
class sherpa.stats.Stat(name)[source]

Bases: sherpa.utils.NoNewAttributesAfterInit

Methods Summary

calc_stat(data, model) Return the statistic value for the data and model.
calc_staterror(data) Return the statistic error values for the data.

Methods Documentation

calc_stat(data, model)[source]

Return the statistic value for the data and model.

  • data (a Data or DataSimulFit instance) – The data set, or sets, to use.
  • model (a Model or SimulFitModel instance) – The model expression, or expressions. If a SimulFitModel is given then it must match the number of data sets in the data parameter.

statval, fvec – The statistic value and the per-bin “statistic” value.

Return type:

number, array of numbers


Return the statistic error values for the data.

Parameters:data (scalar or 1D array of numbers) – The data values.
Returns:staterror – The errors for the input data values (matches the data argument).
Return type:scalar or array of numbers