 ATEL, IAUC, GCN...(fast transient)
XTE J1908+098 IAUCs...(near SGR)
XTE J2123-056 (outburst NS SXT)
XTE J2123-056 (quiescent NS SXT)
XTE J1650-500, 5 min I-band 02aug2002 at Magellan 1 w/ MagIC
GS1354-64, 2 min R-band 04jun2000 at VLT
GS1354-64, 5 min I-band 05aug2002 at Magellan 1 w/ MagIC
1RXS J162848.1-415241 = GSC 7861.1088