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Spatial Analysis


subsection 6.1Summary of Tasks in this Section79 subsection 6.2Regions and Source Parameters79 subsection 6.3Radial Profiles and Projections87 subsection 6.4Smoothing and Contouring92 subsection 6.5Calibration95 subsection 6.6Point Response Functions103 subsection 6.7Image Manipulation103 subsection 6.8Source Subtraction106 subsection 6.9Detect109

This chapter deals with analyzing source positions and spatial structure and with image calibration. Depending on the specific scientific task, the user may wish to block or section the input data file for convenience (See also Display). See Table 6.1 for the dimensions of ROSAT and Einstein images:

Belinda Wilkes
Wed Jul 5 04:38:15 EDT 1995