
sherpa.astro.ui.plot_scatter(x, y, name='(x, y)', xlabel='x', ylabel='y', replot=False, overplot=False, clearwindow=True)

Create a scatter plot.

  • x (array) – The values to plot on the X axis.
  • y (array) – The values to plot on the Y axis. This must match the size of the x array.
  • name (str, optional) – The plot title.
  • xlabel (str, optional) – The label for the X axis.
  • ylabel (str, optional) – The label for the Y axis.
  • replot (bool, optional) – Set to True to use the values calculated by the last call to plot_scatter. The default is False.
  • overplot (bool, optional) – If True then add the data to an exsiting plot, otherwise create a new plot. The default is False.
  • clearwindow (bool, optional) – When using ChIPS for plotting, should the existing frame be cleared before creating the plot?

See also

Return the data used to plot the last scatter plot.
Create a trace plot of row number versus value.


Plot the X and Y points:

>>> mu, sigma, n = 100, 15, 500
>>> x = mu + sigma * np.random.randn(n)
>>> y = mu + sigma * np.random.randn(n)
>>> plot_scatter(x, y)

Change the axis labels and the plot title:

>>> plot_scatter(nh, kt, xlabel='nH', ylabel='kT', name='Simulations')