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From SINGS (Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey): Isn’t it a beautiful Hubble tuning fork? Continue reading ‘SINGS’ »
Weaving together Astronomy+Statistics+Computer Science+Engineering+Intrumentation, far beyond the growing borders
Archive for the ‘Astro’ Category.
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From SINGS (Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey): Isn’t it a beautiful Hubble tuning fork? Continue reading ‘SINGS’ »
The 2009 Physics Nobel is shared (along with Charles Kao, who is cited for suggesting optic fibers) by Willard Boyle and George Smith, inventors of the Charge-coupled Device.
The CCD, of course, is the workhorse of modern Astronomy. I cannot even imagine how things would be without it.
Continue reading ‘Boyle & Smith (1969)’ »
I decide to discuss Kalman Filter a while ago for the slog after finding out that this popular methodology is rather underrepresented in astronomy. However, it is not completely missing from ADS. I see that the fulltext search and all bibliographic source search shows more results. Their use of Kalman filter, though, looked similar to the usage of “genetic algorithms” or “Bayes theorem.” Probably, the broad notion of Kalman filter makes it difficult my finding Kalman Filter applications by its name in astronomy since often wheels are reinvented (algorithms under different names have the same objective). Continue reading ‘[MADS] Kalman Filter’ »
So far, I didn’t complain much related to my “statistician learning astronomy” experience. Instead, I’ve been trying to emphasize how fascinating it is. I hope that more statisticians can join this adventure when statisticians’ insights are on demand more than ever. However, this positivity seems not working so far. In two years of this slog’s life, there’s no posting by a statistician, except one about BEHR. Statisticians are busy and well distracted by other fields with more tangible data sets. Or compared to other fields, too many obstacles and too high barriers exist in astronomy for statisticians to participate. I’d like to talk about these challenges from my ends.[1] Continue reading ‘data analysis system and its documentation’ »
I happened to observe a surge of principle component analysis (PCA) and independent component analysis (ICA) applications in astronomy. The PCA and ICA is used for separating mixed components with some assumptions. For the PCA, the decomposition happens by the assumption that original sources are orthogonal (uncorrelated) and mixed observations are approximated by multivariate normal distribution. For ICA, the assumptions is sources are independent and not gaussian (it grants one source component to be gaussian, though). Such assumptions allow to set dissimilarity measures and algorithms work toward maximize them. Continue reading ‘[ArXiv] component separation methods’ »
Kriging is the first thing that one learns from a spatial statistics course. If an astronomer sees its definition and application, almost every astronomer will say, “Oh, I know this! It is like the 2pt correlation function!!” At least this was my first impression when I first met kriging.
There are three distinctive subjects in spatial statistics: geostatistics, lattice data analysis, and spatial point pattern analysis. Because of the resemblance between the spatial distribution of observations in coordinates and the notion of spatially random points, spatial statistics in astronomy has leaned more toward the spatial point pattern analysis than the other subjects. In other fields from immunology to forestry to geology whose data are associated spatial coordinates of underlying geometric structures or whose data were sampled from lattices, observations depend on these spatial structures and scientists enjoy various applications from geostatistics and lattice data analysis. Particularly, kriging is the fundamental notion in geostatistics whose application is found many fields. Continue reading ‘[MADS] Kriging’ »
This is a special session at the January 2010 meeting of the AAS. It is scheduled for the afternoon of Thursday, Jan 7, 2-3:30pm.
Abstracts are due Sep 17.
Meeting Justification
We propose to highlight the growing use of ‘non-parametric’ techniques to distill meaningful science from today’s astronomical data. Challenges range from Kuiper objects to cosmology. We have chosen just a few ‘teaching’ examples from this lively interdisciplinary area.
Continue reading ‘Beyond simple models-New methods for complex data’ »
Statistical Resampling Methods are rather unfamiliar among astronomers. Bootstrapping can be an exception but I felt like it’s still unrepresented. Seeing an recent review paper on cross validation from [arXiv] which describes basic notions in theoretical statistics, I couldn’t resist mentioning it here. Cross validation has been used in various statistical fields such as classification, density estimation, model selection, regression, to name a few. Continue reading ‘[ArXiv] Cross Validation’ »
Speaking of XAtlas from my previous post I tried another visualization tool called Parallel Coordinates on these Capella observations and two stars with multiple observations (AL Lac and IM Peg). As discussed in [MADS] Chernoff face, full description of the catalog is found from XAtlas website. The reason for choosing these stars is that among low mass stars, next to Capella (I showed 16), IM PEG (HD 21648, 8 times), and AR Lac (although different phases, 6 times) are most frequently observed. I was curious about which variation, within (statistical variation) and between (Capella, IM Peg, AL Lac), is dominant. How would they look like from the parametric space of High Resolution Grating Spectroscopy from Chandra? Continue reading ‘[MADS] Parallel Coordinates’ »
I’m getting behind these days because of chasing too many rabbits. One of those rabbits is hunting online lectures useful for everyone. Prof. Feynman’s lectures have great reputations but they have been hard to come by. I once listened to a pirate version of his lecture tape with horrible sound quality. Thanks to Bill Gates and Microsoft Research, although it is a belated news, I’m very delighted to say “Feynman lectures are online.” Continue reading ‘News and related stories’ »
An email was forwarded with questions related to the data sets found in “Be an INTEGRAL astronomer”. Among the sets, the following scatter plot is based on the Crab data.
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Approximately for a decade, there have been journals dedicated to bioinformatics. On the other hand, there is none in astronomy although astronomers have a long history of comprising a huge volume of catalogs and data archives. Prof. Bickel’s comment during his plenary lecture at the IMS-APRM particularly on sparse matrix and philosophical issues on choosing principal components led me to wonder why astronomers do not discuss astroinformatics. Continue reading ‘Astroinformatics’ »
I was reading the June 2009 IMS bulletin on my way to Korea for the 1st IMS-APRM meeting. Then, I was in half shock and in half sadness. Something unlike than the Drake equation had happened. Continue reading ‘worse than the Drake eq.’ »
I was at the SUSY 09 public lecture given by a Nobel laureate, Frank Wilczek of QCD (quantum chromodynamics). As far as I know SUSY is the abbreviation of SUperSYmetricity in particle physics. Finding such antimatter(? I’m afraid I read “Angels and Demons” too quickly) will explain the unification theory among electromagnetic, weak, and strong forces and even the gravitation according to the speaker’s graph. I’ll not go into the details of particle physics and the standard model. The reason is too obvious. Instead, I’d like to show this image from wikipedia and to discuss my related questions.
Continue reading ‘how to trace?’ »
Even though I traced the astronomers’ casual usage of the null hypothesis probability in a fashion of reporting outputs from data analysis packages of their choice, there were still some curious cases of the null hypothesis probability that I couldn’t solve. They are quite mysterious to me. Sometimes too much creativity harms the original intention. Here are some examples. Continue reading ‘Curious Cases of the Null Hypothesis Probability’ »