IRAF supports two kinds of parameters, auto parameters and hidden parameters, which are treated differently.
Parameters for each task are contained in `parameter files' in the uparm sub-directory in `myiraf'. A copy of each file with the latest parameter setup is saved after use. A list of parameters for a specific task can be obtained by typing:
cl > lparam taskname
For example, there are several ways of typing commands to examine the header of an IRAF image e.g. dev$pix [a test image within the IRAF system]:
cl > images # load package im > imhead # Will prompt the user for the input file im > imhead dev$pix # will display the dev$pix.imh header im > imhead dev$pix longheader=yes # A more verbose display obtained # by changing the value of the # hidden parameter longheader im > imhead dev$pix.imh long+ # Alternative way to set the parameter # longheader
Hidden parameters can be permanently changed in two ways:
im > imhead.longheader=yes # explicitly setting <task.param>=<value> im > eparam imhead # Edit the parameter file to update one or more # parameters at the same time # see next section