(name='cash')[source]¶ Bases:
Maximum likelihood function.
Counts are sampled from the Poisson distribution, and so the best way to assess the quality of model fits is to use the product of individual Poisson probabilities computed in each bin i, or the likelihood L:
L = (product)_i [ M(i)^D(i)/D(i)! ] * exp[-M(i)]
where M(i) = S(i) + B(i) is the sum of source and background model amplitudes, and D(i) is the number of observed counts, in bin i.
The Cash statistic [1] is derived by (1) taking the logarithm of the likelihood function, (2) changing its sign, (3) dropping the factorial term (which remains constant during fits to the same dataset), and (4) multiplying by two:
C = 2 * (sum)_i [ M(i) - D(i) log M(i) ]
The factor of two exists so that the change in cash statistic from one model fit to the next, (Delta)C, is distributed approximately as (Delta)chi-square when the number of counts in each bin is high. One can then in principle use (Delta)C instead of (Delta)chi-square in certain model comparison tests. However, unlike chi-square, the cash statistic may be used regardless of the number of counts in each bin.
The magnitude of the Cash statistic depends upon the number of bins included in the fit and the values of the data themselves. Hence one cannot analytically assign a goodness-of-fit measure to a given value of the Cash statistic. Such a measure can, in principle, be computed by performing Monte Carlo simulations. One would repeatedly sample new datasets from the best-fit model, fit them, and note where the observed Cash statistic lies within the derived distribution of Cash statistics. Alternatively, the cstat statistic can be used.
The background should not be subtracted from the data when this statistic is used. It should be modeled simultaneously with the source.
The Cash statistic function evaluates the logarithm of each data point. If the number of counts is zero or negative, it’s not possible to take the log of that number. The behavior in this case is controlled by the truncate and trunc_value settings in the .sherpa.rc file:
- if truncate is True (the default value), then log(trunc_value) is used whenever the data value is <= 0. The default is trunc_value=1.0e-25.
- when truncate is False an error is raised.
[1] “Parameter estimation in astronomy through application of the likelihood ratio”, Cash, W. 1979, ApJ 228, 939 Methods Summary
(data, model)calc_staterror
(data)Methods Documentation
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