Of course we can understand this world.-- |
Job title
Key responsibilities
Department or workgroup
CALDB updates
CALDB docs and procs
AXAF Synchrotron Studies (Docs and Pubs index)
AXAF Synchrotron Mirror Data (index)
E-mail (non-emergency):
dgraessle@head-cfa.harvard.eduE-mail (emergency):
calco@head-cfa.harvard.eduThe system alias "calco" above sends email to "graessle", "caldbmgr", and my cell phone
7814548965@vtext.com. Use only when you need really rapid response.Web address:
http://hea-www.harvard.edu/~graessle (this page).
http://icxc.harvard.edu/calco (CALCO home page).
http://cxc.harvard.edu/caldb (Public CALDB page).
http://hea-www.harvard.edu/~graessle/synch (Synchrotron home page)
Office phone:
(617)495-7041 (answering machine after four rings!)
Back to topThe Chandra CALDB
Development of terms and procedures for the completion and implementation of an ongoing database.
Chandra continuum source data for mirror calibration check/verification
Was it really worth it to go to the synchrotron for 10 years?
NIAC studies
Build and launch a formation-flying hard X-ray telescope, with separate mirror and replaceable detector vehicles.
Back to topTo be read only at bedtime. . .
AGE: 39 years old (for the past several years). No one really knows. . .
Born: Jefferson City, MO
BS Physics, University of Missouri - Columbia, 1981.
PhD Physics, University of Wisconsin - Madison, 1989.
1989 - present: Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, working on Chandra X-ray Observatory.
Back to topLast revised: 2003-10-01 -- D. Graessle