Posts tagged ‘IIC’

[Book] The Grammar of Graphics

All of a sudden, partially owing to a thought provoking talk about visualization by Felice Frankel at IIC, I recollected a book, The Grammar of Graphics by Leland Wilkinson (2nd Ed. – I partially read the 1st ed. and felt little of use several years ago because there seemed no link for visualization of data from astronomy.) Continue reading ‘[Book] The Grammar of Graphics’ »

Google Sky

For people in the Boston area, a cornucopia of talks on Google Sky in the near future.

  1. Hunting for Needles in Massive Astronomical Data Streams
    Wednesday, April 9, 2008 at 4pm
    Room 330, 60 Oxford St.
    Ryan Scranton, Google Sky Team
  2. Inside Google Sky
    Wednesday, April 9, 2008 at 8pm
    Room 105, Emerson Hall
    Andrew Connolly, Google Sky Team
  3. Sky in Google Earth
    Tuesday, April 15, 2008 at 1pm
    Phillips Auditorium, 60 Garden
    Alberto Conti & Carol Christian, STScI

John Rice’s Visit (2nd week of June)

John Rice is visiting IIC. The meeting and his talk is scheduled on Friday, June 8, at 11:30am (room 403 at 60 Oxford St.).

Title: Event Weighted Tests for Periodicity in a Sequence of Photon Arrival Times:
Detecting Gamma-ray Pulsars.

[Added] Another meeting is scheduled at the stat dept. located in Science Center, 4-6pm, Wednesday (June 6th).