This is a personal project collecting and documenting early images of Harvard College Observatory, focusing on the site at Observatory Hill (previously Summer House Hill). Buildings, instruments, people, and observations.
Disclaimer: all content here is solely my own views, and in no way represents the views of my employer, or anyone else. Also, I'm documenting things as I learn about them, so expect frequent errors. Corrections will occur without notice and without a changelog at this point.
This list of references is long in part because each web-based image source is viewed as a separate reference, even though half or more come from Harvard Libraries, through their Visual Information Access (VIA). This was the simplest way for me to easily refer to exactly where I got many of the images.
Zech Brigden. An Almanack of the Cœlestial Motions for this Present Year of the Christian Æra 1659 / Being (in our Account) Bissextile, or Leap-year, and from the Creation (according to XXest Computation) 5608.. Samuel Green, 1659.almanack1659
Israel Chauncy. An Almanack of the Cœlestial Motions for the Year of the Christian Æra 1663 / Being (in our Account) Bissextile, or Leap-year, and from the Creation 5612. S. Green and M. Johnson, 1663.almanack1663
John Foster. An Almanack of Cœlestial Motions for the Year of the Christian Ephocha 1676 / Being first after Leap-year and from the Creation 5625.. John Foster, 1676.almanack1676
Foster was already a printer by this time, and printed this edition.
Thomas Brattle. An Almanack of Cœlestial Motions of the Sun and Planets, with their principal Aspects, for the Year of the Christian Æra 1678 / Being in our Account the third after Leap-year and from the Creation 5627. S. Green and S. Green, 1678.almanack1678
Might this be Brattle's first astronomical publication?
John Foster. An Almanack of Cœlestial Motions for the Year of the Christian Epocha 1681 / Being in our Account second after Leap-year, And From the Creation, 5630. J. F., 1681.almanack1681
J. Hodgson. "An Account of Some Eclipses of the Sun and Moon, Observed by Mr Tho. Brattle, at Cambridge, about Four Miles from Boston in New-England, Whence the Difference of Longitude between Cambridge and London is Determin'd, from an Observation Made of One of Them at London." Philosophical Transactions vol. 24. 1704.brattleeclipse
Jn. G. Hales. Plan of Cambridge / From Survey Taken in June 1830. June 1830.map1830
Date is the survey date, not the pulbication date. See image description for more information.
Benjamin Pierce. A history of Harvard University / from its foundation, in the year 1636, to the period of the American revolution. Brown, Shattuck, and Company, 1833.histharvard
Samuel A. Eliot. A Sketch of the History of Harvard College / and of its Present State. Charles C. Little and James Brown, 1848.sketchhist
Includes a timeline of donations to Harvard, Table II of the Appendix.
William Cranch Bond. "Description of the Observatory at Cambridge." Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences vol. 4. Metcalf and Company, 1849.academybond
A precursor to the history he writes for the 1885 Annals volume 1 annals1. Is this the earliest publication from Bond on the Observatory? The article lists the submission date as 1848/11/8, which I use as the date of the images found here.
Isaac Smith Homans. Sketches of Boston, past and present / and of some few places in its vicinity. Phillips, Sampson, and Company, 1851.sketches
Gleason's Pictorial Drawing Room Companion. 1851.gleason
Robert Sears. A Pictorial Description of the United States. 1852.pictorialus
William Cranch Bond. Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College / History and Description of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College vol. 1. Metcalf and Company, 1856.annals1
The very first in a long series of "Annals" publications from the Observatory. This edition starts with a detailed early history of the observatory. Similar to the one found in the Memoirs of the AAAs in 1849 academybond, but expaneded.This history is tne entirety of Part 1. Part 2 contains astronomical results from observations.
Elias Loomis. "Astronomical Observatories in the United States." Harper's New Monthly Magazine vol. 13 no. 73. June 1856.observusharpers
The Descriptive Register of Genuine Bank Notes for the Detection of Spurious and Altered Bills / Containing Accurate, Elaborate, and Plain Descriptions of the Notes Issued by Every Bank in the United States and Canada, Conveniently Arranged for Reference. Gwynne and Day, Bankers, 1859.banknotes
William Cranch Bond and George PHillips Bond [and Joseph Winlock]. Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College / 1859-1860 vol. 7. Welch, Bigelow, & Co., 1872.annals7
This Annals is mainly a catalog of 6100 stars. But it is also the earliest source I have of the photo (photolithograph) of Bond. Not published until 1872 under Director Joseph Winlock, this documents some of the final work of William Cranch Bond who died in 1859. His son George Phillips Bond continued his work and continued on as Director also, but he also died in 1865 before this work could be published. Joseph Winlock survived another three years before he also died as Director. (Later Ed Pickering would continue that tradition, but he at least had a long run as director. Finally Harlow Shapley ended it and retired from the position while still alive in 1952, living another twenty years.)
Elias Nason. A Gazetteer of the State of Massachusetts. B. B. Russell, 1874.gazetteer
F. O. Vaille and H. A. Clark (Class of 1874). The Harvard Book / A Series of Historical, Biographical, and Descriptive Sketches vol. 1. Welch, Bigelow, and Company, 1875.harvardbook
This is a beautiful book. Excellent photos of Winlock, Pierce, Lovering with short biographies. New (?) photo of Observatory (lawn mower man, plus others, seems familiar) Dana house photo
"Joseph Winlock." Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences vol. 11 (whole series). Press of John Wilson and Son, 1876.academywinlock
Fiftieth Annual Report of the President of Harvard College. / 1874-1875.. John Wilson and Son., 1876.harvardreport7475
Fiftieth Annual Report of the President of Harvard College. / 1875-1876.. John Wilson and Son., 1877.harvardreport7576
[Joseph Winlock and Arthur Searle?]. Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College vol. 8. John Wilson and Son, October 1876.annals8
This edition was released a year or so after the third director, Joseph Winlock, passed away. Arthur Searle was the assistant director, and prepared this volume.harvardreport7576 Part 1 is "Historical Account of the Observatory from October, 1855, to October, 1876." Part 2 contains: "I. Astronomical Engravings of the Moon, Planets, etc. prepared at the expense of the funds already named [Sturgis fund; Josaiah Quincy] II. Astronomical Engravings Illustrating Solar Phenomena." The Illustrations in part II are largely the work of L. Trouvelet.
Richard A. Proctor. "The Moons of Mars." The English Mechanic / And World of Science vol. 26. 14 September 1877.mechanic26
Article on the diescover of Phobos and Demios
The Academy vol. 12 no. 280. 15 September 1877.academy12
Mention of discovery of phobos and deimos
Greenough's Cambridge Directory for 1878. Greenough & Co., 1878.cambdir1878
Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College / Observations with the Meridian Photometer During the Years 1879-82 vol. 14. John Wilson and Son, 1885.annals14
Includes an engraving matching the photo in olvwork431861 Description of the two-inch (aka one-and-a-half, aka 1.6 inch) meridian photometer.
Edward C. Pickering. Henry Draper Memorial / First Annual Report of the Photographic Study of Stellar Spectra vol. 1. John Wilson and Son, 1887.draperreport1887
Edward C. Pickering. Forty-First Annual Report of the Director of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. Published by the University, 07 December 1886.annual1886
Same URL contains 1885-1904 Annual reports 1886 report mentions that Mrs. Draper provided an 11" lens, mounting, and a small observatory to contain it. Apparently close to the end of that year.
Edward C. Pickering. Forty-Second Annual Report of the Director of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. Published by the University, 02 December 1887.annual1887
Same URL contains 1885-1904 Annual reports 1887 report mentions building of two domes for 28 reflect, 11 refract, plans for another for boyden fund instrument Also the use of two houses on Madison, purchase of one, use of the other already owned. And the construction of a forty-foot long building for photographic and spectrographic purposes.
Edward C. Pickering. Henry Draper Memorial / Second Annual Report of the Photographic Study of Stellar Spectra vol. 2. John Wilson and Son, 1888.draperreport1888
Contains one of the best scans of an early observatory photo I have.
Edward C. Pickering. Henry Draper Memorial / Third Annual Report of the Photographic Study of Stellar Spectra vol. 3. John Wilson and Son, 1889.draperreport1889
Daniel W. Baker. History of the Harvard College Observatory During the Period 1840-1890. 1890.baker90
Reprinted from a series of articles in the Boston Evening Traveller. A preface by Edward C. Pickering states that the series spanned six successive Saturdays beginning August 2, 1890.
"Joseph Lovering. [Obituary]." The Harvard Crimson. 19 January 1892.joveringcrimsonobit
Career overview.
Helen Leah Reed. "Women's Work at the Harvard Observatory.." The New England Magazine vol. 6 no. 2. April 1892.womenswork
Includes several photos, including two common photos of women computers in the old computing rooms; Snowy observatory from platform; Henry Draper; "Draper Photographic Telescope", and shed; plates; spectra; Arequipa; Williamina (not found elsewhere!); variable star graph. Two eight inch telescopes? Mentions Fleming, Maury, and Leland. Bizarrely this article uses no first names of the women computers. First names of already famous women, and first names of men are used. Editorial policy of the day? Random coincidence?
Edward C. Pickering. Forty-Seventh Annual Report of the Director of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. Published by the University, 31 October 1892.annual1892
Same URL contains 1885-1904 Annual reports This report talks about the beginning of the bruce telescope building, the beginning of building the directors' residence (and finances), and fund-raising for the photographic library, which is mostly completed.
Edward C. Pickering. Forty-Eighth Annual Report of the Director of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. Published by the University, 31 October 1893.annual1893
Same URL contains 1885-1904 Annual reports 1893 report mentions completion of construction of director's residence addition, near completion of the Bruce building and mounting, a transfer of plates to the new brick building. Transferred boxes of 100 plates at a time on a pulley system!!! "allowed to run down" !
Annie J. Cannon. In the Footsteps of Columbus. 1893.footsteps
Annie Jump Cannon's first publication? Before her astronomy career began. A book of photos she took as a budding photographer, and a description of her trip abroad.
William H. Pickering. Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College / Part 1: Investigations in Astronomical Photography vol. 32. University Press / John Wilson and Son, 1895.annals32p1
Contains descriptions of their photographic techniques
Edward S. Holden. Memorials of William Cranch Bond and of His Son George Phillips Bond. 1897.bondmemorials
A collection of memorials from colleagues, and bits of letters and diaries of the father and son.
William H. Pickering. Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College / Part 2: Visual Observations of the Moon and Planets vol. 32. University Press / John Wilson and Son, 1900.annals32p2
Contains descriptions of their photographic techniques
William Jay Youmans. Pioneers of Science in America / Sketches of their Lives and Scientific Work. D. Appleton and Company, 1896.scipioneers
"Reprinted with Additions from the Popular Science Monthly" Some stuff on John Winthrop, the astronomer. Stuff on W. C. Bond, good quality engraving
Harriet Richardson Donaghe. "Photographic Flashes from Harvard Observatory." Popular Astronomy vol. 6 no. 9. November 1898.popularastro6
Frontispiece is a group photo from conference. Pg. 536 has identifications!
George C. Comstock. A Textbook of Astronomy. 1901?.comstocktextbook
Mary E. Byrd. "Anna Winlock. [Obituary]." Popular Astronomy vol. 12. 1904.annawinlockpopobit
Edward C. Pickering. "The Astronomical Observatory." Harvard Alumni Bulletin vol. 17 no. 23. Harvard Bulletin, Inc. Boston, Mass., 10 March 1915.alumni1915
Annie J. Cannon. "The Henry Draper Memorial." The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada vol. 9. 17 April 1915.drapercannon
Article about the history of the Draper Memorial project. Several related photos and spectra, including (oddly out-of-date) grounds photo with labels of instruments.
Frederick E. Brasch. "John Winthrop (1714-1779), America's First Astronomer, and the Science of His Period." Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific vol. 28 no. 165. October 1916.winthropfirst
William L. Payson. "Notes on Some Tory Row Land Titles." The Proceedings of the Cambridge Historical Society vol. 37. 29 January 1957.toryrow
Margaret W. Rossiter. ""Women's Work" in Science, 1880-1910." Isis vol. 71 no. 3. University of Chicago Press, September 1980.womensworksci
One picture not found elswhere Includes lots of good references
Barbara L. Welther. ""Pickering's Harem"." Isis vol. 73 no. 1. March 1982.pickeringsharem
Not sure if this JSTOR article is public or not. Fantastic information on women in popular "Pickering's Harem" photo.
Rick Kennedy. "Thomas Brattle and the Scientific Provincialism of New England, 1680-1713." The New England Quarterly vol. 63 no. 4. December 1990.provincialbrattle
Sara Schechner Genuth. "From Heaven's Alarm to Public Appeal: Comets and the Rise of Astronomy at Harvard." Science at Harvard University / Historical Perspectives. Associated University Presses, Inc., 1992.heavensalarm
Gabriele Kass-Simon. Women of Science / Righting the Record. Indiana University Press, 1993.rightingrecord
Seems to be thoroughly researched and offers lots of references. Details not found elsewhere, including early computer hires, and background, e.g. Maria Mitchell
Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin / An Autobiography and Other Recollections. 1996.paynerecollections
A republished edition of her autobiography, expanded with other memoirs. Published by her daughter I think.
Peter van der Merwe. "A Galileo galaxy." Royal Museums Greenwich Collections Blog. 30 June 2010.rmgblog
Some details on Galileo busts and paintings in their collection, with details on the Pandolfini portrait of Galileo
jchatoff. "Stellar, II." CONTEXT / []. 27 September 2011.stellarii
Very detailed info on women from popular photo of "Pickering's Harem" from about 1912. OH. Turns out it comes from "Pickering's Harem" article.pickeringsharem Never mind.
David Alan Grier. When Computers Were Human. Princeton University Press, 01 November 2013.computershuman
Sara J. Schechner. "How telescopes came to New England, 1620-1740." Scientific Instruments in the History of Science: Studies in transfer, use and preservation. 2014.nescopes
"Thomas Hollis (1659–1731)." Wikipedia. Wikipedia, 28 July 2015.wikihollis
Unidentified Artist. John Winthrop, the Younger (1606-1676). Harvard Art Museum, 2015.winthropportrait
Background info and image for this painting. Artist and date unknown Harvard Art Museum object number H601 Gift of Robert Winthrop, representing the Winthrop family, to Harvard University, 1964
"Photograph of a large equatorial by Merz and Mahler." Science Museum Group / Collections Online - Objects. Science Museum Group, 2015.nmsipulkovo
Only image found so far of Pulkovo 15" refractor.
"Pulkovo Observatory." Wikipedia. Wikipedia, 22 June 2015.wikipulkovo
"Annie Jump Cannon." Wikipedia. Wikipedia, 03 August 2015.wikicannon
James W. Hanner. "Margaret Harwood and the Maria Mitchell Observatory." The Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers vol. 43. AAVSO, 21 May 2015.jaavsoharwood
Among other things, includes list of Maria Mitchell Observatory assistants
Catherine Shteynberg. "Pickering's Women?." The Bigger Picture / Exploring Archives and Smithsonian History. Smithsonian Institution Archives, 08 May 2009.sipickwomen
Includes a version of the "paper doll" photo with labels attached. Link for the image to AIP is broken but you can "view image" a somewhat larger size.
Barlow Bob. Solar Star party / Spectroscopy History. The NorthEast Astronomy Forum, 2015 (retrieved).neafspectrohist
"William Cranch Bond." Time and Navigation / The untold story of getting from here to there.. Smithsonian Institution, 19 [retrieved] August 2015.sibond
Adequate resolution photo of Bond portrait
"William Cranch Bond / American Astronomer." Encyclopædia Britannica. 21 [retrieved] August 2015.bondbritannica
Alternate source of W.C.Bond photo.
Chrstopher Hail. Cambridge Buildings and Architects. 27 [retrieved] August 2015.cambuildings
Amazing database of the history of buildings and streets in Cambridge.
"Cecilia Helena Payne Gaposchkin (1900-1979)." Smithsonian Institution Archives. 26 [retrieved] August 2015.sia2009-1328
"Cecilia Helena Payne Gaposchkin (1900-1979)." Smithsonian Institution Archives. 26 [retrieved] August 2015.sia2009-1327
"Portrait of Annie Jump Cannon." Radcliffe College Archives / PC 70-1-2. Harvard Libraries, olvwork353777
"Portrait of Annie Jump Cannon." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (E2668). Harvard Libraries, olvwork432373
"[Harvard College Observatory, Cambridge, construction, ca. 1892]." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (278). Harvard Libraries, olvwork431930
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork431930
Title: [Harvard College Observatory, Cambridge, construction, ca. 1892]
"[Harvard College Observatory, Cambridge, construction, ca. 1892]." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (279). Harvard Libraries, olvwork431931
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork431931
Repository: Harvard University Archives
"[View of homes in Cambridge from above with telescope in foreground]." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (365). Harvard Libraries, olvwork432017
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork432017
Creator: Harvard College Observatory, Cambridge
"[Observatory Staff in "paper doll" pose, (in line holding hands) panoramic photograph ca. 1918]." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (391). Harvard Libraries, olvwork432043
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork432043
Repository: Harvard University Archives
"Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), copy after Justus Suttermans[sic] (1597-1681)." Harvard Portrait/Clock Collections. Harvard Libraries, HUAM299708
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: HUAM299708
Repository: Harvard Portrait/Clock Collections
"Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), after Justus Suttermans [sic]." Harvard Portrait/Clock Collections. Harvard Libraries, HUAM311240
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: HUAM311240
Materials/Techniques: Oil on canvas
"Alvan Clark (1804-1887)." Harvard Portrait/Clock Collections. Harvard Libraries, HUAM311226
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: HUAM311226
Topics: Paintings
"[Building in Cambridge under construction]." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (177). Harvard Libraries, olvwork431829
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork431829
"[Building in Cambridge under construction]." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (178). Harvard Libraries, olvwork431830
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork431830
"[Platform for building in Cambride under construction]." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (179). Harvard Libraries, olvwork431831
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork431831
"[Building in Cambridge under construction]." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (180). Harvard Libraries, olvwork431832
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork431832
"[Building in Cambridge under construction]." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (181). Harvard Libraries, olvwork431833
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork431833
"[Building in Cambridge under construction]." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (182). Harvard Libraries, olvwork431834
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork431834
"[Telescope dome in Cambridge under construction]." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (183). Harvard Libraries, olvwork431835
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork431835
"[Telescope dome in Cambridge under construction]." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (184). Harvard Libraries, olvwork431836
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork431836
"[Telescope dome in Cambridge under construction]." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (185). Harvard Libraries, olvwork431837
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork431837
"[Telescope dome in Cambridge under construction]." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (186). Harvard Libraries, olvwork431838
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork431838
"[Telescope dome in Cambridge under construction]." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (187). Harvard Libraries, olvwork431839
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork431839
"[Harvard College Observatory, Cambridge, Massachusetts]." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (E157). Harvard Libraries, olvwork432360
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork432360
"[Observatory buildings]." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (205). Harvard Libraries, olvwork431857
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork431857
"The Observatory." Harvard Art Museums. Harvard Libraries, HUAM71421
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: HUAM71421
"Observatory Group [photographic group portrait, ca. 1910]." Harvard University Archives / HUPSF Observatory (14). Harvard Libraries, olvwork360662
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork360662
"[Observatory Residence, Cambridge, Massachusetts]." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (172). Harvard Libraries, olvwork431824
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork431824
"[Harvard College Observatory, Cambridge, construction, ca. 1892]." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (297). Harvard Libraries, olvwork431949
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork431949
"[Harvard College Observatory building under contruction] 1892." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (150). Harvard Libraries, olvwork431802
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork431802
"Observatory Women [photographic group portrait, 1925]." Harvard University Archives / HUPSF Observatory (19). Harvard Libraries, olvwork360663
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork360663
"William Cranch Bond (1789-1859)." Harvard Portrait/Clock Collections. Harvard Libraries, HUAM311225
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: HUAM311225
"[View of Harvard College Observatory in winter, photgraph] ." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (E2434). Harvard Libraries, olvwork432391
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork432391
"Astro Photographic Museum. Harvard College Observatory [(i.e. C building)] ." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (E2547). Harvard Libraries, olvwork432403
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork432403
"[Harvard College Observatory, Cambridge, construction, ca. 1892]." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (295). Harvard Libraries, olvwork431947
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork431947
"[Harvard College Observatory, Cambridge, construction, ca. 1892]." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (294). Harvard Libraries, olvwork431946
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork431946
"[Harvard College Observatory, Cambridge, construction, ca. 1892]." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (296). Harvard Libraries, olvwork431948
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork431948
"[Harvard College Observatory building under contruction] 1892." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (149). Harvard Libraries, olvwork431801
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork431801
"[Harvard College Observatory buildings in Cambridge]." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (188). Harvard Libraries, olvwork431840
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork431840
"Astronomical observatory of Harvard College, Cambridge, 1887." Harvard College Observatory Library / 6610-18. Harvard Libraries, olvwork422686
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork422686
Harvard Libraries, 431861
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: 431861
"[Apparatus]." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (209). Harvard Libraries, olvwork431861
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork431861
"[Williamina P. Fleming, photographic portrait, ca. 1890] Alternate Title: [Fleming, Williamina P., [photographic portrait, ca. 1900]." Harvard University Archives / HUP Fleming, Williamina (1). Harvard Libraries, olvwork289681
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork289681
"[Women on-board ship, ca. 1900]." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (173). Harvard Libraries, olvwork431825
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork431825
"[Observatory women computers], 1891." Harvard University Archives / HUV 1210 (9-3). Harvard Libraries, olvwork289691
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork289691
"Observatory girls with Mrs. Draper, 1891 Alternate Title: [Observatory computer room and staff], 1891." Harvard University Archives / HUV 1210 (9-5). Harvard Libraries, olvwork289692
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork289692
"Observatory [analysis of stellar spectra], 1891." Harvard University Archives / HUV 1210 (9-6). Harvard Libraries, olvwork289693
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork289693
"[Observatory computer room and staff], 1891." Harvard University Archives / HUV 1210 (9-4). Harvard Libraries, olvwork289689
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork289689
"A group of women computers [photographic group portrait, ca. 1900]." Harvard University Archives / HUPSF Observatory (45). Harvard Libraries, olvwork360664
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork360664
"[Williamina Fleming at Harvard College Observatory plate stacks, ca. 1900]." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (388). Harvard Libraries, olvwork432040
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork432040
"[Observatory data analysis by women computers] ." Harvard University Archives / UAV 630.271 (E4116). Harvard Libraries, olvwork432388
Harvard Libraries Object Identifier: olvwork432388
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