Tom's POVRay Water Bottle
The picture above was made with this
demo POV file and
this Water Bottle object POV file
About this Object
This is a water bottle of the kind used by cyclists, that fits into
the bike's water bottle cage. The nozzle on top has a hole in it, not
shown in this view.
The bottle is centered on the y axis, with the bottom at Y=0. The water
bottle is 2.9 units in diameter, and is 8.27 units to the tip of the
nozzle. The units correspond to inches in the real object.
Problems and Future Work
The neck/bottle joint looks off. The object can not easily have it's lid
opened (and it isn't hollow). Also, the nozzle can not be easily pushed down
to the closed position, and if it were, the red piece of plastic that should
be flush with the top of the nozzle hole isn't there. The underside is
not completed.
This web page, the associated image(s), and POV files are all copyright
2004 by Thomas A. Fine (that's me!). I hereby grant free distribution
rights, including for-profit uses, in full or in part, provided only
that copyright notices are preserved and due credit is given.
WARNING: This POV object is based on a real object. I'm not aware of
any legal issues related to the design of that real object. It is the
user's responsibility to cover your ass.