[ArXiv] 5th week, Nov. 2007
Astronomers are hard working people, day and night, weekend and weekdays, 24/7, etc. My vacation delayed this week’s posting, not astronomers nor statisticians. Continue reading ‘[ArXiv] 5th week, Nov. 2007’ »
Weaving together Astronomy+Statistics+Computer Science+Engineering+Intrumentation, far beyond the growing borders
Posts tagged ‘likelihood ratio’
Astronomers are hard working people, day and night, weekend and weekdays, 24/7, etc. My vacation delayed this week’s posting, not astronomers nor statisticians. Continue reading ‘[ArXiv] 5th week, Nov. 2007’ »
I’ve been heard so much, without knowing fundamental reasons (most likely physics), about coverage problems from astrostat/phystat groups. This paper might be an interest for those: Interval Estimation in Exponential Families by Brown, Cai,and DasGupta ; Statistica Sinica (2003), 13, pp. 19-49
Abstract summary:
The authors investigated issues in interval estimation of the mean in the exponential family, such as binomial, Poisson, negative binomial, normal, gamma, and a sixth distribution. The poor performance of the Wald interval has been known not only for discrete cases but for nonnormal continuous cases with significant negative bias. Their computation suggested that the equal tailed Jeffreys interval and the likelihood ratio interval are the best alternatives to the Wald interval. Continue reading ‘Coverage issues in exponential families’ »