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Up: The ROSAT Results Archive
Previous: The Concept of Threshold
GSFC and SAO are responsible for screening and flagging all data
obtained by US PIs; MPE and Potsdam share the work on the German
observations, while Leicester flags the data from UK PIs. There are
two parts to the quality checking, an automated one based on
quantitative checks of the SASS output, and a second one that requires
human evaluation. Whenever one flag depends on another one, this is
set automatically (for example if the source position is suspect, the
intensity suspect flag is set to TRUE as well). In addition, certain
new image products are created, and these are preserved and also made
available to the community.
Screening and archiving of the RRA data occurs in the following
- ROSAT pointed data are delivered via an automated pipeline
from the ROSAT Data Centers to the ROSAT screening
(in the US at the Goddard Space Flight Center & the Smithsonian
Astrophysical Observatory, in Germany at the Max-Planck Institute for
Extraterrestrial Physics & the Astronomical Institute of Potsdam, and
at Leicester University in the UK).
- After delivery, the data are ``pre-screened'' by automated scripts
which look for obvious problems (sources near edges or other detector
structures, sources in regions of high background, or sources below a
S/N threshold). Each field and source gets assigned a set of quality
flags by
these scripts:
- FIELD FLAGS which depend on characteristics of the entire
field-of-view of the observation, and
- SOURCE FLAGS which depend on the characteristics of
individual sources in the field-of-view.
For each observation, the source characteristics derived by the
processing system detection routine and the set of flags are written
to an output file.
- The pre-screened data are then visually inspected by personnel
at the screening centers as a final check on source validity. Visual
inspection consists of comparing an overlay of flagged X-ray sources
to the X-ray images.
- Operators can accept the quality flag settings provided by the
automated screening software, override these flags, or set additional
flags. Operators may also mark sources missed by the detection
- Consistency checks are done periodically in order to determine the
amount of variation amongst the many operators.
- After screening, the data plus quality flags are saved to a file.
This file is released to the public, along with additional products
(images, spectra, lightcurves, etc.).
Next: Visual Inspection
Up: The ROSAT Results Archive
Previous: The Concept of Threshold
Wed Jun 3 11:20:57 EDT 1998