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Rev0, MPE-Processed Data

Prior to June 1994, MPE-processed data were supplied in the following files:

wp<seq#>_eventrates.tfit Event rates
wp<seq#>_events.tfits Photon event list
wp<seq#>_image1.ifits Broad band image
wp<seq#>_image2.ifits Hard band image
wp<seq#>_image3.ifits Soft band image
wp<seq#>_mexmap.ifits Exposure map (also seen as wp<seq#>_exposure.ifits)
wp<seq#>_imageec.ifits Energy-coded image
wp<seq#>_orbit.tfits Orbit information
wp<seq#>_quality.tfits Data Quality
wp<seq#>_difevents.tfits Rejected events
wp<seq#>_drmpspc.tfits Response matrix
wp<seq#>_moimp.ifits Instrument map
wp<seq#>_effarea_pspcb.tfits Off-axis area, pspc B
wp<seq#>_effarea_pspcc.tfits Off-axis area, pspc C
wp<seq#>_attitude.tfits Attitude file
wh<seq#>_attitude.fits Attitude
wh<seq#>_difevents.fits Differential Events (rejected events)
wh<seq#>_eventrates.fits Event rates
wh<seq#>_events.fits Photon event list
wh<seq#>_orbit.fits Orbit information
wh<seq#>_quality.fits Data Quality
wh<seq#>_simbad.fits SIMBAD source list

N.B. The file wp<seq#> file present in German format archived data should be deleted before running rarc2pros.

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