Evaluating a modelΒΆ
Normally Sherpa will handle model evaluation automatically, such as
during a fit or displaying the model results. However, the
models can be evalutated directly by passing in the
(the independent axis)
directly. If mdl
is an instance of a Sherpa model - that
is it is derived from the
class - then there are two standard ways to perform this
Call the model with the grid directly - e.g. for a one-dimensional grid use one of:
mdl(x) mdl(xlo, xhi)
Use the
method, which requires a sequence of parameter values and then the grid; for the one-dimensional case this would be:mdl.calc(pars, x) mdl.calc(pars, xlo, xhi)
In this case the parameter values do not need to match the values stored in the model itself. This can be useful when a model is to be embedded within another one, as shown in the two-dimensional user model example.
It is also possible to pass a model to a data object
and evaluate the model on a grid appropriate for the data,
using the
This can be useful when working in an environment where the mapping
between the “native” grids used to represent data and models is
not a simple one-to-one relation, such as when analyzing
astronomical X-ray spectral data with an associated response
(i.e. a RMF file).