;+ ; ; PROJECT: CHIANTI ; ; CHIANTI is an Atomic Database Package for Spectroscopic Diagnostics of ; Astrophysical Plasmas. It is a collaborative project involving the Naval ; Research Laboratory (USA), the University of Florence (Italy), the ; University of Cambridge and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK). ; ; ; NAME: ; ZION2FILENAME ; ; PURPOSE: ; ; help locate CHIANTI database files ; ; CATEGORY: ; ; database. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; ZION2FILENAME, Iz, Ion, Filename ; ; ; INPUTS: ; ; Iz: nuclear charge of ion of interest, i.e. 26 for Fe ; Ion: charge state of ion of interest, i.e. 2 for Fe II ; ; KEYWORDS: ; ; diel: set if excitation of this ion is by dielectronic ; recombination ; ; OUTPUTS: ; ; Filename: the complete filename and path specification for generic ; CHIANTI database file, i.e. '.elvlc' suffix is not included ; ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; ; !xuvtop must be set ; ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; > zion2filename,26,2,filename ; > print,filename ; > /data1/xuv/fe/fe_2/fe_2 assuming !xuvtop = '/data1/xuv' ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: Ken Dere ; March 1996: Version 2.0 ; Sept 1996: Modified for use with VMS ; December 1998: Modified to diel keyword ; ; V.5, 29-May-2002, Giulio Del Zanna (GDZ) ; generalized directory concatenation to work for ; Unix, Windows and VMS. Added keyword name to output just ; the name of the file and changed the dielectronic keyword. ; ; VERSION : 5, 29-May-2002 ; ;- pro zion2filename,z,ion,filename,name=name, dielectronic=dielectronic ; ; convert Z, ionization state to the filename ; i.e. z=26 ion=24 > !xuvtop/fe/fe_24 ; if n_params() lt 3 then begin print,' ' print,' IDL> zion2filename,z,ion,filename, [/diel] print,' i.e.> zion2filename,26,11,filename print,' yields filename = ''!xuvtop/fe/fe_11/fe_11'' ' print,' or ' print,' i.e.> zion2filename,26,11,filename,/diel print,' yields filename = ''!xuvtop/fe/fe_11d/fe_11d'' ' print,' ' return endif ; z_lbl=['h','he','li','be','b','c','n','o','f','ne','na','mg','al','si',$ 'p','s','cl','ar','k','ca','sc','ti','v','cr','mn','fe','co','ni',$ 'cu','zn'] IF z GT 0 THEN BEGIN dir=concat_dir(!xuvtop,strtrim(z_lbl(z-1),2)) name=strtrim(z_lbl(z-1),2)+'_'+strtrim(string(ion,'(i2)'),2) IF keyword_set(dielectronic) THEN name=name+'d' filename=concat_dir(concat_dir(dir, name), name) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN filename='' name = '' END END