pro mcmc_plot,logt,simdem,demerr,simprb,schme,storidx,slect=slect,col_rng=col_rng,$ ps_fil=ps_fil,col_tabl=col_tabl,col_shft=col_shft,clev=clev,demslope=demslope,slopsig=slopsig,$ slopedt=slopedt,goodt=goodt,sampct=sampct,tbuff=tbuff,monochrom=monochrom, $ spshft=spshft,shftsig=shftsig,slopenv=slopenv,slpsprd=slpsprd,$ slope1=slope1,shift1=shift1,_extra = e ;+ ;procedure mcmc_plot ; ; This procedure plots Monte Carlo Markov-Chain DEM ; reconstruction results. One sigma uncertanties are ; shown as a grey scale (or otherwise specified) with a gradient ; determined by how the N simulated DEMs (which ordain the one sigma ; confidence intervals) are distributed about the best-fit DEM. ; Alternatively, the gradient may be determined by the p(D|M) of ; each DEM. ; ; NOTE: ALL REQUIRED INPUTS ARE STANDARD MCMC_DEM() OUTPUTS ; ;parameters ; logt [INPUT; required] array which determines the mid-bin values ; of the temperature grid on which DEM is defined ; simdem [INPUT; required] two dimensional array [NT, NSIM+1] ; simulated arrays, the last of which is the best fit. ; demerr [INPUT; required] confidence bounds on MAP estimates of DEM ; * DEMERR(*,0) are lower bounds, DEMERR(*,1) are upper bounds ; simprb [INPUT; required] the p(D|M) of each DEM ; schme [INPUT; optional] string designating plotting strategy. Can be: ; ; 'ERRBAR' - Just plot error bars using DEMERR (default) ; 'DIFFERENCE' - Colors are determined by ; difference of each DEM simulation ; bin value from the best fit DEM ; values. Colors are polyfilled ; between simulated values within ; each logT bin. ; 'INDEX' - Colors are determined by the order in which ; they appear (starting from the best ; DEM outwards). Colors are polyfilled ; between simulated values within each ; logT bin. ; 'SPLINE INDEX'- Colors are determined by the order in which ; they appear (starting from the best ; DEM outwards). Colors are polyfilled ; between simulated values within each ; logT bin. Spline interpolated ; curves are plotted in lieu of ; histogram style bins ; 'PROB' - Colors are determined by the p(D|M) ; of each DEM. Values are oploted ; with thick bars between simulated ; values within each logT bin. ; 'SPLINE' - Simulated DEMS are spline ; interpolated and colors determined ; by the p(D|M) associated with ; each. Each spline is oploted onto ; a best-fit dem plot. ; 'NICE' - For each temperature bin, a median simulation ; value is calculated. The median values will be ; plotted (dotted line) together with the DEM ; simulation (solid line) that best fits them. ; Uncertainty will be displayed by plotting the MIN and ; MAX simulation values for each ; bin. (dashed lines) Use the SLECT and CLEV ; keywords to limit which simulations to include. ; 'NICE DIFFERENCE' - A combination of DIFFERENCE and NICE ; Colors are determined by ; difference of each DEM simulation ; bin value from the best fit DEM ; simulation to the median value as ; described in the 'NICE' ; definition. Colors are polyfilled ; between simulated values within ; each logT bin. ; 'NICE INDEX' - A combination of DIFFERENCE and NICE ; Colors are determined by the order in ; which they appear (starting from the ; best fit simulation to the median value ; as described in the 'NICE' definition. ; Colors are plyfilled between simulated ; values within each logT value. ; 'SUPPORT' - Just plot upper and lower bounds of the ; support in each bin given the set of ; selected DEMs (see SLECT keyword) ; ; storidx [INPUT ; optional] from MCMC_DEM(), contains the indices of ; of all the sampled parameters stored in ; STORPAR. If a temperature bin has not been ; adequately sampled ( default threshold is ; nsim*0.10 ), then the bin is not ; plotted. Only bins at the ends of the Log ; T range are thrown out. (see SAMPCT keyword) ; ;keywords ; slect [INPUT] choose which DEMS to include default=[2] ; ; 1:ALL -Include all simulations ; 2:CHI^2 -Limit simulations to best 50% p(D|M) DEMS ; (default = 50, use CLEV keyword to toggle) ; 3:Errors -Limit simulations to values in each bin that ; lie within the specified confidence bounds (demerr) ; clev [INPUT] To be used in conjunction with slect=2, ; determines what percentage by which to limit ; sims in p(D|M) ; col_rng [INPUT] index range in the color table to cover. ; gradient will taper ; off from 0 (darkest) to ; col_rng (brightest). (maximum is 255) ; col_tabl [INPUT] color table on which to base the gradient ; col_shft [INPUT] number of color indices by which to shift ; brighter(or darker if black background), col_rng will ; be adjusted accordingly ; ps_fil [I/O] name of ps file to output. If not specified ; plot will be sent to current device ; demslope [I/O] if set, linear fits are made to the simulated DEMs ; in a temperature range specefied by keyword SLOPEDT ; and DEMSLOPE will return the mean slope. The ; distribution of slopes will be plotted ; slopesig [OUTPUT] if set, returns standard deviation slopes of ; linear fits ; slopedt [INPUT] temperature range specified in Log(T[K]) within which ; to make linear fits to DEM ; * if 2-element array, then SLOPEDT = ; [min(SLOPEDT),max(SLOPEDT)] ; * if 1-element array, then SLOPEDT = ; [SLOPEDT, logt(max(bestdem)))] or ; [SLOPEDT, logt(min(bestdem))] ; if logt(max(bestdem)) eq SLOPEDT ; * if not set, then SLOPEDT = [min(logt), ; logt(max(bestdem))] or [SLOPEDT, ; logt(min(bestdem))] if logt(max(bestdem)) eq SLOPEDT ; sampct [INPUT] when STORIDX is input, set this to threshold for T ; bin to be included. Expressed as percent of nsim. (default = 10) ; goodt [OUPUT] if STORIDX is input, GOODT will containt the log T ; range used to plot ; tbuff [INPUT] if STORIDX is set, TBUFF can be set to the number of ; bins to add on either side of the temperature range ; determined with STORIDX ; monochrom[INPUT] set this to a value between 0 and 255 to make ; all the plots in this color. ;restrictions ; The SPLINE and SPLINE INDEX plotting schemes may not be used with slect = 3 ; NOT tested yet with positional parameters e.g. !P.POSITION ; ;subroutines ; mid2bound ; peasecolr ; stample ;history ; ; (LL 6/03) ; ADDED 'Nice' and 'Nice Difference' option for schme parameter (LL 2/04) ; ADDED call to STAMPLE (LL 2/04) ; ADDED call to PEASECOLR to restore settings after loadct (LL 2/04) ; ADDED recognition of weather plot background is black or white ; and and adjustment to col_shft accordingly (LL 2/04) ; FIXED SPLINE INDEX schme so that it actually polyfills and doesn't just ; oplot i.e. no more 'speckled' look. Also added a NOERASE ; plot statement to prevent polyfills from hiding tickmarks (LL 2/04) ; FIXED color schemes so that the background color recognition ; scheme would work with both psuedo color and true color (LL 2/04) ; REMOVED PEASECOLR because IDL dynamically updates the x windows ; display whith the current color table (LL 2/04) ; BUGFIX variables CUPBND and CLOBND should be of size nT not nkpt (LL 3/04) ; if this affected you the routine would have crashed. ; ADDED 'NICE INDEX' scheme. (LL 10/04) ; CHANGED 'PROB' color schme so best-fit is plotted brightest for ; 'x' and darkest for 'ps', order in which bars plotted matters! (LL 9/05) ; BUGFIX now compatible with multiple plots per page via !p.multi (LL 10/05) ; ADDED 'SUPPORT' scheme and keywords MONOCHROM and OUTMED (LL 11/05) ; CHANGED col_tabl behavior, only loads col_tabl when set, so default is ; now whatever is currently loaded and not B/W Linear (LL 11/05) ; ADDED keywords DEMSLOPE, SLOPSIG, SLOPEDT and parameter STORIDX (LL 1/06) ; CHANGED behavior of output to be not in color if COL_TABL is 0 (VK 8/07) ;- ok='ok' & np = n_params() & sze= size(simdem) & nT = n_elements(logt) nERR = size(demerr) if keyword_set(col_tabl) then loadct, col_tabl else col_tabl=0 if keyword_set(ps_fil) then begin my_device='x' ;assuming prior output is 'X' set_plot, 'PS' if keyword_set(col_tabl) then device, filename =ps_fil, /color else $ device, filename=ps_fil, color=0 endif if keyword_set(col_rng) then col_rng = col_rng<255L else col_rng = 255L if keyword_set(col_shft) then col_shft =fix(col_shft) else col_shft = 0 if !p.background eq 0 then alt_cols=reverse(indgen(256L)) if keyword_set(slect) then slect = slect else slect = 2 if n_elements(schme) eq 0 then schme = 'ERRBAR' if np lt 3 then ok = 'insufficient parameters' else $ if (schme eq 'SPLINE') and (slect eq 3) then ok = 'SPLINE may not be used with slect = 3' else $ if (schme eq 'NICE INDEX') and (slect ne 1) then ok='NICE INDEX may only be used with slect = 1' else $ if (schme eq 'SPLINE INDEX') and (slect eq 3) then ok = 'SPLINE INDEX may not be used with slect = 3' else $ if (slect gt 3) or (slect le 0) then ok = 'slect keyword selection not valid' else $ if (col_tabl lt 0 ) then ok = 'col_tabl keyword selection not valid' if ok ne 'ok' then begin print, 'Usage: mcmc_plot,logt,simdem,demerr,simprb,schme,storidx,slect=slect,$' print, 'col_rng=col_rng,ps_fil=ps_fil,col_tabl=col_tabl,col_shft=col_shft,tbuff=tbuff,$' print, 'demslope=demslope,slopsig=slopsig,slopedt=slopedt,goodt=goodt,sampct=sampct,monochrom=monochrom' if np ne 0 then message, ok, /info return endif nsim = n_elements(simdem(0,*))-1 demerrl = demerr[*,0] demerru = demerr[*,1] ; check stroidx and establish useful temperature range if n_elements(storidx) gt 0 then begin strhstx = nT & strhst = hastogram(storidx, strhstx) if n_elements(sampct) eq 0 then cutfrac = 0.10 else cutfrac = sampct(0)/100d if n_elements(tbuff) eq 0 then tbuff = 0 oo = where(strhst gt nsim*cutfrac and strhstx gt 0) ologt =logt & osimdem = simdem logt = logt[(min(oo)-tbuff)>0:(max(oo)+tbuff)<(nT-1)] & goodt = logt simdem = simdem[(min(oo)-tbuff)>0:(max(oo)+tbuff)<(nT-1),*] demerrl = demerrl[(min(oo)-tbuff)>0:(max(oo)+tbuff)<(nT-1)] demerru = demerru[(min(oo)-tbuff)>0:(max(oo)+tbuff)<(nT-1)] nT = n_elements(logt) endif TBB = mid2bound(logt) ;LOGT grid bin boundaries ;initialize container arrays for SPLINE INDEX if schme eq 'SPLINE INDEX' then begin splndxu=[simdem-simdem] splndxl=[simdem-simdem] endif ;initialize container arrays for NICE if schme eq 'NICE' or schme eq 'NICE DIFFERENCE' or schme eq 'NICE INDEX' then begin meanofeachbin = fltarr(nT) maxofeachbin = fltarr(nT) minofeachbin = fltarr(nT) endif ;if not opting for SPLINE interpolation or 'ERRBAR' then do this if (schme ne 'SPLINE') and (schme ne 'ERRBAR') then begin ;initial DEM plot to lay basis for polyfill bars ; _extra keywords are caught here if schme ne 'NICE' and schme ne 'NICE DIFFERENCE' and schme ne 'NICE INDEX' $ and schme ne 'SUPPORT' then begin plot,logt,simdem(*,nsim),psym=10, /ylog,/ynoz,xtitle='logT'$ ,ytitle = 'DEM', title = 'Best DEM + error bands ', thick = 5,$ yrange = [0.8*min(simdem), 1.2*max(simdem)],$ xrange = [min(TBB), max(TBB)], xstyle = 1, ystyle = 1, /nodata,_extra = e endif ;loop through each bin in logT for dd = 0, nT-1 do begin ;initialize some variables for polyfill/bar loop according to selection mechanism if slect eq 1 then begin upbnd = max(simdem(dd,*)) lobnd = min(simdem(dd,*)) sortbyem = sort(simdem(dd,*)) sortdem = simdem(dd,sortbyem) sortprb = simprb(sortbyem) endif if slect eq 3 then begin upbnd = demerru(dd) lobnd = demerrl(dd) sortbyem = sort(simdem(dd,*)) sortdem = simdem(dd,sortbyem) sortprb = simprb(sortbyem) endif if slect eq 2 then begin if keyword_set(clev) then clev = clev else clev = 50 cutnumber = fix(((clev/100d)<1.0)*nsim) cutarray = simprb(sort(simprb)) cutvalu = cutarray(cutnumber) sortndx = where(simprb le cutvalu) tmpo = simdem(dd,sortndx) tmpoprb = simprb(sortndx) sortbyem = sort(tmpo) sortdem = tmpo(sortbyem) sortprb = tmpoprb(sortbyem) upbnd = max(tmpo(sortbyem)) lobnd = min(tmpo(sortbyem)) endif ;store initialized arrays ;on first iteration initialize container arrays if dd eq 0 then begin nkpt = n_elements(sortprb) & cupbnd= dblarr(nT) & clobnd= dblarr(nT) csortdem = dblarr(nT,nkpt) & csortprb=csortdem endif ;populate the container arrays cupbnd(dd) = upbnd & clobnd(dd) = lobnd csortdem(dd,*) = sortdem & csortprb(dd,*) = sortprb ;if NICE or NICE DIFFERENCE set if schme eq 'NICE' or schme eq 'NICE DIFFERENCE' or schme eq 'NICE INDEX' then begin meanofeachbin(dd)=median(sortdem) maxofeachbin(dd)=upbnd minofeachbin(dd)=lobnd endif ;the NICE/NICE DIFFERENCE setm if endfor ; the loop through each bin in logT space loop ;do the nice and nice difference stuff difference stuff if schme eq 'NICE' or schme eq 'NICE DIFFERENCE' or schme eq 'NICE INDEX' then begin if slect eq 2 then ll=sortndx else ll=findgen(nsim) & cutsamp = simdem(*,ll) ;find best fit of SIMDEM to MEANOFEACHBIN. ;use a statistic that takes the squared residuals weighted by (UPBOUND-LOBND) mystat = fltarr(n_elements(ll)) for j = 0, n_elements(ll)-1 do mystat(j)= $ total(((meanofeachbin-simdem[*,ll[j]])^2)/(maxofeachbin-minofeachbin)) jnk = min(mystat,kk) if schme eq 'NICE INDEX' then begin plot, logt, simdem[*,kk],linestyle=0, /ylog,/ynoz,xtitle='logT',$ ytitle = 'DEM', title = 'Best DEM + error bands ', thick = 1,$ yrange = [0.8*min(simdem), 1.2*max(simdem)],$ xrange = [min(TBB), max(TBB)], xstyle = 1, ystyle = 1 , _extra = e, psym = 10 endif if schme eq 'NICE' or schme eq 'NICE DIFFERENCE' then begin plot, logt, simdem[*,kk],linestyle=0, /ylog,/ynoz,xtitle='logT',$ ytitle = 'DEM', title = 'Best DEM + error bands ', thick = 5,$ yrange = [0.8*min(simdem), 1.2*max(simdem)],$ xrange = [min(TBB), max(TBB)], xstyle = 1, ystyle = 1 , _extra = e;, psym = 10 if schme eq 'NICE' then begin oplot, logt, meanofeachbin, linestyle = 1, thick = 3 ;, psym = 10 oplot, logt, maxofeachbin, linestyle = 2, thick = 3 ;, psym = 10 oplot, logt, minofeachbin, linestyle = 2, thick = 3 ; , psym = 10 endif endif endif ; the NICE/NICE DIFFERENCE if ;loop through each bin in logT space (again) and do the pollyfill for dd = 0, nT-1 do begin upbnd = cupbnd(dd) & lobnd = clobnd(dd) sortdem = transpose(csortdem(dd,*)) & sortprb = transpose(csortprb(dd,*)) ;prepare the simulated DEM arrays to be passed through the polyfill mechanism ;if schme 1 or to and then loop through sim values to polyfill if schme eq 'DIFFERENCE' or schme eq 'INDEX' or schme eq 'NICE DIFFERENCE' or schme eq 'NICE INDEX' then begin bestndx = where(sortdem eq simdem[dd, nsim]) ; if schme eq 'NICE DIFFERENCE' or schme eq 'NICE INDEX' then bestndx = where(sortdem eq simdem[dd,kk]) jnk1=min(abs(1-upbnd/sortdem(*)), undx) ; jnk2=min(abs(1-lobnd/sortdem(*)), lndx) ; erorintu =sortdem(undx)-sortdem(bestndx(0)) ; erorintl =sortdem(bestndx(0))-sortdem(lndx) ; ;first loop for sim values below best value for qq = lndx, bestndx(0)-1 do begin ;determine the color for each sim according to the schme selected if schme eq 'DIFFERENCE' or schme eq 'NICE DIFFERENCE' then clr = fix( (col_rng-col_shft)*$ ((sortdem(bestndx(0))-sortdem(qq)))/erorintl ) + col_shft if schme eq 'INDEX' or schme eq 'NICE INDEX' then clr = fix( (col_rng-col_shft)*$ ((bestndx(0) - qq))/(bestndx(0)-lndx) ) + col_shft if !p.background eq 0 then clr = alt_cols(clr) polyfill, [TBB(dd),TBB(dd+1),TBB(dd+1),TBB(dd)] $ , [sortdem(qq),sortdem(qq), sortdem(qq+1), sortdem(qq+1)] $ , color = clr(0),noclip = 0 endfor; end loop through sim values -below ;then loop for sim values above best value for qq = bestndx(0), undx-1 do begin if schme eq 'DIFFERENCE' or schme eq 'NICE DIFFERENCE' then clr = fix( (col_rng-col_shft)*$ ((sortdem(qq)-sortdem(bestndx)))/erorintu ) + col_shft if schme eq 'INDEX' or schme eq 'NICE INDEX' then clr = fix( (col_rng-col_shft)*$ ((qq-bestndx(0)))/(undx-bestndx(0)) ) + col_shft if !p.background eq 0 then clr = alt_cols(clr) TBB = mid2bound(logt) ; LOGT grid bin boundaries polyfill, [TBB(dd),TBB(dd+1),TBB(dd+1),TBB(dd)] $ , [sortdem(qq),sortdem(qq), sortdem(qq+1), sortdem(qq+1)] $ , color = clr(0), noclip = 0 endfor ; end loop though sim values -above endif; the schme eq 'DIFFERENCE' or 'INDEX' if if schme eq 'PROB' then begin TBB= mid2bound(logt) ;must plot lower confidence (high prb number) values ;first so we sort again in prb space jnk1=min(abs(1-upbnd/sortdem(*)), undx) jnk2=min(abs(1-lobnd/sortdem(*)), lndx) sortdem = sortdem[lndx: undx] sortprb = sortprb[lndx: undx] sortndx = sort(sortprb) sortprb = sortprb(sortndx) sortdem = sortdem(sortndx) nsort = n_elements(sortndx) if !p.background eq 0 then begin icols=0>(col_rng-(fix((col_rng-col_shft)*(sortprb-min(sortprb))/(max(sortprb)-min(sortprb)))>0)-col_shft)<255 os=reverse(sort(icols)) for i=0L,nsort-1 do $ oplot,[TBB(dd),TBB(dd+1)],[replicate(sortdem(os(nsort-1-i)),2)], color=icols(os(nsort-1-i)) , _extra=e endif else begin icols=((fix((col_rng-col_shft)*(sortprb-min(sortprb))/(max(sortprb)-min(sortprb)))>0)+col_shft)<255 os=reverse(sort(icols)) for i=0L,nsort-1 do $ oplot,[TBB(dd),TBB(dd+1)],[replicate(sortdem(os(i)),2)], color=icols(os(i)) , _extra=e endelse endif; the schme 'PROB' if if schme eq 'SPLINE INDEX' then begin bestndx = where(sortdem eq simdem[dd, nsim]) jnk1=min(abs(1-upbnd/sortdem(*)), undx) jnk2=min(abs(1-lobnd/sortdem(*)), lndx) sortdem = sortdem[lndx: undx] splndxu[dd,findgen(undx-bestndx(0)+1)] = sortdem[bestndx(0):undx] splndxl[dd,findgen(bestndx(0)-lndx+1)] = sortdem[lndx:bestndx(0)] endif ;the SPLINY INDEX if endfor ;endfor loop through LOGT BINS ;oplot the 'best' DEM again over the painted stuff if schme eq 'NICE INDEX' then oplot, logt, simdem[*,kk],linestyle=0,psym=10, thick = 1.7 if schme eq 'NICE' or schme eq 'NICE DIFFERENCE' then $ oplot, logt, simdem[*,kk],linestyle=0, thick = 2.0 else begin if schme ne 'SPLINE INDEX' and schme ne 'NICE INDEX' and schme ne 'SUPPORT' then begin oplot,logt,simdem(*,nsim),psym=10,thick=5 oplot,logt,simdem(*,nsim),psym=10, thick = 5, linestyle=1, color=255 endif endelse endif ;endif the not spliny if if schme eq 'SPLINE INDEX' then begin TBB= mid2bound(logt) & Tn = [logt, TBB] & sT = sort(Tn) & Tn=Tn(sT) ;get the array w/ largest number of non zero elements (in DEM space) tst_gt0u=fltarr(nt) tst_gt0l=fltarr(nt) for qq=0, nt-1 do begin ;loop through temperature bins tst_gt0u(qq) = n_elements(where(splndxu[qq,*] ne 0)) tst_gt0l(qq) = n_elements(where(splndxl[qq,*] ne 0)) endfor lrgstu=max(tst_gt0u) & lrgstl=max(tst_gt0l) ;create array of size [nt,nlargest] and interpolate ;the smaller arrays to an nlargest component array nusplndxu=fltarr(nt,lrgstu) & nusplndxl=fltarr(nt,lrgstl) for ww=0, nt-1 do begin nusplndxu[ww,*]=interpol(splndxu[ww,indgen(tst_gt0u(ww))],lrgstu) nusplndxl[ww,*]=interpol(splndxl[ww,indgen(tst_gt0l(ww))],lrgstl) endfor ;SPLINE interpolate to grid NT and polyfill plot splndu = 10^( spline(logt, alog10(nusplndxu[*,0]),Tn) ) for ee=1,lrgstu-1 do begin colru = fix( (col_rng-col_shft)*(ee/lrgstu) ) + col_shft if !p.background eq 0 then colru = alt_cols(colru) splndudn1=splndu splndu=10^( spline(logt, alog10(nusplndxu[*,ee]),Tn) ) ;need this because Spline interpolation fuzzy: tmp = [[splndudn1],[splndu]] for j = 0,n_elements(Tn)-1 do splndu(j)=max(tmp(j,*)) for j = 0,n_elements(Tn)-1 do splndudn1(j)=min(tmp(j,*)) polyfill,[Tn, reverse(Tn)],[splndudn1,reverse(splndu)], color = colru,noclip=0 ; oplot, Tn, splndu, color = colru endfor splndl = 10^( spline(logt, alog10(nusplndxl[*,0]),Tn) ) for rr=1,lrgstl-1 do begin colrl = fix( (col_rng-col_shft)*((lrgstl-rr)/lrgstl) ) + col_shft if !p.background eq 0 then colrl = alt_cols(colrl) splndldn1=splndl splndl=10^( spline(logt, alog10(nusplndxl[*,rr]),Tn) ) ;need this because Spline interpolation fuzzy: tmp = [[splndldn1],[splndl]] for j = 0,n_elements(Tn)-1 do splndl(j)=max(tmp(j,*)) for j = 0,n_elements(Tn)-1 do splndldn1(j)=min(tmp(j,*)) polyfill,[Tn, reverse(Tn)],[splndldn1,reverse(splndl)], color = colrl,noclip=0 ; oplot, Tn, splndl, color = colrl endfor endif; the SPLNIY INDEX if if schme eq 'SPLINE' then begin if slect eq 1 then sortndx = findgen(nsim) if slect eq 2 then begin if keyword_set(clev) then clev = clev else clev = 50 cutnumber= fix(((clev/100d)<1.0)*nsim)-1 cutarray = simprb(sort(simprb)) cutvalu = cutarray(cutnumber) sortndx = where(simprb le cutvalu) endif TBB= mid2bound(logt) & Tn = [logt, TBB] & sT = sort(Tn) & Tn=Tn(sT) sortprb=simprb(sortndx) sortdem=simdem[*,sortndx] icols=fix((col_rng-col_shft)*(sortprb-min(sortprb))/(max(sortprb)-min(sortprb)))+col_shft if !p.background eq 0 then icols = alt_cols(icols) os=reverse(sort(icols)) ;initial DEM plot to lay basis for bars ; _extra keywords are caught here plot,Tn,10^( SPLINE(logt,alog10(simdem(*,nsim)),Tn )), /ylog, /ynoz,xtitle='logT'$ ,ytitle='DEM', title = 'Best DEM + error bands ', thick = 5,$ yrange = [0.8*min(simdem), 1.2*max(simdem(*))],$ xrange = [min(logt), max(logt)], xstyle = 1, _extra = e for i = 0L, n_elements(sortndx)-1L do $ oplot, Tn,10^( SPLINE(logt,alog10(sortdem(*,os(i))),Tn) ),col=icols(os(i)), thick = 2 endif ;the SPLINY if if schme eq 'ERRBAR' then begin plot,logt,simdem(*,nsim),psym=10, /ylog,/ynoz,xtitle='logT'$ ,ytitle='DEM', title = 'Best DEM + error bands ', thick = 5,$ yrange = [0.8*min(simdem), 1.2*max(simdem)],$ xrange = [min(TBB), max(TBB)], xstyle = 1, ystyle = 1 , _extra = e for j = 0,n_elements(logt)-1 do oplot, [logt(j),logt(j)], [demerrl(j), demerru(j)] endif ; the ERRBAR if if schme eq 'SUPPORT' then begin plot,logt,simdem(*,nsim),linestyle=1, /ylog,/ynoz,xtitle='logT'$ ,ytitle='DEM', title = 'Best DEM + error bands ', thick = 5,$ yrange = [0.8*min(simdem), 1.2*max(simdem)],$ xrange = [min(TBB), max(TBB)], xstyle = 1, ystyle = 1 , _extra = e hbnd = logt & for b = 0, nT -1 do hbnd(b) = max(csortdem[b,*]) lbnd = logt & for b = 0, nT -1 do lbnd(b) = min(csortdem[b,*]) oplot, logt, hbnd,linestyle = 1,_extra = e oplot, logt, lbnd,linestyle = 1,_extra = e if keyword_set(monochrom) then begin polyfill,[logt, reverse(logt)],[lbnd,reverse(hbnd)], color = monochrom,noclip=0 endif endif ;do some /noerase /nodata plots to ensure tick marks arn't painted over !p.multi[0] = !p.multi[0]+1. > 0 plot,logt,simdem(*,nsim),/yl,/ynoz,$ yrange = [0.8*min(simdem), 1.2*max(simdem)],$ xrange = [min(TBB), max(TBB)], xstyle = 1, ystyle = 1, /nodata,/noerase,_extra=e !p.multi[0] = !p.multi[0]-1. > 0 stample,_extra=e;put PoA stamp on corner of plot ;peasecolr,_extra=e;restore default PoA colors.. no don't do ;this.. because the x window plot is dynamically updated to these ;colors and mahem ensues if arg_present(demslope) then begin bestdem = simdem[*,nsim] if n_elements(slopedt) gt 0 then begin nrng = n_elements(slopedt) if nrng gt 1 then rng = [min(slopedt),max(slopedt)] if nrng eq 1 then begin jnk = max(bestdem,mxdx) lgtx = where(logt eq slopedt(0)) if mxdx ne lgtx then rng = [min(slopedt),logt(mxdx)] else begin jnk = min(bestdem,mndx) & rng = [min(slopedt),logt(mndx)] endelse endif endif else begin jnk = max(bestdem,mndx) if mndx ne 0 then rng = [min(logt),logt(mndx)] else begin jnk = min(bestdem,mndx) & rng = [min(logt),logt(mndx)] endelse endelse shift1=fltarr(nsim+1) slope1=fltarr(nsim+1) if slect eq 2 then begin if keyword_set(clev) then clev = clev else clev = 50 cutnumber = fix(((clev/100d)<1.0)*nsim) cutarray = simprb(sort(simprb)) cutvalu = cutarray(cutnumber) sortndx = where(simprb le cutvalu) ssimdem = simdem[*,sortndx] endif else ssimdem= simdem snsim = n_elements(ssimdem[0,*]) shift1=fltarr(snsim+1) slope1=fltarr(snsim+1) oo = where(logt ge rng(0) and logt le rng(1),noo) if keyword_set(slopenv) or arg_present(slopenv) then slopenv=fltarr(noo,snsim) for j = 0, snsim-1 do begin result = linfit(logt(oo),alog10(ssimdem(oo,j))) if keyword_set(slopenv) or arg_present(slopenv) then $ slopenv(*,j)=(10^result(0))*((10^logt(oo))^result(1)) if keyword_set(slpsprd) then $ oplot,logt(oo),(10^result(0))*((10^logt(oo))^result(1)), thick =0.6,linestyle=1 shift1(j)=result(0) slope1(j)=result(1) endfor ; mslop = mean(slope1) & mstv = stddev(slope1) x1 = [-1*reverse(findgen(101)/10.0),findgen(101)/10.0] & y = hastogram(slope1,x1) ; if ! eq 'X' then window,/free ; plot,[min(x1),x1],[0,y,0],title='mean: '+$ ; strcompress(string(mean(slope1),format='(F10.2)'),/remove_all)$ ; +'+-'+strcompress(string(stddev(slope1),format='(F10.2)'),/remove_all), $ ; xtitle='Slope'+'[range: '+ strmid(string(rng[0],format='(F10.2)'),6)+$ ; '-'+strmid(string(rng[1],format='(F10.2)'),6)+']',ytitle = 'N',psym=10,$ ; xr=[min(slope1),max(slope1)] slopsig = stddev(slope1) ; demslope = mean(slope1) demslope = median(slope1) odope = where(slope1 eq demslope) spshft = shift1(odope) slopedt = rng meanline= (10^spshft(0))*((10^logt(oo))^demslope) if keyword_set(slopenv) or arg_present(slopenv) then begin slopenvu = fltarr(noo) & slopenvl = fltarr(noo) for zz = 0,noo-1 do slopenvu(zz)=max(slopenv[zz,*]) for zz = 0,noo-1 do slopenvl(zz)=min(slopenv[zz,*]) loadct,4 & peasecolr oplot,logt(oo), slopenvu,thick=!p.thick-0.7,linestyle=1,color=61 oplot,logt(oo), slopenvl,thick=!p.thick-0.7,linestyle=1,color=61 oplot,logt(oo), meanline,linestyle=0,color=61 loadct,col_tabl endif if ! eq 'X' then window,/free plot,[min(x1),x1],[0,y,0],title='mean: '+$ strcompress(string(mean(slope1),format='(F10.2)'),/remove_all)$ +'+-'+strcompress(string(stddev(slope1),format='(F10.2)'),/remove_all), $ xtitle='Slope'+'[range: '+ strmid(string(rng[0],format='(F10.2)'),6)+$ '-'+strmid(string(rng[1],format='(F10.2)'),6)+']',ytitle = 'N',psym=10,$ xr=[mean(slope1)-4*stddev(slope1),mean(slope1)+4*stddev(slope1)],thick=4,yr =[0,1.05*max(y)] endif if keyword_set(ps_fil) then begin device, /close_file set_plot, my_device endif if n_elements(storidx) gt 0 then begin logt = ologt simdem = osimdem endif end