The sherpa.astro.plot module


ChisqrPlot() Create plots of the chi-square value per point.
BkgChisqrPlot() Derived class for creating background plots of 1D chi**2 ((data-model)/error)**2
DataPlot() Create 1D plots of data values.
BkgDataPlot() Derived class for creating plots of background counts
DelchiPlot() Create plots of the delta-chi value per point.
BkgDelchiPlot() Derived class for creating background plots of 1D delchi chi ((data-model)/error)
FitPlot() Derived class for creating 1D combination data and model plots
BkgFitPlot() Derived class for creating plots of background counts with fitted model
ARFPlot() Create plots of the ancillary response file (ARF).
ModelHistogram() Derived class for creating 1D PHA model histogram plots
BkgModelHistogram() Derived class for creating 1D background PHA model histogram plots
OrderPlot() Derived class for creating plots of the convolved source model using
SourcePlot() Create 1D plots of unconcolved model values.
BkgSourcePlot() Derived class for plotting the background unconvolved source model
ModelPlot() Create 1D plots of model values.
BkgModelPlot() Derived class for creating plots of background model
RatioPlot() Create plots of the ratio of data to model per point.
BkgRatioPlot() Derived class for creating background plots of 1D ratio (data:model)
ResidPlot() Create plots of the residuals (data - model) per point.
BkgResidPlot() Derived class for creating background plots of 1D residual (data-model)

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of ChisqrPlot, BkgChisqrPlot, DataPlot, BkgDataPlot, DelchiPlot, BkgDelchiPlot, FitPlot, BkgFitPlot, HistogramPlot, ARFPlot, ModelHistogram, BkgModelHistogram, OrderPlot, SourcePlot, BkgSourcePlot, ModelPlot, BkgModelPlot, RatioPlot, BkgRatioPlot, ResidPlot, BkgResidPlot