================================================================== PINTofALE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 20nov2013 The minimum requirements to use PINTofALE are: o Disk space of approx 500 MB (IDL procedures, SPEX and CHIANTI constant-density line emissivity databases, CIE continuum emissivity database) o IDL version 5 or greater o IDLASTRO library routines Having CHIANTI(v7+) is also useful, especially because PINTofALE primarily uses the ion balance files compiled by CHIANTI. To install PINTofALE: 0. If all you need are the IDL procedures, download and unpack http://hea-www.harvard.edu/PINTofALE/PoA_pro_current.tar.gz and add the location to IDL's !PATH. That's it. To get the emissivities and set it up to use for atomic data analysis, see below. 1. Obtain the tar files containing the necessary IDL routines, the continuum emissivity database, and sundry documentation, from http://hea-www.harvard.edu/PINTofALE/ Either: 1.0 All the components at once: http://hea-www.harvard.edu/PINTofALE/PoA_current.tar.gz OR each component separately: 1.1 Routines: http://hea-www.harvard.edu/PINTofALE/PoA_pro_current.tar.gz 1.2 Continuum Emissivities: http://hea-www.harvard.edu/PINTofALE/PoA_CIE_current.tar.gz 1.3 SPEX Emissivities: http://hea-www.harvard.edu/PINTofALE/PoA_spex_current.tar.gz 1.4 Documentation: http://hea-www.harvard.edu/PINTofALE/PoA_doc_current.tar.gz In addition, you may also download a set of line emissivities derived from the a] CHIANTI dataset http://hea-www.harvard.edu/PINTofALE/PoA_chianti_current.tar.gz b] ATOMDB dataset http://hea-www.harvard.edu/PINTofALE/PoA_atomdb_current.tar.gz (these are not included in the full distribution in [1.0] above) Note that emissivities consist of binary files that were written on a Sun. If these files are not read in properly on your architecture, please contact us. Also note that any errors in the resulting emissivities are our responsibility, and not that of the CHIANTI, SPEX, and APEC software teams. 2. Unpack the downloaded tar files. Assuming that PINTofALE will be installed in the directory /foo/bar/, type cd /foo/bar/ gunzip -c PoA_current.tar.gz | tar xvf - or gunzip -c PoA_pro_current.tar.gz | tar xvf - gunzip -c PoA_CIE_current.tar.gz | tar xvf - gunzip -c PoA_spex_current.tar.gz | tar xvf - gunzip -c PoA_doc_current.tar.gz | tar xvf - 2a. If earlier installations exist, then please delete the following files, if they exist: if ( -f PINTofALE/pro/marfrmf.pro ) /bin/rm PINTofALE/pro/marfrmf.pro if ( -f PINTofALE/pro/util/setcolor.pro ) /bin/rm PINTofALE/pro/util/setcolor.pro if ( -f PINTofALE/pro/util/which.pro ) /bin/rm PINTofALE/pro/util/which.pro 3. Edit the file /foo/bar/PINTofALE/ardb/initale.par and set the hardcoded values of !LDBDIR, !CDBDIR, and !CHIDIR to reflect the local environment. If the names do not begin with a "/" or a "$", then !TOPDIR is automatically prepended by the initialization script to complete the path. NOTES: 1. !CHIDIR must point to the directory containing the CHIANTI dataset downloaded as described in step 6 below. (e.g., !CHIDIR='/foo/bar/CHIANTI/dbase/') WARNING: Prior to v4, the CHIANTI distribution did not include the "dbase" subdirectory. The current version of PINTofALE assumes and requires the existence of this subdirectory. 2. !LDBDIR must point to the line emissivities that have been recast in the PINTofALE compatible format, either the SPEX emissivities of http://hea-www.harvard.edu/PINTofALE/PoA_spex_current.tar.gz (e.g., !LDBDIR = 'emissivity/spex') or the CHIANTI emissivities obtained as described in http://hea-www.harvard.edu/PINTofALE/doc/LDB_CHIANTI.howto (e.g., !LDBDIR = 'emissivity/chianti') or the APED emissivities obtained as described in http://hea-www.harvard.edu/PINTofALE/doc/LDB_ATOMDB.howto (e.g., !LDBDIR = 'emissivity/aped') 3. !CDBDIR must point to the continuum emissivities in the PINTofALE format http://hea-www.harvard.edu/PINTofALE/PoA_CIE_current.tar.gz (e.g., !CDBDIR = 'emissivity/cont') 4. !TOPDIR is set automatically when the initale script is run. The environment variables $PINTofALE, $PoA, $SCARDIR, and $SCAR are looked to first in that order, and if none of them are defined, then the path is determined by looking at the location of the initialization script. The default value is !TOPDIR = '/foo/bar/PINTofALE' 4. The following is strictly speaking not necessary (see point 4a below), but is detailed here for convenience. It is advantageous to have IDL's system variable !PATH to contain the path to the PINTofALE installation. This may be done in any number of ways depending on your local setup. One possible method is to include the following (or equivalent) in your $HOME/.cshrc setenv PINTofALE /foo/bar/PINTofALE if ( $?IDL_PATH ) setenv IDL_PATH +$PINTofALE/pro\:${IDL_PATH} if (! $?IDL_PATH ) setenv IDL_PATH +$PINTofALE/pro At this point, PINTofALE is installed and available within IDL. 4a. Even if IDL_PATH is not set and PINTofALE is not available within IDL a priori, it may be fully initialized by running the script initale.pro -- this script figures out where it is located and automatically adds PINTofALE to IDL's !PATH variable. For such a ``cold start'' initialization, type: IDL> .run /foo/bar/PINTofALE/pro/scrypt/initale 5. PINTofALE relies on many calls to the IDLASTRO and ROSATLIB library of IDL routines. If they are not installed, then obtain them from http://idlastro.gsfc.nasa.gov/homepage.html (IDLASTRO) ftp://legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov/rosat/software/idl/ (ROSATLIB) and install them as directed. 6. It is highly recommended that CHIANTI (v7) be installed. Download it from http://www.chiantidatabase.org/ By default, PINTofALE uses ion-balance data from CHIANTI. If CHIANTI is not installed, users will have to obtain files formatted in a similar manner from elsewhere. PLEASE NOTE: Any errors in PINTofALE computations carried out using the CHIANTI database are our responsibility and not that of the CHIANTI software team. 7. Build the CHIANTI line database as described in /foo/bar/PINTofALE/doc/LDB_CHIANTI.howto This version of PINTofALE is designed for use with v6 of CHIANTI. We have not supplied a tar file containing the CHIANTI emissivity database with the general release because it takes up 1 GB uncompressed, and will make the downloads slow and unwieldy (even a gunzipped file will require a correspondingly large available disk space), and because users have the choice of making a smaller database if they wish by following the instructions in the above file. However, for convenience, we have also provided a tar file containing the CHIANTI line emissivities computed at various densities and compressed to include only locally strong lines, in http://hea-www.harvard.edu/PINTofALE/PoA_chianti_current.tar.gz 8. Build the ATOMDB line database as described in /foo/bar/PINTofALE/doc/LDB_ATOMDB.howto This version of PINTofALE is designed for use with v1.* of ATOMDB, which is based on APED. 8. Test the installation by following the example threads http://hea-www.harvard.edu/PINTofALE/doc/EXAMPLE_JJD.html or http://hea-www.harvard.edu/PINTofALE/doc/EXAMPLE_VLK.html or by running the example program(s) in the directory /foo/bar/PINTofALE/pro/esempio/. __________________________________________________________________