FILENAME:	1508_cxo2241tot_flux.fits         # src-detector-freq-date
SOURCE:		1508+572
IMAGE NAME:	tot fluxmap			# concise label for thumbnail
OBSCODE:	2241				# seq.#, obsid, or other useful number

FILETYPE:	primary array		# change to 'uv' or 'events' if warranted
ARRAY SIZE:	1024x1024			# single entry denotes a square array
PIXEL SIZE:	0.123"				# in arcsec

DETECTOR:	ACIS-S				# include telescope e.g. Chandra/ACIS-S
OBSDATE:	2001 Oct 06			# we prefer YYYYmmmdd, e.g. 2002jul22
OBSTIME:	91,838s				# append 's', 'm', or whatever units
BEAMSIZE:	Gaussian smooth FWHM=0.5"		# arcsec: restoring beam for radio; 
						# else smoothing Gaussian convolved with PRF

ORIG. PI:	Paerels
CONTRIB. by:	xjet
PUB-REF:	Yuan et al. 2003 MNRAS 346		# reference to relevent publication

COMMENTS: (describe any other helpful details about the image)