function mk_3model,x,p,w,h,pder,group=group,delp=delp,type=type,asis=asis,$ allcomp=allcomp, _extra=e ;+ ;function mk_3model ; generate and return a compound model using the supplied ; parameters of components made up of 3-parameter functions ; ;syntax ; model=mk_3model(x,p,w,h,pder,group=group,delp=delp,type=type,/asis,$ ; /allcomp,/fwhm,/normflx,missing=missing,betap=betap,vrot=vrot) ; ;parameters ; x [INPUT; required] points where model is computed ; p [INPUT; required] positions of components ; w [INPUT; required] widths of components ; h [INPUT; required] heights of components ; pder [OUTPUT] contains 2D array (NX,3*NPAR) of partial derivatives ; of each component wrt parameters ; ;keywords ; group [INPUT] grouping index of gaussians ; delp [INPUT] offsets from first position value in group ; NOTE: GROUP and DELP are ignored if ASIS is set ; NOTE: if GROUP and DELP are not given, ASIS is set ; type [INPUT; default='G*aussian'] what type of curve to generate ; for the model. other possibilities are ; L*orentzian ; B*eta-profile (set "Beta=") ; SL*ant (set "slant=,") ; R*otation-convolved Gaussian (set "rot=") ; P*ower-law (set "pw=" or "pe=") ; I*dentity ; U*ser_defined (not yet implemented), etc. ; SI*nusoid (set "sin=") ; * if not defined, uses "Gauss" ; * if insufficiently defined, uses last defined as default ; for the rest ; asis [INPUT] the default action is to verify that the p are ; consistent with GROUP and DELP and to correct as necessary. ; if ASIS is set, this is not done. ; allcomp [INPUT] if set, returns the sum of components and also each ; component in a separate column of a 2D array of size ; (N_ELEMENTS(P)+1,N_ELEMENTS(X)) ; _extra [INPUT] pass defined variables to subroutine:- ; MK_GAUSS: MISSING, FWHM, NORMFLX ; MK_LORENTZ: BETAP, MISSING, NORMFLX ; MK_SLANT: ANGLE, BETAP, MISSING, NORMFLX ; MK_ROGAUSS: VROT, MISSING, FWHM, NORMFLX ; MK_IDENT: GIGO ; MK_SINUSOID: PHASE, MISSING ; ;usage summary ; * call as a function ; * returns composite model by adding up components ; * input component parameters as sequence of arrays of ; positions, widths, and heights ; * input grouping info by 2 additional arrays ; * specify type of model with keyword TYPE ; * partial derivatives are computed only if ALL 5 parameters are ; supplied in call ; * example TYPEs: ; 'Gauss', 'gaussian', 'gau', 'g' ; 'Lorentz', 'lorentz', 'lorentzian', 'lor', 'l' ; 'beta=1.8', 'BETA=2.4', 'B=2', 'b 1.8', 'b:1.8', 'b 1.8' ; 'slant=45,1.8','SLANT=89,2.4', 's=10','s=,2', 's:3,2' ; 'rotational velocity=1e-4', 'rot=30', 'r:30e5', 'R 1e-4' ; 'pe=1', 'pw=12.3985', 'pw@12.4' ; 'sin', 'sin=90' ; ;subroutines ; MK_GAUSS ; MK_LORENTZ ; MK_SLANT ; MK_ROGAUSS ; MK_POWLAM ; MK_SINUSOID ; KILROY ; ;history ; vinay kashyap (Oct96) ; added parameter to return partial derivatives (VK; Nov96) ; added _EXTRA, added call to MK_LORENTZ (VK; Oct98) ; allowed setting BETAP for MK_LORENTZ via TYPE definition (VK; Dec98) ; added MK_SLANT calls (VK; MarMM) ; added MK_ROGAUSS, MK_POWLAM calls (VK; JunMM) ; changed name from MK_MODEL to MK_3MODEL (VK; Aug01) ; converted array notation to IDL 5; added MK_IDENT (VK; Apr02) ; changed keyword NORM to NORMFLX (VK; Oct02) ; added call to MK_SINUSOID (VK; Sep04) ;- np=n_params(0) if np lt 4 then begin print, 'Usage: model=mk_3model(x,p,w,h,pder,group=group,delp=delp,type=type,$' print, ' /asis,/allcomp,/fwhm,/normflx,missing=missing,betap=betap,$' print, ' vrot=vrot,phase=phase)' print, ' generate compound model of multiple 3-parameter curves' if np eq 0 then return,-1L else return,0*x endif ;how many models, how many bins? z=p & nmod=n_elements(p) & nbin=n_elements(x) ;figure out which curve mtyp=strarr(nmod)+'g' ;default is Gaussian mtyp2=strarr(nmod) modtyp=strarr(nmod)+'gauss' ntype=n_elements(type) if ntype eq 0 then type='gauss' for i=0,nmod-1 do mtyp[i]=$ strmid(strtrim(strlowcase(type[[i]]),2),0,1) for i=0,nmod-1 do mtyp2[i]=$ strmid(strtrim(strlowcase(type[[i]]),2),1,1) for i=0,nmod-1 do modtyp[i]=type[[i]] ;bother with groups and all? ngp=n_elements(group) if ngp gt 0 then grp=group else grp=indgen(nmod)+1 ndp=n_elements(delp) if ndp ne ngp then delp=grp*0. ig=grp[uniq(grp,sort(grp))] & ng=n_elements(ig) if keyword_set(allcomp) then m=fltarr(ng+1,nbin) else m=fltarr(nbin) ;do consistency check if not keyword_set(asis) then begin for i=0,ng-1 do begin oo=where(ig[i] eq grp,moo) if moo gt 1 then begin pp=z[oo] & dp=delp[oo] & zz=pp[0]+dp gotcha=total(abs(zz-pp)) c1='Input positions inconsistent with grouping...correcting' ;if gotcha gt 0 and keyword_set(type) then message,c1,/info if gotcha gt 0 then kilroy,dot='*' ;make a mark z[oo]=zz[*] endif endfor endif if np ge 5 then pder=fltarr(nbin,3*nmod) for i=0,nmod-1 do begin pos=z[i] & wdt=w[i] & hgt=h[i] & jg=grp[i] typ=mtyp[i] case typ of 'g': begin ;{Gaussian if np lt 5 then mm=mk_gauss(x,pos,wdt,hgt, _extra=e) else $ mm=mk_gauss(x,pos,wdt,hgt,pd, _extra=e) end ;Gaussian} 'l': begin ;{modified Lorentzian if np lt 5 then mm=mk_lorentz(x,pos,wdt,hgt, _extra=e) else $ mm=mk_lorentz(x,pos,wdt,hgt,pd, _extra=e) end ;Lorentzian} 'b': begin ;{modified beta-profile tip=modtyp[i] c=str_sep(tip,'=') & nc=n_elements(c) if nc eq 1 then c=str_sep(tip,' ') & nc=n_elements(c) if nc eq 1 then c=str_sep(tip,' ') & nc=n_elements(c) if nc eq 1 then c=str_sep(tip,':') & nc=n_elements(c) if nc le 1 then betap=1. else betap=float(c[1]) if np lt 5 then mm=mk_lorentz(x,pos,wdt,hgt,betap=betap,_extra=e) else $ mm=mk_lorentz(x,pos,wdt,hgt,pd,betap=betap,_extra=e) end ;Beta-profile} 's': begin ;{asymmetrical beta-profile/sinusoid tip=modtyp[i] if mtyp2[i] eq 'l' then begin ;(SLANT angle=0. & betap=1. ;the defaults c=str_sep(tip,'=') & nc=n_elements(c) if nc eq 1 then c=str_sep(tip,' ') & nc=n_elements(c) if nc eq 1 then c=str_sep(tip,' ') & nc=n_elements(c) if nc eq 1 then c=str_sep(tip,':') & nc=n_elements(c) if nc gt 1 then begin cc=str_sep(c[1],',') & ncc=n_elements(cc) if ncc eq 1 then cc=str_sep(c[1],' ') & ncc=n_elements(cc) if ncc eq 1 then cc=str_sep(c[1],' ') & ncc=n_elements(cc) if strtrim(cc[0],2) ne '' then angle=float(cc[0]) if ncc gt 1 then if strtrim(cc[1],2) ne '' then betap=float(cc[1]) endif if np lt 5 then $ mm=mk_slant(x,pos,wdt,hgt,angle=angle,betap=betap,_extra=e) else $ mm=mk_slant(x,pos,wdt,hgt,pd,angle=angle,betap=betap,_extra=e) endif ;SLANT) if mtyp2[i] eq 'i' then begin ;(SINUSOID c=str_sep(tip,'=') & nc=n_elements(c) if nc eq 1 then c=str_sep(tip,' ') & nc=n_elements(c) if nc eq 1 then c=str_sep(tip,' ') & nc=n_elements(c) if nc eq 1 then c=str_sep(tip,':') & nc=n_elements(c) if nc le 1 then phase=0. else phase=float(c[1]) if np lt 5 then mm=mk_sinusoid(x,pos,wdt,hgt,phase=phase,_extra=e) $ else mm=mk_sinusoid(x,pos,wdt,hgt,pd,phase=phase,_extra=e) endif ;SINUSOID) end ;SLant/SInusoid} 'r': begin ;{Rotationally convolved Gaussian tip=modtyp[i] c=str_sep(tip,'=') & nc=n_elements(c) if nc eq 1 then c=str_sep(tip,' ') & nc=n_elements(c) if nc eq 1 then c=str_sep(tip,' ') & nc=n_elements(c) if nc eq 1 then c=str_sep(tip,':') & nc=n_elements(c) if nc le 1 then vrot=0. else vrot=float(c[1]) if np lt 5 then mm=mk_rogauss(x,pos,wdt,hgt,vrot=vrot,_extra=e) else $ mm=mk_rogauss(x,pos,wdt,hgt,pd,vrot=vrot,_extra=e) end ;ROGAUSS} 'p': begin ;{broken power-law pa1=pos & pa2=wdt & pn=hgt tip=modtyp[i] c=str_sep(tip,'=') & nc=n_elements(c) if nc eq 1 then c=str_sep(tip,' ') & nc=n_elements(c) if nc eq 1 then c=str_sep(tip,' ') & nc=n_elements(c) if nc eq 1 then c=str_sep(tip,':') & nc=n_elements(c) if nc eq 1 then c=str_sep(tip,'@') & nc=n_elements(c) if nc le 1 then pbreak=1. else pbreak=float(c[1]) tip2=strmid(strtrim(c[0],2),0,2) ;if tip2 ne 'pw' and tip2 ne 'pe' then begin if tip2 ne 'pw' then begin message,'Power-law form not understood. using PL[w]',/info tip2='pw' endif if tip2 eq 'pw' then begin ;(PL=PL(wavelength) if np lt 5 then mm=mk_powlam(x,pa1,pa2,pn,pbreak=pbreak,_extra=e) $ else mm=mk_powlam(x,pa1,pa2,pn,pd,break=pbreak,_extra=e) endif else begin ;)(PL=PL(energy) message,'PL(E) not implemented' ;if np lt 5 then mm=mk_pownrg(x,pa1,pa2,pn,pbreak=pbreak,_extra=e) $ ; else mm=mk_pownrg(x,pa1,pa2,pn,pd,break=pbreak,_extra=e) endelse ;PL) end ;broken power-law} 'i': begin ;{identity GIGO if np lt 5 then mm=mk_ident(x,hgt,pos,wdt,_extra=e) else $ mm=mk_ident(x,hgt,pos,wdt,pd,_extra=e) end ;identity GIGO} else : begin message,'sorry, '+strtrim(type,2)+' is not implemented yet',/info stop return,0*x end endcase if keyword_set(allcomp) then begin m[0,*]=m[0,*]+mm[*] m[jg,*]=m[jg,*]+mm[*] endif else m=m+mm if np ge 5 then begin pder[*,3*i]=pd[*,0] & pder[*,3*i+1]=pd[*,1] & pder[*,3*i+2]=pd[*,2] endif endfor return,m end