There are currently 3 astronomical definitions for the tag 'planet'.

Tag: planet



More general tags


More specific tags

earth, jupiter, mars, mercury, neptune, saturn, uranus, venus, extrasolarplanet, giantplanet, hypotheticalplanet, innerplanet, outerplanet

Related tags

bodeslaw, rochelimit, solarsystem, aeronomy, aphelion, astrology, atmosphere, boundarylayer, centerofmass, collision, composition, core, crater, crust, duststorm, dwarfplanet, equatorialbulge, evolution, exosphere, galileansatellite, geology, geomagnetism, greenhouseeffect, interior, lithosphere, mantle, map, meanequinox, oblateness, occultation, orbitdetermination, orbit, origin, perihelion, period, petrology, phaseangle, planetar, planetaryalignment, planetarymicrolensing, planetaryring, planetesimal, polarcap, polarregion, protoplanet, resonancegap, rill, ringdivision, satellite, semimajoraxis, solarnebula, solarplanetaryrelation, spaceexploration, structure, surfaceofcelestialbody, synodicperiod, syzygy, topography, twobodyproblem, volatile, volcano, waterice, watervapor

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