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14" Telescope Shut Down Check Sheet

This is a check list for how to leave the telescope at the end of the night. Please make sure you have completed all of the following steps.

  1. Turn off the drive to the telescope and unplug.

  2. Unplug all electronics, including the Lynxx, the autoguider and its many components, and any other pieces of equipment you may have used. Replace any filters etc. to their boxes.

  3. Remove any eyepieces and cover the eyepiece openings (there should be some film containers to use for this purpose). Also, the telescope should be covered now.

  4. Return the telescope to the stowed position. (With the 3 inch on the EAST side of the 14 inch)

  5. Rotate the dome so that the slit is above the door. Close the slit and unplug the motor to the slit.

  6. Turn off the monitor, the lights and lock the dome.

  7. Replace all equipment and the keys to the warm room.

  8. Rotate the dome so that the slit is above the door. Close the slit and unplug the motor to the slit.

  9. Turn off the monitor, the lights and lock the dome.

  10. Replace all equipment and the keys to the warm room.

  11. Reset the computer to warm room control.

Scott J. Wolk
Mon Nov 25 15:41:03 EST 1996