Brad Wargelin publications
Bradford J. Wargelin - Publications
Obligatory copyright notice: Articles may be downloaded for personal use only.
Any other use requires permission of the author and the
publisher (listed with abstract under
DOI link).
Refereed Journals
"X-Ray, UV, and Optical Observations of Proxima Centauri's Stellar Cycle,"
B.J. Wargelin, S.H. Saar, Z.A. Irving, J.D. Slavin,
P. Ratzlaff, and J.-D. do Nascimento, Jr.,
Astrophys. J.
977, 144 (2024)
"Innovative Measurements of Stellar Mass Loss,"
B.J. Wargelin,
Nature Astro. (News & Views)
"A Hale-like Cycle in the Solar Twin 18 Scorpii,"
J.-D. do Nascimento, Jr., et al.,
Astrophys. J.
958, 57 (2023)
"Stellar Cycles in Fully Convective Stars and a New Interpretation of Dynamo Evolution,"
Z.A. Irving, S.H. Saar, B.J. Wargelin, and J.-D. do Nascimento, Jr.,
Astrophys. J.
949, 51 (2023)
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[Figure set 4 (15)]
[Figure set 12 (10)]
"Pointing Chandra Toward the Extreme Ultraviolet Fluxes
of Very Low-Mass Stars,"
J.J. Drake, V.L. Kashyap, B.J. Wargelin, and S.J. Wolk,
Astrophys. J.
893, 137 (2020)
"Optical, UV, and X-Ray Evidence for a 7-Year
Stellar Cycle in Proxima Centauri,"
B.J. Wargelin,
S.H. Saar, G. Pojmański, J.J. Drake, and V.L. Kashyap,
464, 3281 (2017)
[press release]
"Observation and Modeling of Geocoronal Charge Exchange
X-Ray Emission During Solar Wind Gusts,"
B.J. Wargelin,
M. Kornbleuth, P.L. Martin, and M. Juda,
Astrophys. J.
796, 28 (2014)
"A 33 Year Constancy of the X-Ray Coronae of AR Lac and
Eclipse Diagnosis of Scale Height,"
J.J. Drake, P. Ratzlaff, V. Kashyap, D.P. Huenemoerder, B.J. Wargelin,
and D.O. Pease,
Astrophys. J.
783, 2 (2014)
"Solar Wind Charge Exchange Emission in the Chandra Deep Field North,"
J.D. Slavin, B.J. Wargelin, and D. Koutroumpa,
Astrophys. J.
779, 13 (2013)
"X-Ray Flaring on the dMe Star, Ross 154,"
B.J. Wargelin, V.L. Kashyap, J.J. Drake,
D. García-Alvarez, and P.W. Ratzlaff,
Astrophys. J.
676, 610 (2008)
"EBIT Charge-Exchange Measurements and Astrophysical Applications,"
B.J. Wargelin, P. Beiersdorfer, and G.V. Brown,
Can. J. Phys.
86, 151 (2008)
"X-Rays from Solar System Bodies,"
A. Bhardwaj, et al.,
Planetary and Space Science
55, 1135 (2007)
[7.9 MB pdf]
"Bayesian Estimation of Hardness Ratios: Modeling and Computations,"
T. Park, V.L. Kashyap, A. Siemiginowska, D.A. van Dyk, A. Zezas,
C. Heinke, and B.J. Wargelin,
Astrophys. J.
652, 610 (2006)
"Fully Relativistic R-matrix Calculation of Electron Impact Excitation
of NeIX,"
G.X. Chen, R.K. Smith, K. Kirby, N.S. Brickhouse, and B.J. Wargelin,
Phys. Rev. A
75, 042709 (2006)
"Charge Exchange Spectra of Hydrogenic and He-like Iron,"
B.J. Wargelin, P. Beiersdorfer, P.A. Neill,
R.E. Olson, and J.H. Scofield,
Astrophys. J.
634, 687 (2005)
"An Assessment of the FeXVIII and FeXIX
Line Ratios from the Chandra Grating Observations of Capella,"
P. Desai, et al.,
Astrophys. J. Lett.
625, 59 (2005)
"Chandra Observations of MBM12 and Models of the Local Bubble,"
R.K. Smith, R.J. Edgar, P.P. Plucinsky, B.J. Wargelin, P.E. Freeman,
and B.A. Biller,
Astrophys. J.
623, 225 (2005)
"High-Resolution Crystal Spectrometer for the 10-60 Å Extreme
Ultraviolet Region,"
P. Beiersdorfer, G.V. Brown, R. Goddard, and B.J. Wargelin,
Rev. Sci. Instrum.
75, 3720 (2004)
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"Chandra Observations of the Dark Moon and Geocoronal Solar-Wind Charge
B.J. Wargelin, M. Markevitch, M. Juda,
V. Kharchenko, R. Edgar,
and A. Dalgarno,
Astrophys. J.
607, 596 (2004)
[astro-ph (all figs in color)]
[press release]
"Chandra Spectra of the Soft X-Ray Diffuse Background,"
M. Markevitch, et al.,
Astrophys. J.
583, 70 (2003)
"Stringent X-Ray Constraints on Mass Loss from Proxima Centauri,"
B.J. Wargelin and J.J. Drake,
Astrophys. J.
578, 503 (2002)
[(color ps/gzip) Fig.7]
"Is RX J1856.5-3754 a Quark Star?,"
J.J. Drake, H.L. Marshall, S. Dreizler, P. Freeman, A. Fruscione,
M. Juda, V. Kashyap, F. Nicastro, D.O. Pease, B.J. Wargelin, and K. Werner,
Astrophys. J.
572, 996 (2002)
[press release]
"Structure of the X-Ray Emission from the Jet of 3C 273,"
H.L. Marshall, J.J. Drake, A. Fruscione, J. Grimes, D. Harris,
M. Juda, R. Kraft, S. Mathur, P.M. Ogle, D.A. Schwartz,
A. Siemiginowska, S. Vrtilek, and B.J. Wargelin,
Astrophys. J. Lett.
549, 167 (2001)
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[press release]
"Enhanced Noble Gases in Coronae of Active Stars,"
J.J. Drake, N.S. Brickhouse, V. Kashyap, J.M. Laming,
D.P. Huenemoerder, R. Smith, and B.J. Wargelin,
Astrophys. J. Lett.
548, 81 (2001)
"Dielectronic Satellite Contributions to
Ne VIII and Ne IX K-Shell Spectra,"
B.J. Wargelin, S.M. Kahn, and P. Beiersdorfer,
Phys. Rev. A
63, 022710 (2001)
"Observability of Stellar Winds from Late-Type Dwarfs
via Charge Exchange X-Ray Emission,"
B.J. Wargelin and J.J. Drake,
Astrophys. J. Lett.
546, 57 (2001)
"First Light Measurements of Capella with the Low-Energy
Transmission Grating Spectrometer aboard the
Chandra X-Ray Observatory,"
A.C. Brinkman, et al.,
Astrophys. J. Lett.
530, 111 (2000)
"Observation and Modeling of High-n Iron L-Shell Lines
from Intermediate Ion Stages,"
B.J. Wargelin, P. Beiersdorfer, D.A. Liedahl,
S.M. Kahn, and S. von Goeler,
Astrophys. J.
496, 1031 (1998)
"Low Energy X-Ray Spectrometer for an Electron Beam Ion Trap,"
P. Beiersdorfer and B.J. Wargelin,
Rev. Sci. Instrum.
65, 13 (1994)
"Radiative Lifetime of the Long-Lived 1s2s
3S1 State in
Heliumlike Neon by Electron Beam Excitation of Trapped Ions,"
B.J. Wargelin, P. Beiersdorfer, and S.M. Kahn,
Phys. Rev. Lett.
71, 2196 (1993)
"Observation of Magnetic Octupole Decay in Atomic Spectra,"
P. Beiersdorfer, A.L. Osterheld, J. Scofield, B. Wargelin, and R.E. Marrs,
Phys. Rev. Lett.
67, 2272 (1991)
"The Einstein Objective Grating Spectrometer
Survey of Galactic Binary X-Ray Sources,"
S.D. Vrtilek, J.E. McClintock, F.D. Seward, S.M. Kahn, and B.J. Wargelin,
Astrophys. J. Suppl.
76, 1127 (1991)
"Background Events in Microchannel Plates,"
O.H.W. Siegmund, J. Vallerga, and B. Wargelin,
in IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.
NS-35, 524 (1988)
Selected Conference Proceedings, Non-Refereed Journals,
and White Papers
"NExtUP: the Normal-incidence Extreme Ultraviolet Photometer,"
J.J. Drake, P. Cheimets, C. Garraffo, B. Wargelin, et al.,
in UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XXII,
ed. O.H. Siegmund,
Proc. SPIE
11821, 11821108E (2021)
"SEEJ: SmallSat Exosphere Explorer of Hot Jupiters,"
S.J. Wolk, et al.,
in UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XXI,
ed. O.H. Siegmund,
Proc. SPIE
11118, 111180E (2019)
"Separating Local and Cosmic Soft X-Ray Emission in the
Chandra Deep Field-South,"
B.J. Wargelin, M. Juda, and J.D. Slavin,
in The Local Bubble and Beyond II,
ed. R.K. Smith, S.L. Snowden, and K.D. Kuntz,
AIP Conf Proc.
1156, 85 (2009)
"X-Ray Studies of Stars and Planets with
Ultrahigh Sensitivity and Resolution,"
S. Wolk, et al.,
Astro2010 Decadal Survey White Paper
for the Generation-X mission (Feb. 2009)
"X-Ray Studies of Planetary Systems,"
E. Feigelson, J. Drake, R. Elsner, A. Glassgold, M. Gudel, T. Montmerle,
T. Ohashi, R. Smith, B. Wargelin, and S. Wolk,
Astro2010 Decadal Survey White Paper
for the International X-Ray Observatory (Feb. 2009)
"Chandra LETG Higher Order Diffraction Efficiencies,"
B.J. Wargelin, P.W. Ratzlaff, D.O. Pease,
V.L. Kashyap, and J.J. Drake,
in X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy XIII,
ed. K.A. Flanagan and O.H. Siegmund,
Proc. SPIE
5165, 509 (2004)
"Characterizing Nonlinearities in the Chandra LETG+HRC-S
Dispersion Relation,"
S.M. Chung, J.J. Drake, V.L. Kashyap, P.W. Ratzlaff, and B.J. Wargelin,
in UV and Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Systems,
ed. G. Hasinger and M.J.L. Turner,
Proc. SPIE
5488, 51 (2004)
"Emission Line Spectra from Low-Density Laboratory Plasmas,"
P. Beiersdorfer, G.V. Brown, J.J. Drake, M.-F. Gu,
S.M. Kahn, J.K. Lepson, D.A. Liedahl, C.W. Mauche,
D.W. Savin, S.B. Utter, and B.J. Wargelin,
Rev. Mex. Astron. Astrofisica Conf. Ser.
9, 123 (2000)
"Low-Energy Effective Area of the Chandra
Low Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer,"
D. Pease, J.J. Drake, C.O. Johnson, V. Kashyap,
R.P. Kraft, P.W. Ratzlaff, B.J. Wargelin, et al.,
in X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions,
ed. J. Trümper and B. Aschenbach,
Proc. SPIE
4012, 700 (2000)
"In-Flight Performance and Calibration of the Chandra
High-Resolution Camera Spectroscopic Readout,"
R.P. Kraft, et al.,
in X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions,
ed. J. Trümper and B. Aschenbach,
Proc. SPIE
4012, 493 (2000)
"Absolute Effective Area of the Chandra High Resolution
Mirror Assembly (HRMA),"
D.A. Schwartz, et al.,
in X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions,
ed. J. Trümper and B. Aschenbach,
Proc. SPIE
4012, 28 (2000)
"High-Accuracy Calibration of the HXDS Flow Proportional Counter
for AXAF at the PTB Laboratory at BESSY,"
J.M. Auerhammer, G. Brandt, F. Scholze, R. Thornagel, G. Ulm,
B.J. Wargelin, W.C. McDermott, T.J. Norton,
I.N. Evans, and E.M. Kellogg,
in X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions,
ed. R.B. Hoover and A.B.C. Walker, Jr.,
Proc. SPIE
3444, 19 (1998)
"High Speed Imager AXAF Calibration Microchannel Plate Detector,"
I.N. Evans, E.M. Kellogg, W.C. McDermott, M.P. Ordway,
J.M Rosenberg, and B.J. Wargelin,
in Grazing Incidence and Multilayer X-Ray Optical Systems,
ed. R. Hoover and P. Klocek,
Proc. SPIE
3113, 18 (1997)
"AXAF HXDS Germanium Solid State Detectors,"
W.C. McDermott, E.M. Kellogg, B.J. Wargelin, et al.,
in Grazing Incidence and Multilayer X-Ray Optical Systems,
ed. R. Hoover and P. Klocek,
Proc. SPIE
3113, 535 (1997)
"AXAF Calibration: The HXDS Flow Proportional Counters,"
B.J. Wargelin, E.M. Kellogg, W.C. McDermott,
I.N. Evans, and S.A. Vitek,
in Grazing Incidence and Multilayer X-Ray Optical Systems,
ed. R. Hoover and P. Klocek,
Proc. SPIE
3113, 526 (1997)
"X-Ray Source System at the MSFC X-Ray Calibration Facility,"
J.J. Kolodziejczak, R.A. Austin, R.F. Elsner, M.K. Joy,
M. Sulkanen, E.M. Kellogg, and B.J. Wargelin,
in X-Ray and Extreme Ultraviolet Optics,
ed. R.B. Hoover and A.B.C. Walker, Jr.,
Proc. SPIE
2515, 420 (1995)
"Penning Source for Calibration of X-Ray and EUV Optics and Spectrometers
at Wavelengths as Short as 56 Å,"
E.M. Kellogg, B. Wargelin, T. Norton, R. Eng, and J.J. Kolodziejczak,
in X-Ray and Extreme Ultraviolet Optics,
ed. R.B. Hoover and A.B.C. Walker, Jr.,
Proc. SPIE
2515, 418 (1995)
"Study of Heliumlike Neon Using an Electron Beam Ion Trap,"
B.J. Wargelin, P. Beiersdorfer, and S.M. Kahn,
in Proceedings of the Tenth International Colloquium on
UV and X-Ray Spectroscopy of Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas,
ed. E.H. Silver and S.M. Kahn,
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), p. 178 (1993)
"Measurement of Photoabsorption Cross Sections
for Intermediate Carbon Ions,"
B.J. Wargelin, S.M. Kahn, W.W. Craig, and R. London,
in IAU Colloquium No. 115, High Resolution
X-Ray Spectroscopy of Cosmic Plasmas,
ed. P. Gorenstein and M. Zombeck,
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), p. 197 (1990)
"General Purpose Calibration Facility for Use in X-Ray Astronomy,"
W.W. Craig, C.J. Hailey, R.M. Morales, M.C. Hettrick, S.M. Kahn, and
B.J. Wargelin,
in X-Ray Instrumentation in Astronomy II,
ed. L. Golub,
Proc. SPIE
982, 362 (1988)