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SAOimage is the Xwindows (X11) image display program. It is relatively self explanatory, the best way to learn is by experiment. Here we provide a summary of available functions.

First bring up Xwindows by typing (if you are using sunview windows, exit sunview first; if you are a remote user, read SAOimage for Remote Users first:

  cfa#: startx

In any window, initiate iraf and load the xray package.

  cfa#: cd iraf
  cfa#: cl
  cl> xray

The task ximtool which initiates the SAOimage display is in the xplot package:

  xr> xplot
  xp> ximtool cfa#:0             # open window on your computer cfa#:.

A window will appear, which has several sections:

An image can now be displayed.

Belinda Wilkes
Wed Jul 5 04:38:15 EDT 1995