The sherpa.astro.xspec module¶
Support for XSPEC models.
Sherpa supports versions 12.9.0 and 12.9.1 of XSPEC [1], and can be built against the model library or the full application. There is no guarantee of support for older or newer versions of XSPEC.
To be able to use most routines from this module, the HEADAS environment variable must be set. The get_xsversion function can be used to return the XSPEC version - including patch level - the module is using:
>>> from sherpa.astro import xspec
>>> xspec.get_xsversion()
[1] | |
XSagauss ([name]) |
The XSPEC agauss model: gaussian line profile in wavelength space. |
XSapec ([name]) |
The XSPEC apec model: APEC emission spectrum. |
XSbapec ([name]) |
The XSPEC bapec model: velocity broadened APEC thermal plasma model. |
XSbbody ([name]) |
The XSPEC bbody model: blackbody spectrum. |
XSbbodyrad ([name]) |
The XSPEC bbodyrad model: blackbody spectrum, area normalized. |
XSbexrav ([name]) |
The XSPEC bexrav model: reflected e-folded broken power law, neutral medium. |
XSbexriv ([name]) |
The XSPEC bexriv model: reflected e-folded broken power law, ionized medium. |
XSbkn2pow ([name]) |
The XSPEC bkn2pow model: broken power law with two breaks. |
XSbknpower ([name]) |
The XSPEC bknpower model: broken power law. |
XSbmc ([name]) |
The XSPEC bmc model: Comptonization by relativistic matter. |
XSbremss ([name]) |
The XSPEC bremss model: thermal bremsstrahlung. |
XSbtapec ([name]) |
The XSPEC btapec model: velocity broadened APEC emission spectrum with separate continuum and line temperatures. |
XSbvapec ([name]) |
The XSPEC bvapec model: velocity broadened APEC thermal plasma model. |
XSbvtapec ([name]) |
The XSPEC bvtapec model: velocity broadened APEC emission spectrum with separate continuum and line temperatures. |
XSbvvapec ([name]) |
The XSPEC bvvapec model: velocity broadened APEC thermal plasma model. |
XSbvvtapec ([name]) |
The XSPEC bvvtapec model: velocity broadened APEC emission spectrum with separate continuum and line temperatures. |
XSc6mekl ([name]) |
The XSPEC c6mekl model: differential emission measure using Chebyshev representations with multi-temperature mekal. |
XSc6pmekl ([name]) |
The XSPEC c6pmekl model: differential emission measure using Chebyshev representations with multi-temperature mekal. |
XSc6pvmkl ([name]) |
The XSPEC c6pvmkl model: differential emission measure using Chebyshev representations with multi-temperature mekal. |
XSc6vmekl ([name]) |
The XSPEC c6vmekl model: differential emission measure using Chebyshev representations with multi-temperature mekal. |
XScarbatm ([name]) |
The XSPEC carbatm model: Nonmagnetic carbon atmosphere of a neutron star. |
XScemekl ([name]) |
The XSPEC cemekl model: plasma emission, multi-temperature using mekal. |
XScevmkl ([name]) |
The XSPEC cevmkl model: plasma emission, multi-temperature using mekal. |
XScflow ([name]) |
The XSPEC cflow model: cooling flow. |
XScompLS ([name]) |
The XSPEC compLS model: Comptonization, Lamb & Sanford. |
XScompPS ([name]) |
The XSPEC compPS model: Comptonization, Poutanen & Svenson. |
XScompST ([name]) |
The XSPEC compST model: Comptonization, Sunyaev & Titarchuk. |
XScompTT ([name]) |
The XSPEC compTT model: Comptonization, Titarchuk. |
XScompbb ([name]) |
The XSPEC compbb model: Comptonization, black body. |
XScompmag ([name]) |
The XSPEC compmag model: Thermal and bulk Comptonization for cylindrical accretion onto the polar cap of a magnetized neutron star. |
XScomptb ([name]) |
The XSPEC comptb model: Thermal and bulk Comptonization of a seed blackbody-like spectrum. |
XScompth ([name]) |
The XSPEC compth model: Paolo Coppi’s hybrid (thermal/non-thermal) hot plasma emission models. |
XScplinear ([name]) |
The XSPEC cplinear model: a non-physical piecewise-linear model for low count background spectra. |
XScutoffpl ([name]) |
The XSPEC cutoffpl model: power law, high energy exponential cutoff. |
XSdisk ([name]) |
The XSPEC disk model: accretion disk, black body. |
XSdiskbb ([name]) |
The XSPEC disk model: accretion disk, multi-black body components. |
XSdiskir ([name]) |
The XSPEC diskir model: Irradiated inner and outer disk. |
XSdiskline ([name]) |
The XSPEC diskline model: accretion disk line emission, relativistic. |
XSdiskm ([name]) |
The XSPEC diskm model: accretion disk with gas pressure viscosity. |
XSdisko ([name]) |
The XSPEC disko model: accretion disk, inner, radiation pressure viscosity. |
XSdiskpbb ([name]) |
The XSPEC diskpbb model: accretion disk, power-law dependence for T(r). |
XSdiskpn ([name]) |
The XSPEC diskpn model: accretion disk, black hole, black body. |
XSeplogpar ([name]) |
The XSPEC eplogpar model: log-parabolic blazar model with nu-Fnu normalization. |
XSeqpair ([name]) |
The XSPEC eqpair model: Paolo Coppi’s hybrid (thermal/non-thermal) hot plasma emission models. |
XSeqtherm ([name]) |
The XSPEC eqtherm model: Paolo Coppi’s hybrid (thermal/non-thermal) hot plasma emission models. |
XSequil ([name]) |
The XSPEC equil model: collisional plasma, ionization equilibrium. |
XSexpdec ([name]) |
The XSPEC expdec model: exponential decay. |
XSezdiskbb ([name]) |
The XSPEC ezdiskbb model: multiple blackbody disk model with zero-torque inner boundary. |
XSgadem ([name]) |
The XSPEC gadem model: plasma emission, multi-temperature with gaussian distribution of emission measure. |
XSgaussian ([name]) |
The XSPEC gaussian model: gaussian line profile. |
XSgnei ([name]) |
The XSPEC gnei model: collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, temperature evolution. |
XSgrad ([name]) |
The XSPEC grad model: accretion disk, Schwarzschild black hole. |
XSgrbm ([name]) |
The XSPEC grbm model: gamma-ray burst continuum. |
XShatm ([name]) |
The XSPEC hatm model: Nonmagnetic hydrogen atmosphere of a neutron star. |
XSkerrbb ([name]) |
The XSPEC kerrbb model: multi-temperature blackbody model for thin accretion disk around a Kerr black hole. |
XSkerrd ([name]) |
The XSPEC kerrd model: optically thick accretion disk around a Kerr black hole. |
XSkerrdisk ([name]) |
The XSPEC kerrdisk model: accretion disk line emission with BH spin as free parameter. |
XSlaor ([name]) |
The XSPEC laor model: accretion disk, black hole emission line. |
XSlaor2 ([name]) |
The XSPEC laor2 model: accretion disk with broken-power law emissivity profile, black hole emission line. |
XSlogpar ([name]) |
The XSPEC logpar model: log-parabolic blazar model. |
XSlorentz ([name]) |
The XSPEC lorentz model: lorentz line profile. |
XSmeka ([name]) |
The XSPEC meka model: emission, hot diffuse gas (Mewe-Gronenschild). |
XSmekal ([name]) |
The XSPEC mekal model: emission, hot diffuse gas (Mewe-Kaastra-Liedahl). |
XSmkcflow ([name]) |
The XSPEC mkcflow model: cooling flow, mekal. |
XSnei ([name]) |
The XSPEC nei model: collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, constant temperature. |
XSnlapec ([name]) |
The XSPEC nlapec model: continuum-only APEC emission spectrum. |
XSnpshock ([name]) |
The XSPEC npshock model: shocked plasma, plane parallel, separate ion, electron temperatures. |
XSnsa ([name]) |
The XSPEC nsa model: neutron star atmosphere. |
XSnsagrav ([name]) |
The XSPEC nsagrav model: NS H atmosphere model for different g. |
XSnsatmos ([name]) |
The XSPEC nsatmos model: NS Hydrogen Atmosphere model with electron conduction and self-irradiation. |
XSnsmax ([name]) |
The XSPEC nsmax model: Neutron Star Magnetic Atmosphere. |
XSnsmaxg ([name]) |
The XSPEC nsmaxg model: neutron star with a magnetic atmosphere. |
XSnsx ([name]) |
The XSPEC nsx model: neutron star with a non-magnetic atmosphere. |
XSnteea ([name]) |
The XSPEC nteea model: non-thermal pair plasma. |
XSnthComp ([name]) |
The XSPEC nthComp model: Thermally comptonized continuum. |
XSoptxagn ([name]) |
The XSPEC optxagn model: Colour temperature corrected disc and energetically coupled Comptonisation model for AGN. |
XSoptxagnf ([name]) |
The XSPEC optxagn model: Colour temperature corrected disc and energetically coupled Comptonisation model for AGN. |
XSpegpwrlw ([name]) |
The XSPEC pegpwrlw model: power law, pegged normalization. |
XSpexmon ([name]) |
The XSPEC pexmon model: neutral Compton reflection with self-consistent Fe and Ni lines. |
XSpexrav ([name]) |
The XSPEC pexrav model: reflected powerlaw, neutral medium. |
XSpexriv ([name]) |
The XSPEC pexriv model: reflected powerlaw, neutral medium. |
XSplcabs ([name]) |
The XSPEC plcabs model: powerlaw observed through dense, cold matter. |
XSposm ([name]) |
The XSPEC posm model: positronium continuum. |
XSpowerlaw ([name]) |
The XSPEC powerlaw model: power law photon spectrum. |
XSpshock ([name]) |
The XSPEC pshock model: plane-parallel shocked plasma, constant temperature. |
XSraymond ([name]) |
The XSPEC raymond model: emission, hot diffuse gas, Raymond-Smith. |
XSredge ([name]) |
The XSPEC redge model: emission, recombination edge. |
XSrefsch ([name]) |
The XSPEC refsch model: reflected power law from ionized accretion disk. |
XSrnei ([name]) |
The XSPEC rnei model: non-equilibrium recombining collisional plasma. |
XSsedov ([name]) |
The XSPEC sedov model: sedov model, separate ion/electron temperature. |
XSsirf ([name]) |
The XSPEC sirf model: self-irradiated funnel. |
XSslimbh ([name]) |
The XSPEC slimbh model: Stationary slim accretion disk. |
XSsnapec ([name]) |
The XSPEC snapec model: galaxy cluster spectrum using SN yields. |
XSsrcut ([name]) |
The XSPEC srcut model: synchrotron spectrum, cutoff power law. |
XSsresc ([name]) |
The XSPEC sresc model: synchrotron spectrum, cut off by particle escape. |
XSstep ([name]) |
The XSPEC step model: step function convolved with gaussian. |
XStapec ([name]) |
The XSPEC tapec model: APEC emission spectrum with separate continuum and line temperatures. |
XSvapec ([name]) |
The XSPEC vapec model: APEC emission spectrum. |
XSvbremss ([name]) |
The XSPEC vbremss model: thermal bremsstrahlung. |
XSvequil ([name]) |
The XSPEC vequil model: collisional plasma, ionization equilibrium. |
XSvgadem ([name]) |
The XSPEC gadem model: plasma emission, multi-temperature with gaussian distribution of emission measure. |
XSvgnei ([name]) |
The XSPEC gnei model: collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, temperature evolution. |
XSvmcflow ([name]) |
The XSPEC vmcflow model: cooling flow, mekal. |
XSvmeka ([name]) |
The XSPEC vmeka model: emission, hot diffuse gas (Mewe-Gronenschild). |
XSvmekal ([name]) |
The XSPEC vmekal model: emission, hot diffuse gas (Mewe-Kaastra-Liedahl). |
XSvnei ([name]) |
The XSPEC vnei model: collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, constant temperature. |
XSvnpshock ([name]) |
The XSPEC vnpshock model: shocked plasma, plane parallel, separate ion, electron temperatures. |
XSvoigt ([name]) |
The XSPEC voigt model: Voigt line profile. |
XSvpshock ([name]) |
The XSPEC vpshock model: plane-parallel shocked plasma, constant temperature. |
XSvraymond ([name]) |
The XSPEC vraymond model: emission, hot diffuse gas, Raymond-Smith. |
XSvrnei ([name]) |
The XSPEC vrnei model: non-equilibrium recombining collisional plasma. |
XSvsedov ([name]) |
The XSPEC vsedov model: sedov model, separate ion/electron temperature. |
XSvtapec ([name]) |
The XSPEC vtapec model: APEC emission spectrum with separate continuum and line temperatures. |
XSvvapec ([name]) |
The XSPEC vvapec model: APEC emission spectrum. |
XSvvgnei ([name]) |
The XSPEC gnei model: collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, temperature evolution. |
XSvvnei ([name]) |
The XSPEC vvnei model: collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, constant temperature. |
XSvvnpshock ([name]) |
The XSPEC vvnpshock model: shocked plasma, plane parallel, separate ion, electron temperatures. |
XSvvpshock ([name]) |
The XSPEC vvpshock model: plane-parallel shocked plasma, constant temperature. |
XSvvrnei ([name]) |
The XSPEC vvrnei model: non-equilibrium recombining collisional plasma. |
XSvvsedov ([name]) |
The XSPEC vvsedov model: sedov model, separate ion/electron temperature. |
XSvvtapec ([name]) |
The XSPEC vvtapec model: APEC emission spectrum with separate continuum and line temperatures. |
XSzagauss ([name]) |
The XSPEC zagauss model: gaussian line profile in wavelength space. |
XSzbbody ([name]) |
The XSPEC zbbody model: blackbody spectrum. |
XSzbremss ([name]) |
The XSPEC zbremss model: thermal bremsstrahlung. |
XSzgauss ([name]) |
The XSPEC gaussian model: gaussian line profile. |
XSzpowerlw ([name]) |
The XSPEC zpowerlw model: redshifted power law photon spectrum. |
XSSSS_ice ([name]) |
The XSPEC sss_ice model: Einstein SSS ice absorption. |
XSTBabs ([name]) |
The XSPEC TBabs model: ISM grain absorption. |
XSTBfeo ([name]) |
The XSPEC TBfeo model: ISM grain absorption. |
XSTBgas ([name]) |
The XSPEC TBgas model: ISM grain absorption. |
XSTBgrain ([name]) |
The XSPEC TBgrain model: ISM grain absorption. |
XSTBpcf ([name]) |
The XSPEC TBpcf model: ISM grain absorption. |
XSTBrel ([name]) |
The XSPEC TBrel model: ISM grain absorption. |
XSTBvarabs ([name]) |
The XSPEC TBvarabs model: ISM grain absorption. |
XSabsori ([name]) |
The XSPEC absori model: ionized absorber. |
XSacisabs ([name]) |
The XSPEC acisabs model: Chandra ACIS q.e. |
XScabs ([name]) |
The XSPEC cabs model: Optically-thin Compton scattering. |
XSconstant ([name]) |
The XSPEC constant model: energy-independent factor. |
XScyclabs ([name]) |
The XSPEC cyclabs model: absorption line, cyclotron. |
XSdust ([name]) |
The XSPEC dust model: dust scattering. |
XSedge ([name]) |
The XSPEC edge model: absorption edge. |
XSexpabs ([name]) |
The XSPEC expabs model: exponential roll-off at low E. |
XSexpfac ([name]) |
The XSPEC expfac model: exponential modification. |
XSgabs ([name]) |
The XSPEC gabs model: gaussian absorption line. |
XSheilin ([name]) |
The XSPEC heilin model: Voigt absorption profiles for He I series. |
XShighecut ([name]) |
The XSPEC highecut model: high-energy cutoff. |
XShrefl ([name]) |
The XSPEC hrefl model: reflection model. |
XSismabs ([name]) |
The XSPEC ismabs model: A high resolution ISM absorption model with variable columns for individual ions. |
XSlyman ([name]) |
The XSPEC lyman model: Voigt absorption profiles for H I or He II Lyman series. |
XSnotch ([name]) |
The XSPEC notch model: absorption line, notch. |
XSpcfabs ([name]) |
The XSPEC pcfabs model: partial covering fraction absorption. |
XSphabs ([name]) |
The XSPEC phabs model: photoelectric absorption. |
XSplabs ([name]) |
The XSPEC plabs model: power law absorption. |
XSpwab ([name]) |
The XSPEC pwab model: power-law distribution of neutral absorbers. |
XSredden ([name]) |
The XSPEC redden model: interstellar extinction. |
XSsmedge ([name]) |
The XSPEC smedge model: smeared edge. |
XSspexpcut ([name]) |
The XSPEC spexpcut model: super-exponential cutoff absorption. |
XSspline ([name]) |
The XSPEC spline model: spline modification. |
XSswind1 ([name]) |
The XSPEC swind1 model: absorption by partially ionized material with large velocity shear. |
XSuvred ([name]) |
The XSPEC uvred model: interstellar extinction, Seaton Law. |
XSvarabs ([name]) |
The XSPEC varabs model: photoelectric absorption. |
XSvphabs ([name]) |
The XSPEC vphabs model: photoelectric absorption. |
XSwabs ([name]) |
The XSPEC wabs model: photoelectric absorption, Wisconsin cross-sections. |
XSwndabs ([name]) |
The XSPEC wndabs model: photo-electric absorption, warm absorber. |
XSxion ([name]) |
The XSPEC xion model: reflected spectrum of photo-ionized accretion disk/ring. |
XSxscat ([name]) |
The XSPEC xscat model: dust scattering. |
XSzTBabs ([name]) |
The XSPEC zTBabs model: ISM grain absorption. |
XSzbabs ([name]) |
The XSPEC lyman model: Voigt absorption profiles for H I or He II Lyman series. |
XSzdust ([name]) |
The XSPEC zdust model: extinction by dust grains. |
XSzedge ([name]) |
The XSPEC edge model: absorption edge. |
XSzhighect ([name]) |
The XSPEC highecut model: high-energy cutoff. |
XSzigm ([name]) |
The XSPEC zigm model: UV/Optical attenuation by the intergalactic medium. |
XSzpcfabs ([name]) |
The XSPEC zpcfabs model: partial covering fraction absorption. |
XSzphabs ([name]) |
The XSPEC zphabs model: photoelectric absorption. |
XSzredden ([name]) |
The XSPEC zredden model: redshifted version of redden. |
XSzsmdust ([name]) |
The XSPEC zsmdust model: extinction by dust grains in starburst galaxies. |
XSzvarabs ([name]) |
The XSPEC zvarabs model: photoelectric absorption. |
XSzvfeabs ([name]) |
The XSPEC zvfeabs model: photoelectric absorption with free Fe edge energy. |
XSzvphabs ([name]) |
The XSPEC vphabs model: photoelectric absorption. |
XSzwabs ([name]) |
The XSPEC zwabs model: photoelectric absorption, Wisconsin cross-sections. |
XSzwndabs ([name]) |
The XSPEC zwndabs model: photo-electric absorption, warm absorber. |
XSzxipcf ([name]) |
The XSPEC zxipcf model: partial covering absorption by partially ionized material. |