;+ ; ; PROJECT: CHIANTI ; ; CHIANTI is an atomic database package for the calculation of ; continuum and emission line spectra from astrophysical plasmas. It is a ; collaborative project involving the Naval Research Laboratory ; (Washington DC, USA), the Arcetri Observatory (Firenze, Italy), and the ; Cambridge University (United Kingdom). ; ; ; NAME: ; READ_MASTERLIST ; ; PURPOSE: ; ; read the masterlist.ions types of file and output a list of ions ; ; CATEGORY: ; ; science. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; READ_MASTERLIST,filename,mlist ; ; ; INPUTS: ; ; filename: name of the masterlist file ; ; ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; ; none ; ; OUTPUTS: ; ; mlist: list of ions ; ; ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; ; none; ; ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; > read_masterlist,'!xuvtop/masterlist.masterlist.ions',mlist ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: Ken Dere ; December 1998: first version ; ; Ver.2, 23-Sep-2010, Peter Young ; - renamed LIST to MLIST for compatibility with IDL 8 ;- pro read_masterlist,filename,mlist ; ; if n_params(0) lt 2 then begin print,' ' print,' IDL> read_masterlist,filename,list' print,' or' print,' IDL> read_masterlist,''',''',list for a choice' print,' ' return endif ; if filename eq '' then begin path=!xuvtop+'/masterlist/' file='masterlist.ions' filename=dialog_pickfile(path=path,file=file,title='Select a masterlist file') if filename eq '' then begin print,' Did not select a masterlist.ions file' return endif endif ; mlist='' ; openr,lum,filename,/get_lun ; gname='' elstage='' ; ; main input and calculation loop ************** ; while not eof(lum) do begin ; ; read the name of the ions unless a single ion (sngl_ion) has been specified ; if (not keyword_set(sngl_ion)) then begin readf,lum,gname index=strpos(gname,';') ; to sort out comments ; if index ge 0 then gname=strmid(gname,0,index-1) gname=strtrim(gname,2) mlist=[mlist,gname] endif ; endwhile ; free_lun,lum ; mlist=mlist[1:*] end ;