[ArXiv] 2nd week, Sept. 2007
In addition to preprints discussed in [ArXiv] Swift and XMM measurement errors, [ArXiv] SVM and galaxy morphological classification, Sept. 10, 2007, and [ArXiv] Recent bayesian studies from astro-ph, I wish to point a few more out from this week.
- [astro-ph:0709.1311]
Forecasting neutrino masses from combining KATRIN and the CMB: Frequentist and Bayesian analyses
by O.Host et. al. - [astro-ph:0709.1538] overcome the shortcomings of PCA and visualized manifolds of dimension reduction.
Representing complex data using localized principal components with application to astronomical data
by J. Einbeck, L. Evers and C. Bailer-Jones - [astro-ph:0709.1959]
The use of genetic algorithm to model protoplanetary discs
by A. Hetem Jr. and J. Gregorio-Hetem - [astro-ph:0709.1964] Vinay may be interested in this and it would be useful to us for isochrone fitting.
Globular Cluster Abundances from High-Resolution Integrated Light Spectra, I: 47 Tuc
by A. McWilliam and R. A. Bernstein - [astro-ph:0709.2077] useful for understanding hardness ratio and measures from x-ray for applying classification methods.
The XMM large scale structure survey: optical vs. X-ray classifications of active galactic nuclei and the unified scheme
by O. Garcet et. al.
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