DASCH team gathering, July 213 . Top Row left to right: Ellie Simcoe, Robert Simcoe, Edward Los, Josh Grindlay, George Miller, Alan Sliski, Ellery Buntell, and David Sliski. Bottom row: Thomas Rhines, Rami El Adli, Kent Chan, Jamie Pepper, and Sandy El Moghazi. Not shown: Tim Chung, James Falese, and Nick Bealo.
Current Project Team | |
Prof. Jonathan Grindlay | HCO - Principal Investigator |
Alison Doane | HCO - Plate Stacks Curator |
Jessica Mink | SAO - Archive Software |
George Miller | Graduate Student - Transient Search |
Sumin Tang | Photometry |
Mathieu Servillat | Photometry |
Bob Simcoe | HCO associate - Scanner Hardware |
Edward Los | HCO associate - Scanner Software |
Alan Sliski | Consultant |
George Champine | Logbook Photography |
David Sliski | HCO - Assistant Curator |
William Toomey | Plate Scanning |
Carl Heinrich | Plate Scanning |
Jim Ostiguy | Plate Scanning |
Chase Green | Software, Plate Scanning |
Bill Robinson | Software |
Steve Siok | Plate Scanning |
John Leonelli | Plate Scanning |
Robert O'Day | Plate Scanning |
Ray Kenison | Plate Scanning |
Steve Homberg | Student Programmer |
Julia Hardy | Plate Scanning |
Ted Blank | Logbook Transcription |
Melanie Gibson | Logbook Transcription |
Jeremy Atkins | Plate Preparation |
Joan Hagler | Plate Scanning |
Richard Teague | Software |
Bob Babcock | Software |
John Messier | Cabinet maker |
Monika Frerk | Plate Preparation |
Sandy El Moghazi | HCO 2013 Summer Assistant |
Project Alumni | |
Bill Weir | WPI - Machinist |
John Blomquist | Machinist |
Michael Shaw | 2006 Summer Intern |
Bruce Berger | Software |
Tom Calderwood | Software |
Tracy McGinnis | HCO - Assistant Curator |
Jaime Pepper | HCO - Assistant Curator |
Matthew Gordon | Student Volunteer |
Silas Laycock | Photometry |
Charles Steinhardt | Graduate Student - Database |
Phyllis Van Dyne | Plate Preparation |
Emily Zhang | HCO 2011 Summer Assistant |
Brian Claus | HCO 2011 Summer Assistant |
Bianca Homberg | Student Programmer |
Preetham Chippada | 2012 Summer Intern |
Esteniol Maitre | 2012 Summer Intern |
Jaimie Ryan | HCO 2012 Summer Assistant |
Tyreke White | HCO 2012 Summer Assistant |
Hannah Alpert | HCO 2012 Summer Assistant |
Ramy El Adli | HCO 2012/2013 Summer Assistant |
Dylan Teague | HCO 2013 Summer Assistant |
Tim Chung | HCO 2013 Summer Assistant |
Kent Chan | HCO 2013 Summer Assistant |
James Falese | 2012/2013 Summer Intern | Ellery Buntell | 2013 Summer Intern |
Nick Bealo | 2013 Summer Intern |
Thomas Rhines | 2013 Summer Intern |
We appreciate the efforts of the logbook transcription team at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City led by Dr. Michael Shara, Curator, Dept. of Astrophysics, Christine Davis and formerly by Holly Barton. The team includes the following volunteers: Dave Krystel, Frank Piscitelli, Jane Wolff, Joseph Doherty, Michael Hamburg, Trudy Reitz, and Veronika Lea Kelly . Past contributors are Andrew Epstein, Aryeh Baruch, Barry Chin, Ian McManus, Kenneth Cunningham, Larry Furtsch, Lika Levi, Malcolm McLain, Michael Groysman, Michael Yohe, Nicole Steadman, Peter Lachman, Peter Marsh, Steve Goscinski, and Valerie Thaler.
The DASCH 2012 summer staff for prepared and scanned over 9,000 plates from June 1 to September 1. Top row: Esteniol Maitre, Ramy El Adli, and Jaimie Ryan. Middle row: Hannah Alpert and Tyreke White. Bottom row:
Alison Doane, Jaime Pepper and David Sliski. Not shown: James Falese, Preetham Chippada, and Joan Hagler.
DASCH team meeting in December, 2011. Standing, left to right: Josh Grindlay, Mathieu Servillat, Steve Siok. Seated: Jim Ostiguy, David Sliski, Ray Kennison, Jamie Pepper, Alison Doane, Bob Simcoe, Edward Los, and Sumin Tang.