[ArXiv] 1st week, Dec. 2007
There’s only one day in the first week of December with no preprint appearance. Dubbing the week of Dec. 2nd as the first week is hoped to be accepted. Continue reading ‘[ArXiv] 1st week, Dec. 2007’ »
Weaving together Astronomy+Statistics+Computer Science+Engineering+Intrumentation, far beyond the growing borders
Posts tagged ‘X-Atlas’
There’s only one day in the first week of December with no preprint appearance. Dubbing the week of Dec. 2nd as the first week is hoped to be accepted. Continue reading ‘[ArXiv] 1st week, Dec. 2007’ »
Hyunsook and I have preliminary findings (work done with the help of the X-Atlas group) on the efficacy of using spectral proxies to classify low-mass coronal sources, put up as a poster at the XGratings workshop. The workshop has a “poster haiku” session, where one may summarize a poster in a single transparency and speak on it for a couple of minutes. I cannot count syllables, so I wrote a limerick instead: Continue reading ‘Summarizing Coronal Spectra’ »