Data Analysis Through Segmentation: Bayesian Blocks and Beyond J.D. Scargle (NASA Ames Research Center) This tutorial covers analysis methods for detecting and characterizing structure in time series data, based on optimal segmentation of the observational interval. Examples include cases where the fitness function to be optimized is the Bayesian posterior for the full piece-wise constant model of the data, yielding the {\it Bayesian Blocks} representation. For any fitness function a novel dynamic programming algorithm finds the global optimum partition, over all possible partitions of the interval (an exponentially large search space!) in time proportional to the square of the number of data points. This methodology has been extended to 2D data (e.g. images or photon maps), 3D data (e.g. from redshift surveys), and data of higher dimension. These problems can be solved by transformation first into finite combinatorial optimizations, and then into equivalent one dimensional problems that can be solved with the 1D algorithm discussed above. The tutorial itself, plus descriptions of MatLab implementations of the algorithms and sample applications, will be made available electronically. I gratefully acknowledge support from the NASA Applied Information System Research Program, the Intelligent Systems Program, and the NASA Ames Director's Discretionary Fund.