Harvard Sophomores - Seniors interested in space instruments -
here is rare opportunity to cross register for a course at MIT
(16.831/12.431) in Spring 2012 (MIT: Tues. 1:00-5:00pm & Harvard:
Thurs. 2:00-4:00pm) that will teach you how design and build a real
space flight science instrument!
REXIS is a small (2.7kg),
compact (~1 ft3 ) X-ray imaging camera with a ~30 deg field of view that
will measure and image the X-ray lines (fluoresced by incident solar
X-rays) which reveal the surface composition (O, Mg, Si, S, Fe, etc.)
of the Near-Earth asteroid, 1999RQ36, which has a ~1 in 1800 chance
of impacting Earth in 2182!
The REXIS instrument concept was proposed
in 2010 by Harvard (Prof. Grindlay's group) to colleagues at MIT
(Profs. Binzel and Miller) in the Earth & Planetary Science and
Aero/Astro Departments to be the student experiment, solicited by NASA
for its OSIRIS-REx mission to conduct a close encounter and sample
return from 1999RQ36. MIT is a Co-Investigator institution on the
mission and leader in student experiments on space missions through
its Aero/Astro Department. Harvard juniors and seniors from
Engineering (SEAS), EPS, Astronomy and Physics are now
Come to MIT Bldg. 35, Room 225
(Bldg. on corner of Mass. Ave. & Vassar
St., Cambridge, 1pm Tues. Feb. 7, 2012
For more info,
see http://hea-www.harvard.edu/REXIS
or contact Prof. Grindlay (CfA, 617-495-7204, josh@cfa.harvard.edu),
Dr. B. Allen (ballen@cfa.harvard.edu) or Dr. J. Hong

REXIS: MIT-Harvard student instrument
REXIS mounted on OSIRIS-REx
OSIRIS-REx mission sampling the asteroid 1999RQ36 (in 2020)