Centaurus A: 15,000,000 light years away, in the constellation Centaurus, the closest AG to Earth | ||
X-ray Image | Optical Color | Visible DSS |
Astronomers think that the reason for the unusual shape of this galaxy is because hundreds of millions of years ago two galaxies, one dusty spiral and one bright ellipictal, collided causing a massive black hole in the middle and bright emmision of light. |
Colliding Galaxies: NGC 4038 and 4039, 63 million light years away, in the constellation Corvus | ||
X-ray Image | Mid-Infrared Image | Visible DSS |
Astronomers believe that galaxies 4038 and 4039 collided millions of years ago |
Andromeda galaxy: 2.8 million light years away, closest spiral galaxy to earth, farthest object one can see without a telescope. | ||
Visible DSS | Optical Color | Radio Image © Jason Ware |
The Andromeda galaxy is one of the most popular and most know for its size and beauty |
Sombrero galaxy: 50 million light years away | ||
Visible light | Color Image | Far-infrared Image |