- [AAS-HEAD 2011] Time Series in High Energy Astrophysics
- [announce] upcoming workshops and conferences
- [announce] SCMA V
- coin toss with a twist
- Yes, please
- CAS 2010
- The Perseid Project [Announcement]
- [Book] The Elements of Statistical Learning, 2nd Ed.
- mini-Workshop on Computational AstroStatistics [announcement]
- General comments
- An Instructive Challenge
- Everybody needs crampons
- Galileo’s Revenge
- AstroStat Summer School [Announcement]
- SDO launched
- [Jobs] postdoc position at UC Berkeley
- A short note on Probability for astronomers
- astronomy bibliography
- From Terence’s stuff: You want proof?
- arxiv list
- Erich Lehmann
- From Quantile Probability and Statistical Data Modeling
- some python modules
- Quotes from Common Errors in Statistics
- [ArXiv] Voronoi Tessellations
- Do people use Fortran?
- The chance that A has nukes is p%
- [ArXiv] classifying spectra
- Scatter plots and ANCOVA
- [MADS] logistic regression
- Boyle & Smith (1969)
- Goodness-of-fit tests
- [MADS] Kalman Filter
- data analysis system and its documentation
- To Become a Good Astronomer
- More on Space Weather
- [Books] Bayesian Computations
- [MADS] compressed sensing
- [ArXiv] component separation methods
- [ArXiv] Statistical Analysis of fMRI Data
- [MADS] Kriging
- Beyond simple models-New methods for complex data
- Magic Crystal
- [ArXiv] Cross Validation
- Yes we can
- Where is ciao X ?
- [MADS] Parallel Coordinates
- Another exciting news (with no use)
- News and related stories
- different views
- Astroinformatics
- worse than the Drake eq.
- Mt. Mathematics
- Wavelet-regularized image deconvolution
- how to trace?
- [MADS] Adaptive filter
- Curious Cases of the Null Hypothesis Probability
- [MADS] data depth
- [MADS] Law of Total Variance
- Bayesian machine learning workshop, featuring an astronomy application
- space weather
- Robust Statistics
- a century ago
- [ArXiv] Sparse Poisson Intensity Reconstruction Algorithms
- Datums
- Feynman and Statistics
- [Book] The Physicists
- [MADS] plug-in estimator
- Tricki
- July Workshop on Bayesian & Maximum Entropy Methods
- Poisson vs Gaussian, Part 2
- Poisson vs Gaussian
- [MADS] Chernoff face
- DOE Petascale Data Analysis Program
- Use and Misuse of Chi-square
- [Announce] Heidelberg Summer School
- [Announce] AstroStat Summer School at Penn State
- Web Seminar
- 4754 d.f.
- [Book] Elements of Information Theory
- iFish in the archive
- [MADS] Mahalanobis distance
- systematic errors
- Correlation is not causation
- An excerpt from …
- [ArXiv] Particle Physics
- Guinness, Gosset, Fisher, and Small Samples
- A book by David Freedman
- [MADS] Semiparametric
- [ArXiv] Special Issue from Annals of Applied Statistics
- Circumspect frequentist
- accessing data, easier than before but…
- Likelihood Ratio Technique
- Lost in Translation: Measurement Error
- [MADS] multiscale modeling
- Bipartisanship
- Wapedia
- Meet at January AAS meeting to organize a white paper for Astro2010
- Borel Cantelli Lemma for the Gaussian World
- [SPS] Testing Completeness
- It bothers me.
- after “Thanks to Henrietta Leavitt”
- “Thanks to Henrietta Leavitt”
- Astroart Survey
- Redistribution
- A confession from a former “keV” junkie (2. Meet Ms. Electron)
- read.table()
- missing data
- Whew
- GSL – GNU Scientific Library
- “planetariums and other foolishness”
- Killer App
- The Big Picture
- Off the line
- [tutorial] multispectral imaging, a case study
- When you register
- [Book] The Grammar of Graphics
- A Quote on Model
- survey and design of experiments
- Make3D
- [Q] Objectivity and Frequentist Statistics
- There and back again
- Quintessential Contributions
- Classification and Clustering
- A History of Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- [Book] pattern recognition and machine learning
- appealing eyes == powerful method
- Parametric Bootstrap vs. Nonparametric Bootstrap
- Why Gaussianity?
- LHC First Beam
- A Confession from a former “keV” Junkie: 1. It’s a Plague.
- A Conversation with Peter Huber
- An anecdote on entrophy
- Irksome
- NR, the 3rd edition
- A lecture note of great utility
- Blackbody Radiation [Eqn]
- Go Maroons!
- Magnitude [Eqn]
- Differential Emission Measure [Eqn]
- I Like Eq
- Background Subtraction, the Sequel [Eqn]
- keV vs keV [Eqn]
- loess and lowess and locfit, oh my
- The Banff Challenge [Eqn]
- SLAC Summer Institute
- chi-square distribution [Eqn]
- Reduced and Processed Data
- Kaplan-Meier Estimator (Equation of the Week)
- Survival Analysis: A Primer
- Poisson Likelihood [Equation of the Week]
- A test for global maximum
- All models are wrong, but some are useful
- Probability Plotting
- On the history and use of some standard statistical models
- Workshop on Algorithms for Modern Massive Data Sets
- Open and Shut [Equation of the Week]
- Discontinuation of weekly [arXiv] series
- [ArXiv] 3rd week, June 2008
- my first AAS. VI. Normalization
- [Q] systematic error
- my first AAS. V. measurement error and EM
- my first AAS. IV. clustering
- Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic [Equation of the Week]
- [ArXiv] 2nd week, June 2008
- my first AAS. III. ANOVA
- my first AAS. II. maximum likelihood test
- Grating Dispersion [Equation of the Week]
- [ArXiv] 1st week, June 2008
- my first AAS. I. Regression
- Beta Profile [Equation of the Week]
- Q: Lowess error bars?
- [ArXiv] 4th week, May 2008
- Mexican Hat [EotW]
- [ArXiv] 3rd week, May 2008
- This week’s quote:
- Background Subtraction [EotW]
- Did they, or didn’t they?
- [ArXiv] 2nd week, May 2008
- Line Emission [EotW]
- A Data Miner’s Story
- R-[{Perl,Python}] Interface
- [ArXiv] 1st week, May 2008
- gamma function (Equation of the Week)
- [ArXiv] 5th week, Apr. 2008
- Equation of the Week: Confronting data with model
- The Flip Test
- tests of fit for the Poisson distribution
- [ArXiv] 4th week, Apr. 2008
- The LRT is worthless for …
- Is 8-sigma significant enough for you?
- [ArXiv] Ripley’s K-function
- [ArXiv] 3rd week, Apr. 2008
- AstroGrid Desktop Suite
- Significance of 5 counts
- Lomb-Scargle periodograms in bioinformatics
- The Burden of Reviewers
- Kepler and the Art of Astrophysical Inference
- [ArXiv] 2nd week, Apr. 2008
- [ArXiv] use of the median
- Google Sky
- [ArXiv] 1st week, Apr. 2008
- [ArXiv] Pareto Distribution
- Quote of the Date
- Statistics is the study of uncertainty
- [ArXiv]4th week, Mar. 2008
- AstroStatistics School in India
- Prof. Brad Efron visits Harvard
- [ArXiv] 3rd week, Mar. 2007
- [ArXiv] 2nd week, Mar. 2008
- Eddington versus Malmquist
- A quote on data analysis
- [ArXiv] 1st week, Mar. 2008
- [ArXiv] A fast Bayesian object detection
- The WMAP Five-Year Data Release
- [ArXiv] 4th week, Feb. 2008
- The GREAT08 Challenge
- [ArXiv] 3rd week, Feb. 2008
- Scientific Programmer for the Kepler Mission
- Non-nested hypothesis tests
- [Quote] When all the models are wrong
- [ArXiv] 2nd week, Feb. 2008
- language barrier
- [ArXiv] 1st week, Feb. 2008
- AstroStatistics Summer School at Penn State ’08
- [ArXiv] 5th week, Jan. 2008
- working together to tackle hard problems in astronomy
- Signal Processing and Bootstrap
- Books – a boring title
- [ArXiv] 4th week, Jan. 2008
- AstroStat special session at HEAD
- Dance of the Errors
- [ArXiv] 3rd week, Jan. 2008
- [ArXiv] 2nd week, Jan. 2007
- [Quote] Abstract – There are none.
- [Quote] The “Bible”
- [ArXiv] 1st week, Jan. 2008
- On-line Machine Learning Lectures and Notes
- [Quote] Bootstrap and MCMC
- The last [ArXiv] of 2007
- A bit of a mess
- [ArXiv] 3rd week, Dec. 2007
- [ArXiv] Astronomy Job Market in US
- ChandraBlog
- [ArXiv] 2nd week, Dec. 2007
- [ArXiv] Spatial Correlation in the Scan Statistic
- [ArXiv] The Importance of Being First: Position Dependent Citation Rates on arXiv:astro-ph
- [ArXiv] 1st week, Dec. 2007
- Too many syllables?
- [ArXiv] 5th week, Nov. 2007
- [ArXiv] 4th week, Nov. 2007
- [ArXiv] 3rd Week, Nov. 2007
- [ArXiv] 2nd week, Nov. 2007
- The Digital Universe
- [ArXiv] Post Model Selection, Nov. 7, 2007
- An example of chi2 bias in fitting the X-ray spectra.
- [ArXiv] 1st week, Nov. 2007
- [ArXiv] An unbiased estimator, May 29, 2007
- [ArXiv] 4th week, Oct. 2007
- compressed sensing and a blog
- The power of wavdetect
- Clay Public Lecture: Technology-driven Statistics
- [ArXiv] 3rd week, Oct. 2007
- ~ Avalanche(a,b)
- Quote of the Week, Oct 12, 2007
- [ArXiv] 2nd week, Oct. 2007
- “you are biased, I have an informative prior”
- [ArXiv] 1st week, Oct. 2007
- Implement Bayesian inference using PHP
- model vs model
- Polish AstroStatistics
- Provocative Corollary to Andrew Gelman’s Folk Theorem
- Quote of the Week, October 3, 2007
- Virtual Observatory
- [ArXiv] 4th week, Sept. 2007
- ab posteriori ad priori
- P Values: What They Are and How to Use Them
- [ArXiv] 3rd week, Sept. 2007
- When you observed zero counts, you didn’t not observe any counts
- Betraying your heritage
- Spurious Sources
- VOConvert (ConVOT)
- [ArXiv] 2nd week, Sept. 2007
- How to subscribe to the arXiv email list service
- Visualizing Astronomy
- [ArXiv] SVM and galaxy morphological classification, Sept. 10, 2007
- [ArXiv] Bimodal Color Distribution in GCS, Sept. 7, 2007
- [ArXiv] Recent bayesian studies from astro-ph
- [ArXiv] CMB statistics, Sept. 7, 2007
- [ArXiv] Swift and XMM measurement errors, Sep. 8, 2007
- Wrong Priors?
- Beyond Google Sky
- BEHR update
- [ArXiv] Identifiability and mixtures of distributions, Aug. 3, 2007
- [ArXiv] Google Sky, Sept. 05, 2007
- Arrogant?
- 2 Stats papers on astro-ph today
- [ArXiv] NGC 6397 Deep ACS Imaging, Aug. 29, 2007
- [ArXiv] Decision Tree, Aug. 31, 2007
- Quote of the Week, Aug 31, 2007
- [ArXiv] Numerical CMD analysis, Aug. 28th, 2007
- The future of Very High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy
- Quote of the Week, Aug 23, 2007
- [ArXiv] Isochrone database, Aug. 20, 2007
- Mmm.. donuts
- Cross-validation for model selection
- An alternative to MCMC?
- [ArXiv] Data-Driven Goodness-of-Fit Tests, Aug. 1, 2007
- [ArXiv] Poisson Mixture, Aug. 16, 2007
- [ArXiv] Gamma-ray albedo of the moon, Aug. 15, 2007
- Coverage issues in exponential families
- Astrostatistics: Goodness-of-Fit and All That!
- [ArXiv] GRB host galaxies, Aug. 10, 2007
- [Quote] Changing my mind (again)
- [Quote] Model Skeptics
- Change Point Problem
- “They let you in now?”
- [ArXiv] Geneva-Copenhagen Survey, July 13, 2007
- Quote of the Week, August 2, 2007
- Quote of the Week, July 26, 2007
- [ArXiv] SDSS DR6, July 23, 2007
- [ArXiv] Three Classes of GRBs, July 21, 2007
- Photometric Redshifts
- Quote of the Week, July 19, 2007
- [ArXiv] Data Visualization, July 17, 2007
- [ArXiv] Bayesian Star Formation Study, July 13, 2007
- [ArXiv] Random Matrix, July 13, 2007
- [ArXiv] Complete Catalog of GRBs from BeppoSAX, July 13, 2007
- [ArXiv] Matching Sources, July 11, 2007
- Quote of the Week, July 12, 2007
- What is so special about chi square in astronomy?
- Summarizing Coronal Spectra
- A Trip Back in Time and Space
- Quote of the Week, July 5, 2007
- [ArXiv] Spectroscopic Survey, June 29, 2007
- Quote of the Week, June 27, 2007
- [ArXiv] Classical confidence intervals, June 25, 2007
- [ArXiv] Kernel Regression, June 20, 2007
- Quote of the Week, June 20, 2007
- [ArXiv] Solar Cycle, June 18, 2007
- [ArXiv] Correlation Studies, June 12, 2007
- [ArXiv] A Lecture Note, June 17, 2007
- Data Doctors
- Quote of the Week, June 12, 2007
- VOstat
- Bend it like Poisson
- Everything you wanted to know about power-laws but were afraid to ask
- GLAST Workshop on June 21 at Science Ctr
- Quote of the Week, June 5, 2007
- All your bias are belong to us
- John Rice’s Visit (2nd week of June)
- Quote of the Week, May 29, 2007
- On the unreliability of fitting
- Categories
- Quote of the Week, May 22, 2007
- An excerpt from “A Conversation with Leo Breiman”
- Is 3sigma the same as 3*1sigma?
- Learning R
- Statistics Jargon for Astronomers
- Recent Astrostatistics
- AstroStatistics Summer School at PSU
- Learning Python