pro ti_and,tstr1,tstp1,tstr2,tstp2,tstart,tstop, _extra=e ;+ ;procedure ti_and ; returns the intersection of two sets of time intervals as ; defined by the start and stop times ; ;syntax ; ti_and,tstr1,tstp1,tstr2,tstp2,tstart,tstop ; ;parameters ; tstr1 [INPUT; required] start times for first set ; tstp1 [INPUT; required] stop times for first set ; tstr2 [INPUT; required] start times for second set ; tstp2 [INPUT; required] stop times for second set ; tstart [OUTPUT] start times of resultanat intervals ; tstop [OUTPUT] stop times of resultanat intervals ; ;keywords ; _extra [JUNK] here only to prevent crashing the program ; ;restrictions ; inputs are assumed to be sorted in ascending order ; ;related ; TI_CLEAN - cleans up intervals ; TI_OR - merges intervals ; TI_WRITE - writes intervals to file ; TI_COVER() - computes coverage in given bin ; TI_FILTER() - filter an array by GTI ; ;history ; vinay kashyap (May98) ; added keyword _EXTRA (VK; Nov98) ;- ; usage n1=n_elements(tstr1) & m1=n_elements(tstp1) n2=n_elements(tstr2) & m2=n_elements(tstp2) if n1 eq 0 or n2 eq 0 or m1 eq 0 or m2 eq 0 then begin print,'Usage: ti_and,tstr1,tstp1,tstr2,tstp2,tstart,tstop' print,' returns the intersection of two sets of time intervals' return endif ; stupid user tricks if n1 ne m1 then begin message,'TSTR1 and TSTP1 do not match',/info & return endif if n2 ne m2 then begin message,'TSTR2 and TSTP2 do not match',/info & return endif ; if tstr1(0) gt tstp1(0) then begin message,'min(TSTR1) > min(TSTP1)',/info & return endif if tstr2(0) gt tstp2(0) then begin message,'min(TSTR2) > min(TSTP2)',/info & return endif if tstr1(n1-1) gt tstp1(m1-1) then begin message,'max(TSTR1) > max(TSTP1)',/info & return endif if tstr2(n2-1) gt tstp2(m2-1) then begin message,'max(TSTR2) > max(TSTP2)',/info & return endif tzero=tstr1(0) < (tstr2(0)) ;get offset ; determine all the intervals t11=tstr1-tzero & t12=tstp1-tzero & t21=tstr2-tzero & t22=tstp2-tzero tt=[t11(*),t12(*),t21(*),t22(*)] tt=tt(sort(tt)) & tt=tt(uniq(tt)) & ntt=n_elements(tt) i1=intarr(ntt-1) & i2=intarr(ntt-1) ; step through and determine whether to keep the interval or not for i=0L,n1-1L do begin oo=where(tt ge t11(i) and tt lt t12(i),moo) if moo eq 0 and t12(i) ne t11(i) then message,'bug!' if moo gt 0 then i1(oo)=1 endfor for i=0L,n2-1L do begin oo=where(tt ge t21(i) and tt lt t22(i),moo) if moo eq 0 and t22(i) ne t21(i) then message,'bug!' if moo gt 0 then i2(oo)=1 endfor ; find the intersection ii=intarr(ntt-1) & ii=i1*i2 oo=where(ii gt 0,moo) if moo eq 0 then begin message,'no common intervals found',/info & return endif ; tstart=tt(oo) & tstop=tt(oo+1) ; ti_clean,tstart,tstop ; restore offset tstart=tstart+tzero tstop=tstop+tzero return end