pro splac,x,y,ytol,u,v,w,noband=noband,discon=discon,verbose=verbose, _extra=e ;+ ;procedure splac ; compute Segmented Piecewise Linear Approximation to Curve. ; generates piecewise linear approximations with fewest line ; segments within given tolerances. ; ;about the name ; have you heard the one about the Stanford Linear Accelerator (SLAC) ; and what would happen after the Big One hits? Obviously, it would ; have to be renamed SPLAC, the Stanford Piecewise Linear Accelerator.. ; ;syntax ; splac,x,y,ytol,u,v,w,/noband,/discon,verbose=verbose ; ;parameters ; x [INPUT; required] points at which data are defined ; * must be in ascending order ; y [INPUT; required] values of data array, Y(X) ; * must match size of X ; ytol [INPUT; required] tolerance of approximation: allowed ; >deviation< from the true curve ; * if scalar, single absolute-value tolerance for entire curve. ; * if vector, tolerance at each X -- size must match X ; * if -ve, ABS(YTOL) is taken to be the fractional factor ; relative to the true value. ; u [OUTPUT] a partition of the interval [X(0),X(N[X]-1)] ; with U(0)=X(0) and U(N[U]-1)=X(N[X]-1) ; v [OUTPUT] ordinates, V(U) ; * the approximating segment is (u[i],v[i]) -> (u[i+1],v[i+1]) ; w [OUTPUT] ordinates if the approximation may be discontinuous ; * the approximating segment is (u[i],w[i]) -> (u[i+1],v[i+1]) ; ;keywords ; noband [INPUT] indicates whether the approximation is to be ; restricted to the 'tolerance band' about the data ; (the 'tolerance band' is a piecewise linear band ; centered at the data whose width is determined by the ; tolerances at the data points.) ; * if set, indicates no band restriction ; * if not set, or set to 0, indicates apply this restriction ; discon [INPUT] indicates whether or not the approximation must be ; continuous ; * if set, indicates continuity not required ; * if not set, or set to 0, indicates continuity is required ; verbose [INPUT] controls chatter ; _extra [JUNK] here only to prevent crashing the program ; ;examples ; x=findgen(100) & y=sqrt(x) ; splac,x,y,0.1,u,v,w,/noband,verbose=10 ; splac,x,y,0.3,u,v,w,/discon,verbose=10 ; splac,x,y,-0.1,u,v,w & plot,x,y & oplot,u,v,psym=-1,col=100 ; ;subroutines ; NONE ; ;restrictions ; Will not work with IDL versions < 5 ; ;these are all the smoothing tools in PINTofALE ; ALALOESS() makes a loess curve ; CLTSMOOTH() removes -ves from background subtracted spectra or light curves ; CONV_RMF convolves with specified RMF ; HAARTRAN() smoothes by filtering on Haar wavelet coefficients ; LINEREM() removes lines from spectrum by iterative S/N filtering ; NOISMOOTH() does boxcar accumulation a la Ebeling's asmooth ; REGROUP() accumulates from one end ; SCRMF does fast convolution using optimized RMF ; SMOOTHIE does peak-descent accumulation to build up S/N ; SPLAC computes a segmented piecewise linear approximations ; UNKINK() removes sharp kinks from a curve ; VARSMOOTH() does local smoothing at specified scales ; VOORSMOOTH() does fast local smoothing at specified scales ; ;history ; From D.G. Wilson, 1976, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software,2,388 ; ; converted to IDL by Vinay Kashyap, who is very unhappy about all ; those GOTOs, but doesn't have the patience to rewrite from scratch ; (FebMM) ; bug correction for when YTOL was -ve; made into IDL5 (VK; JunMM) ; bug correction in plotting with /DISCON (VK; AprMMVII) ;- ; usage ok='ok' np=n_params() & nx=n_elements(x) & ny=n_elements(y) & ntol=n_elements(ytol) if np lt 4 then ok='Insufficient parameters' else $ if nx eq 0 then ok='Input data points undefined' else $ if ny eq 0 then ok='Input data values undefined' else $ if ntol eq 0 then ok='Tolerance undefined' else $ if nx ne ny then ok='Input data mismatch' else $ if ntol gt 1 and ntol ne nx then ok=$ 'Tolerance is a virtue sadly lacking here' if ok ne 'ok' then begin print,'Usage: splac,x,y,ytol,u,v,w,/noband,/discon,verbose=verbose' print,' compute a Segmented Piecewise Linear Approximation to Curve' if np ne 0 then message,ok,/info return endif ; check inputs ; there must be at least 3 points in curve if nx lt 3 then begin message,'Nothing to approximate here, is there?',/info u=x & v=y & w=y & return endif ; X must be in ascending order dx=x[1:*]-x & oo=where(dx lt 0,moo) if moo gt 0 then begin message,'Input data points not in ascending order; doing nothing.',/info u=x & v=y & w=y & return endif ; YTOL must be +ve, and if not is taken to be fractional deviations toly=0.*y if ntol eq 1 then begin if ytol[0] lt 0 then toly=abs(ytol[0]*y) else toly[*]=ytol[0] endif else begin oo=where(ytol lt 0,moo) if moo gt 0 then toly[oo]=abs(ytol[oo]*y[oo]) oo=where(ytol ge 0,moo) if moo gt 0 then toly[oo]=ytol[oo] endelse ; keywords if not keyword_set(noband) then noband=0 ;noband=(0,1)::i2=(2,1) if not keyword_set(discon) then discon=0 ;discon=(0,1)::i3=(3,1) i2=2 & if keyword_set(noband) then i2=1 i3=3 & if keyword_set(discon) then i3=1 itch=i2*i3 vv=0 & if keyword_set(verbose) then vv=fix(verbose) > 1 ; outputs u=x & v=y & w=y ; INITIALIZATION FOR ENTIRE PROGRAM form="($,a)" epsln=toly[1-1l] & sgn=1.0 & keep=1L & i=1L & u[1-1l]=x[1-1l] & j=2L init=1L & indc=0L goto, L30 ;(30-> ; INITIALIZATION FOR EACH SEGMENT L20: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-20' ;(20<- j=j+1L & init=i & indc=0L if itch lt 3 then keep=i ;DISCON=1 if abs(itch-4) ne 2 then $ ;NOBAND=1 goto, L30 ;(30-> ; RESTRICTED TO TOLERANCE BAND xeye=u[j-1L-1l] & yeye=v[j-1L-1l] temp1=epsln+(sgn*toly[i-1L-1l]-epsln)*(x[i-1l]-u[j-1L-1l])/(x[i-1l]-x[i-1L-1l]) yinit=yeye-temp1-temp1 goto, L40 ;(40-> L30: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-30' ;->30)) if vv ge 1 and vv lt 5 then print,form=form,'.' ; NOT RESTRICTED TO TOLERANCE BAND xeye=x[i-1l] & yeye=y[i-1l]+epsln & yinit=y[i-1l]-epsln if itch eq 1 or i eq 1 then $ ;NOBAND=DISCON=1 goto, L40 ;(40-> temp1 = sgn*toly[i+1L-1l] smin = (y[i+1L-1l]-yeye-temp1)/(x[i+1L-1l]-xeye) temp1 = sgn*toly[i-1L-1l] smax = (yeye-y[i-1L-1l]+temp1)/(xeye-x[i-1L-1l]) if keep eq i-1L then goto, L50 ;(50-> it=i-2L & xinit=xeye & ipiv=i & igraze=i & i=i+1L goto, L150 ;(150-> L40: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-40' ;->40)) if xeye ge x[i-1l] then i=i+1L epsln = sgn*toly[i-1l] dx = x[i-1l]-xeye smax = (y[i-1l]+epsln-yeye)/dx smin = (y[i-1l]-epsln-yeye)/dx L50: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-50' ;->50) xinit=xeye & ipiv=i & igraze=i ; DETERMINATION OF INDIVIDUAL SEGMENT L60: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-60' ;((60<- if vv eq 4 then print,form=form,'.' if i eq nx then goto, L260 ;(260-> i = i+1L L70: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-70' ;((70<- ; TEST FOR NEW *MAX* SLOPE dx=x[i-1l]-xeye & epsln=sgn*toly[i-1l] temp1=(y[i-1l]+epsln-yeye)/dx test = temp1-smax if sgn le 0 then test=-test if test eq 0 then goto, L90 ;(90-> if test gt 0 then goto, L100 ;(100-> ; TEST FOR END OF CANDIDATE SEGMENT test = temp1-smin if sgn le 0 then test=-test if test lt 0 then goto, L210 ;(210-> smax = temp1 L90: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-90' ;->90) ; TEST FOR NEW *MIN* SLOPE ipiv = i L100: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-100' ;->100) temp2 = (y[i-1l]-epsln-yeye)/dx test = temp2 - smax if sgn le 0 then test=-test if test lt 0 then goto, L110 ;(110-> if test eq 0 then goto, L120 ;(120-> if test gt 0 then goto, L140 ;(140-> L110: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-110' ;->110) test=smin-temp2 if sgn le 0 then test=-test if test lt 0 then goto, L120 ;(120-> if test eq 0 then goto, L130 ;(130-> if test gt 0 then goto, L60 ;->60) L120: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-120' ;->120)) smin=temp2 L130: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-130' ;->130)) igraze=i goto, L60 ;->60) ; CHECK FOR PIVOT AT NEW EYE POINT L140: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-140' ;->140) if xeye eq x[ipiv-1l] then goto, L220 ;(220-> epsln = sgn*toly[ipiv-1l] indc=1 svx=xeye & svy=yeye & svmn=smin & svmx=smax xeye=x[ipiv-1l] & yeye=y[ipiv-1l]+epsln smin=smax & smax=(yinit-yeye)/(xinit-xeye) if keep ge ipiv then goto, L170 ;(170-> it = ipiv-1L L150: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-150' ;->150) temp2=yeye+epsln for l=keep,it do begin ;{160-> temp2=yeye+sgn*toly[l-1l] temp1=(y[l-1l]-temp2)/(x[l-1l]-xeye) test=temp1-smax if sgn le 0 then test=-test if test lt 0 then smax=temp1 endfor ;L=KEEP,IT ->160} L170: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-170' ;->170) if ipiv ge i-1L then goto, L70 ;70->) it=i-2L temp2=yeye-epsln idiot=ipiv for l=idiot,it do begin ;{200-> dx=x[l+1L-1l]-xeye temp2=yeye-sgn*toly[l+1L-1l] temp1=(y[l+1L-1l]-temp2)/dx test=temp1-smax if sgn le 0 then test=-test if test lt 0 then smax=temp1 ;(->180<-) if test le 0 then ipiv=l+1L ;(->190<-) endfor ;L=IDIOT,IT ->200} goto, L70 ;70->) ; END OF CURRENT SEGMENT L210: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-210' ;->210) temp2=smin if i eq nx then goto, L240 ;(240-> keep=igraze goto, L250 ;(250-> L220: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-220' ;->220) temp2=smax if i eq nx then goto, L230 ;(230-> sgn=-sgn & epsln=-epsln & keep=ipiv goto, L250 ;(250-> L230: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-230' ;->230) if indc eq 0 or xeye ne x[nx-2L-1l] then goto, L240;(240-> xeye=svx & yeye=svy & smin=svmn & smax=svmx L240: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-240' ;->240)) u[j-1l]=x[nx-1L-1l] & yinit=y[nx-1L-1L] goto, L270 ;(270-> L250: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-250' ;->250)) if abs(itch-4) ne 2 then $ ;NOBAND=1 goto, L300 ;(300-> ; DETERMINE KNOT ON EDGE OF TOLERANCE BAND temp1=0.0 temp1=epsln-sgn*toly[i-1L-1l] temp1=(y[i-1l]-y[i-1L-1l]+temp1)/(x[i-1l]-x[i-1L-1l]) u[j-1l] = (y[i-1l]+epsln-yeye-temp1*x[i-1l]+temp2*xeye)/(temp2-temp1) goto, L310 ;(310-> L260: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-260' ;->260) u[j-1l]=x[nx-1l] & yinit=y[nx-1l] L270: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-270' ;->270) ; CONTINUITY CHECK FOR LAST SEGMENT if itch ge 3 or init eq 0 then $ ;DISCON=0 goto, L290 ;(290-> it=init-1L & svmx=smax+sgn & temp2=yeye+epsln for l=kp,it do begin ;{280-> temp2=yeye+sgn*toly[l-1l] temp1=(y[l-1l]-temp2)/(x[l-1l]-xeye) test=temp1-svmx if sgn le 0 then test=-test if test lt 0 then svmx=temp1 endfor ;L=KP,IT ->280} if abs(svmx-smax+svmx-smin) le abs(smax-smin) then smax=svmx L290: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-290' ;->290) ; NEARNESS CHECK FOR LAST SEGMENT temp2=smax & temp1=yeye+smax*(u[j-1l]-xeye) & test=yinit-temp1 if sgn lt 0 then test=-test if test gt 0 then goto, L310 ;(310-> temp2=smin & temp1=yeye+smin*(u[j-1l]-xeye) & test=yinit-temp1 if sgn lt 0 then test=-test if test gt 0 then goto, L310 ;(310-> temp2=(yinit-yeye)/(u[j-1l]-xeye) & v[j-1l]=yinit goto, L320 ;(320-> L300: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-300' ;->300) if itch ge 3 then $ ;DISCON=0 goto, L330 ;(330-> u[j-1l]=0.5*(x[i-1l]+x[i-1L-1l]) L310: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-310' ;->310))) v[j-1l]=yeye+temp2*(u[j-1l]-xeye) L320: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-320' ;->320) if xeye ne xinit then goto, L330 ;(330-> if itch eq 2 then $ ;NOBAND=0 && DISCON=1 goto, L360 ;(360-> if itch ne 6 then $ ;NOBAND=1 || DISCON=1 goto, L330 ;(330-> if j le 2 then goto, L380 ;(380-> goto, L390 ;(390-> L330: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-330' ;->330))) ; RECOMPUTATION OF KNOT FOR CONTINUITY if j le 2 then goto, L370 ;(370-> if slope eq temp2 then goto, L360 ;(360-> yinit = v[j-2L-1l] if itch lt 3 then yinit=w[j-2L-1l] ;DISCON=1 temp1=(xeye*temp2-u[j-2L-1l]*slope+yinit-yeye)/(temp2-slope) if itch ge 3 then $ ;DISCON=0 goto, L350 ;(350-> if temp1 gt xinit then goto, L360 ;(360-> test=abs(epsln) & idiot=init-kp for l=1,idiot do begin ;{340-> it=init-l if temp1 ge x[it-1l] then goto, L350 ;(350-> dx=y[it-1l]-yeye-temp2*(x[it-1l]-xeye) test=toly[it-1l] if abs(dx) gt test then goto, L360 ;(360-> endfor ;L=1,IDIOT ->340} L350: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-350' ;->350)) u[j-1L-1l]=temp1 & v[j-1L-1l]=yeye+temp2*(u[j-1L-1l]-xeye) if itch lt 3 then w[j-1L-1l]=v[j-1L-1l] ;DISCON=1 goto, L390 ;(390-> L360: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-360' ;(->360)))) w[j-1L-1l]=yeye+temp2*(u[j-1L-1l]-xeye) goto, L390 ;(390-> L370: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-370' ;->370) if itch lt 3 then $ ;DISCON=1 goto, L360 ;<-360) L380: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-380' ;->380) v[1-1l]=yeye+temp2*(u[1-1l]-xeye) L390: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-390' ;->390))) slope=temp2 & kp=keep if i lt nx then goto, L20 ;<-20) if x[nx-1l] eq u[j-1l] then goto, L400 ;(400-> if itch lt 3 then w[j-1l]=v[j-1l] ;DISCON=1 j=j+1L & u[j-1l]=x[nx-1l] & v[j-1l]=y[nx-1l] L400: if vv ge 5 then print,form=form,'-400' ;->400) if vv ge 1 and vv lt 5 then print,form=form,'.' if j ge 2 and itch lt 3 then v[1-1l]=w[1-1l] ;DISCON=1 k=j-1L u=u[0L:k] & v=v[0L:k] & w=w[0L:k-1l] tt='Compression: '+strtrim(nx,2)+' -> '+strtrim(n_elements(u),2) if vv ge 1 then message,tt,/info if vv gt 0 then print,'' if vv ge 3 then begin if vv ge 10 then begin print,"plot,x,y,/xs,/ys,xtitle='X',ytitle='Y',title='"+tt+"',line=1,thick=3" if not keyword_set(discon) then print,'oplot,u,v,psym=-1' else $ print,'for i=0L,k do oplot,[u[i],u[i+1L]],[w[i],v[i+1L]],psym=-1' endif plot,x,y,/xs,/ys,xtitle='X',ytitle='Y',title=tt,line=1,thick=3 if not keyword_set(discon) then oplot,u,v,psym=-1 else $ for i=0L,k-1L do oplot,[u[i],u[i+1L]],[w[i],v[i+1L]],psym=-1 endif if vv ge 100 then stop,'HALTING. type .CON to continue' return end