Tom's POVRay Tub Safety Handrail
The picture above was made with this
demo POV file and
this handrail object POV file
About this Object
This is a safety handrail used for climbing in and out of the bathtub.
This handrail has it's right end at the origin, protrudes out of the
Z=0 "wall" by 3.12 units in the postive Z direction, and to the left of
the origin (positive X) by 24 units to the center of the other base plate.
The base plates are 1.3 units in radius, so the total length is 26.6 units.
The bar is 1.24 units in diameter.
Problems and Future Work
Change the sphere sweeps to cylinders and toruses (for both speed and
looks). Smooth out the seams in the wall plates.
I personally would prefer extending in the -Z direction rather than plus,
and extending to the right of the origin, not the left.
This web page, the associated image(s), and POV files are all copyright
2004 by Thomas A. Fine (that's me!). I hereby grant free distribution
rights, including for-profit uses, in full or in part, provided only
that copyright notices are preserved and due credit is given.
WARNING: This POV object is based on a real object. I'm not aware of
any legal issues related to the design of that real object. It is the
user's responsibility to cover your ass.