;+ ; ; PROJECT: CHIANTI ; ; CHIANTI is an atomic database package for the calculation of ; continuum and emission line spectra from astrophysical plasmas. It is a ; collaborative project involving the Naval Research Laboratory ; (Washington DC, USA), the Arcetri Observatory (Firenze, Italy), and the ; Cambridge University (United Kingdom). ; ; ; NAME: ; READ_IP ; ; PURPOSE: ; ; to read values of ionization potentials ; ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; READ_IP, File, IP, Ref ; ; ; INPUTS: ; ; File: the name of the file containing the IP values, usually ; !xuvtop/ip/chianti.ip ; ; ; OUTPUTS: ; ; IP: Array values of ionization potential (cm^-1) ; Ref: the reference to the IP values in the scientific literature ; ; ; ; ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; > read_ip,!xuvtop+'/ip/chianti.ip',ip,ref ; ip(2-1,2-1) give the ionization potential of He II (Z=2, Ion=2) ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: Ken Dere ; March 1998: Version 1.0 ; ;- pro read_ip,filename,ip,ref ; ; if n_params() lt 2 then begin print,' ' print,' IDL> read_ip,!xuvtop+''/ip/chianti.ip'',ip,ref print,' ip(2-1,2-1) give the ionization potential (cm^-1) of He II (Z=2, Ion=2)' print,' ' return endif ; ip=dblarr(30,30) ; openr,lu,filename,/get_lun ; ; iz=1 ion=1 ; string1=' ' ip1=1.d ; index=0 ; while strpos(string1, '-1') lt 0 do begin readf,lu,string1 if(strpos(string1,'-1') lt 0) then begin reads,string1,iz,ion,ip1,format='(2i5,f20.5) ip(iz-1,ion-1)=ip1 endif endwhile ; ; ; get references refstring=strarr(100) nref=0 ; string1=' ' while strpos(string1,'-1') lt 0 do begin readf,lu,string1 if(strpos(string1,'-1') lt 0) and (strpos(string1,'%file') lt 0) then begin refstring(nref)=string1 nref=nref+1 endif endwhile ; ref=refstring(0:nref-1) ; ; ; ; free_lun,lu ; ; end