Posts tagged ‘bandwidth’

[Book] Elements of Information Theory

by T. Cover and J. Thomas website:

Once, perhaps more, I mentioned this book in my post with the most celebrated paper by Shannon (see the posting). Some additional recommendation of the book has been made to answer offline inquiries. And this book always has been in my favorite book list that I like to use for teaching. So, I’m not shy with recommending this book to astronomers with modern objective perspectives and practicality. Before advancing for more praises, I must say that those admiring words do not imply that I understand every line and problem of the book. Like many fields, Information theory has grown fast since the monumental debut paper by Shannon (1948) like the speed of astronomers observation techniques. Without the contents of this book, most of which came after Shannon (1948), internet, wireless communication, compression, etc could not have been conceived. Since the notion of “entropy“, the core of information theory, is familiar to astronomers (physicists), the book would be received better among them than statisticians. This book should be read easier to astronomers than statisticians. Continue reading ‘[Book] Elements of Information Theory’ »

compressed sensing and a blog

My friend’s blog led me to Terrence Tao’s blog. A mathematician writes topics of applied mathematics and others. A glance tells me that all postings are well written. Especially, compressed sensing and single pixel cameras drags my attention more because the topic stimulates thoughts of astronomers in virtual observatory[1] and image processing[2] (it is not an exaggeration that observational astronomy starts with taking pictures in a broad sense) and statisticians in multidimensional applications, not to mention engineers in signal and image processing. Continue reading ‘compressed sensing and a blog’ »

  1. see the slog posting “Virtual Observatory”[]
  2. see the slog posting “The power of wavedetect”[]