
  1. [AAS-HEAD 2011] Time Series in High Energy Astrophysics
  2. [announce] upcoming workshops and conferences
  3. [announce] SCMA V
  4. coin toss with a twist
  5. Yes, please
  6. CAS 2010
  7. The Perseid Project [Announcement]
  8. [Book] The Elements of Statistical Learning, 2nd Ed.
  9. mini-Workshop on Computational AstroStatistics [announcement]
  10. General comments
  11. An Instructive Challenge
  12. Everybody needs crampons
  13. Galileo’s Revenge
  14. AstroStat Summer School [Announcement]
  15. SDO launched
  16. [Jobs] postdoc position at UC Berkeley
  17. A short note on Probability for astronomers
  18. astronomy bibliography
  19. From Terence’s stuff: You want proof?
  20. arxiv list
  21. Erich Lehmann
  22. From Quantile Probability and Statistical Data Modeling
  23. some python modules
  24. Quotes from Common Errors in Statistics
  25. [ArXiv] Voronoi Tessellations
  26. Do people use Fortran?
  27. The chance that A has nukes is p%
  28. [ArXiv] classifying spectra
  29. Scatter plots and ANCOVA
  30. [MADS] logistic regression
  31. SINGS
  32. Boyle & Smith (1969)
  33. Goodness-of-fit tests
  34. [MADS] Kalman Filter
  35. data analysis system and its documentation
  36. To Become a Good Astronomer
  37. More on Space Weather
  38. [Books] Bayesian Computations
  39. [MADS] compressed sensing
  40. [ArXiv] component separation methods
  41. [MADS] ARCH
  42. [ArXiv] Statistical Analysis of fMRI Data
  43. [MADS] Kriging
  44. Beyond simple models-New methods for complex data
  46. Magic Crystal
  47. [ArXiv] Cross Validation
  48. Yes we can
  49. Where is ciao X ?
  50. [MADS] Parallel Coordinates
  51. Another exciting news (with no use)
  52. News and related stories
  53. different views
  54. Astroinformatics
  55. worse than the Drake eq.
  56. Mt. Mathematics
  57. Wavelet-regularized image deconvolution
  58. how to trace?
  59. [MADS] Adaptive filter
  60. Curious Cases of the Null Hypothesis Probability
  61. [MADS] data depth
  62. [MADS] Law of Total Variance
  63. Bayesian machine learning workshop, featuring an astronomy application
  64. space weather
  65. Robust Statistics
  66. a century ago
  67. [ArXiv] Sparse Poisson Intensity Reconstruction Algorithms
  68. Datums
  69. Feynman and Statistics
  70. [Book] The Physicists
  71. [MADS] plug-in estimator
  72. Tricki
  73. July Workshop on Bayesian & Maximum Entropy Methods
  74. Poisson vs Gaussian, Part 2
  75. Poisson vs Gaussian
  76. [MADS] Chernoff face
  77. DOE Petascale Data Analysis Program
  78. Use and Misuse of Chi-square
  79. [Announce] Heidelberg Summer School
  80. [Announce] AstroStat Summer School at Penn State
  81. Web Seminar
  82. 4754 d.f.
  83. [Book] Elements of Information Theory
  84. iFish in the archive
  85. [MADS] Mahalanobis distance
  86. systematic errors
  87. Correlation is not causation
  88. An excerpt from …
  89. [ArXiv] Particle Physics
  90. Guinness, Gosset, Fisher, and Small Samples
  91. A book by David Freedman
  92. [MADS] Semiparametric
  93. [ArXiv] Special Issue from Annals of Applied Statistics
  94. Circumspect frequentist
  95. accessing data, easier than before but…
  96. Likelihood Ratio Technique
  97. Lost in Translation: Measurement Error
  98. MMIX
  99. [MADS] multiscale modeling
  100. Bipartisanship
  101. Wapedia
  102. [MADS] HMM
  103. Meet at January AAS meeting to organize a white paper for Astro2010
  104. Borel Cantelli Lemma for the Gaussian World
  105. [SPS] Testing Completeness
  106. It bothers me.
  107. after “Thanks to Henrietta Leavitt”
  108. “Thanks to Henrietta Leavitt”
  109. Astroart Survey
  110. Redistribution
  111. A confession from a former “keV” junkie (2. Meet Ms. Electron)
  112. read.table()
  113. missing data
  114. Whew
  115. GSL – GNU Scientific Library
  116. “planetariums and other foolishness”
  117. Killer App
  118. The Big Picture
  119. Off the line
  120. [tutorial] multispectral imaging, a case study
  121. When you register
  122. [Book] The Grammar of Graphics
  123. A Quote on Model
  124. survey and design of experiments
  125. Make3D
  126. [Q] Objectivity and Frequentist Statistics
  127. There and back again
  128. Quintessential Contributions
  129. Classification and Clustering
  130. A History of Markov Chain Monte Carlo
  131. BUGS
  132. [Book] pattern recognition and machine learning
  133. appealing eyes == powerful method
  134. Parametric Bootstrap vs. Nonparametric Bootstrap
  135. Why Gaussianity?
  136. LHC First Beam
  137. A Confession from a former “keV” Junkie: 1. It’s a Plague.
  138. A Conversation with Peter Huber
  139. An anecdote on entrophy
  140. Irksome
  141. WLOG
  142. NR, the 3rd edition
  143. PyIMSL
  144. A lecture note of great utility
  145. Blackbody Radiation [Eqn]
  146. Go Maroons!
  147. Magnitude [Eqn]
  148. Differential Emission Measure [Eqn]
  149. I Like Eq
  150. Background Subtraction, the Sequel [Eqn]
  151. keV vs keV [Eqn]
  152. loess and lowess and locfit, oh my
  153. The Banff Challenge [Eqn]
  154. SLAC Summer Institute
  155. chi-square distribution [Eqn]
  156. Reduced and Processed Data
  157. Kaplan-Meier Estimator (Equation of the Week)
  158. Survival Analysis: A Primer
  159. Poisson Likelihood [Equation of the Week]
  160. A test for global maximum
  161. All models are wrong, but some are useful
  162. Probability Plotting
  163. On the history and use of some standard statistical models
  164. Workshop on Algorithms for Modern Massive Data Sets
  165. Open and Shut [Equation of the Week]
  166. Discontinuation of weekly [arXiv] series
  167. [ArXiv] 3rd week, June 2008
  168. my first AAS. VI. Normalization
  169. [Q] systematic error
  170. my first AAS. V. measurement error and EM
  171. my first AAS. IV. clustering
  172. GLAST
  173. Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic [Equation of the Week]
  174. [ArXiv] 2nd week, June 2008
  175. my first AAS. III. ANOVA
  176. my first AAS. II. maximum likelihood test
  177. Grating Dispersion [Equation of the Week]
  178. [ArXiv] 1st week, June 2008
  179. my first AAS. I. Regression
  180. Beta Profile [Equation of the Week]
  181. Q: Lowess error bars?
  182. [ArXiv] 4th week, May 2008
  183. Mexican Hat [EotW]
  184. [ArXiv] 3rd week, May 2008
  185. This week’s quote:
  186. Background Subtraction [EotW]
  187. Did they, or didn’t they?
  188. [ArXiv] 2nd week, May 2008
  189. Line Emission [EotW]
  190. A Data Miner’s Story
  191. R-[{Perl,Python}] Interface
  192. [ArXiv] 1st week, May 2008
  193. gamma function (Equation of the Week)
  194. [ArXiv] 5th week, Apr. 2008
  195. Equation of the Week: Confronting data with model
  196. The Flip Test
  197. tests of fit for the Poisson distribution
  198. [ArXiv] 4th week, Apr. 2008
  199. The LRT is worthless for …
  200. Is 8-sigma significant enough for you?
  201. [ArXiv] Ripley’s K-function
  202. [ArXiv] 3rd week, Apr. 2008
  203. AstroGrid Desktop Suite
  204. PCA
  205. Significance of 5 counts
  206. Lomb-Scargle periodograms in bioinformatics
  207. The Burden of Reviewers
  208. Kepler and the Art of Astrophysical Inference
  209. [ArXiv] 2nd week, Apr. 2008
  210. [ArXiv] use of the median
  211. Google Sky
  212. [ArXiv] 1st week, Apr. 2008
  213. [ArXiv] Pareto Distribution
  214. Quote of the Date
  215. Statistics is the study of uncertainty
  216. [ArXiv]4th week, Mar. 2008
  217. AstroStatistics School in India
  218. Prof. Brad Efron visits Harvard
  219. [ArXiv] 3rd week, Mar. 2007
  220. [ArXiv] 2nd week, Mar. 2008
  221. Eddington versus Malmquist
  223. A quote on data analysis
  224. [ArXiv] 1st week, Mar. 2008
  225. [ArXiv] A fast Bayesian object detection
  226. The WMAP Five-Year Data Release
  227. [ArXiv] 4th week, Feb. 2008
  228. The GREAT08 Challenge
  229. [ArXiv] 3rd week, Feb. 2008
  230. Scientific Programmer for the Kepler Mission
  231. Non-nested hypothesis tests
  232. [Quote] When all the models are wrong
  233. [ArXiv] 2nd week, Feb. 2008
  234. language barrier
  235. [ArXiv] 1st week, Feb. 2008
  236. AstroStatistics Summer School at Penn State ’08
  237. [ArXiv] 5th week, Jan. 2008
  238. working together to tackle hard problems in astronomy
  239. Signal Processing and Bootstrap
  240. Books – a boring title
  241. [ArXiv] 4th week, Jan. 2008
  242. AstroStat special session at HEAD
  243. Dance of the Errors
  244. [ArXiv] 3rd week, Jan. 2008
  245. [ArXiv] 2nd week, Jan. 2007
  246. [Quote] Abstract – There are none.
  247. [Quote] The “Bible”
  248. [ArXiv] 1st week, Jan. 2008
  249. On-line Machine Learning Lectures and Notes
  250. [Quote] Bootstrap and MCMC
  251. The last [ArXiv] of 2007
  252. A bit of a mess
  253. [ArXiv] 3rd week, Dec. 2007
  254. [ArXiv] Astronomy Job Market in US
  255. ChandraBlog
  256. [ArXiv] 2nd week, Dec. 2007
  257. [ArXiv] Spatial Correlation in the Scan Statistic
  258. [ArXiv] The Importance of Being First: Position Dependent Citation Rates on arXiv:astro-ph
  259. [ArXiv] 1st week, Dec. 2007
  260. Too many syllables?
  261. [ArXiv] 5th week, Nov. 2007
  262. [ArXiv] 4th week, Nov. 2007
  263. [ArXiv] 3rd Week, Nov. 2007
  264. [ArXiv] 2nd week, Nov. 2007
  265. The Digital Universe
  266. [ArXiv] Post Model Selection, Nov. 7, 2007
  267. An example of chi2 bias in fitting the X-ray spectra.
  268. [ArXiv] 1st week, Nov. 2007
  269. [ArXiv] An unbiased estimator, May 29, 2007
  270. [ArXiv] 4th week, Oct. 2007
  271. compressed sensing and a blog
  272. The power of wavdetect
  273. Clay Public Lecture: Technology-driven Statistics
  274. [ArXiv] 3rd week, Oct. 2007
  275. ~ Avalanche(a,b)
  276. Quote of the Week, Oct 12, 2007
  277. [ArXiv] 2nd week, Oct. 2007
  278. “you are biased, I have an informative prior”
  279. [ArXiv] 1st week, Oct. 2007
  280. Implement Bayesian inference using PHP
  281. model vs model
  282. Polish AstroStatistics
  283. Provocative Corollary to Andrew Gelman’s Folk Theorem
  284. Quote of the Week, October 3, 2007
  285. Virtual Observatory
  286. [ArXiv] 4th week, Sept. 2007
  287. ab posteriori ad priori
  288. P Values: What They Are and How to Use Them
  289. [ArXiv] 3rd week, Sept. 2007
  290. When you observed zero counts, you didn’t not observe any counts
  291. Betraying your heritage
  292. Spurious Sources
  293. VOConvert (ConVOT)
  294. PHYSTAT-LHC 2007
  295. [ArXiv] 2nd week, Sept. 2007
  296. How to subscribe to the arXiv email list service
  297. Visualizing Astronomy
  298. [ArXiv] SVM and galaxy morphological classification, Sept. 10, 2007
  299. [ArXiv] Bimodal Color Distribution in GCS, Sept. 7, 2007
  300. [ArXiv] Recent bayesian studies from astro-ph
  301. [ArXiv] CMB statistics, Sept. 7, 2007
  302. [ArXiv] Swift and XMM measurement errors, Sep. 8, 2007
  303. Wrong Priors?
  304. Beyond Google Sky
  305. BEHR update
  306. [ArXiv] Identifiability and mixtures of distributions, Aug. 3, 2007
  307. [ArXiv] Google Sky, Sept. 05, 2007
  308. Arrogant?
  309. 2 Stats papers on astro-ph today
  310. [ArXiv] NGC 6397 Deep ACS Imaging, Aug. 29, 2007
  311. [ArXiv] Decision Tree, Aug. 31, 2007
  312. Quote of the Week, Aug 31, 2007
  313. [ArXiv] Numerical CMD analysis, Aug. 28th, 2007
  314. The future of Very High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy
  315. Quote of the Week, Aug 23, 2007
  316. [ArXiv] Isochrone database, Aug. 20, 2007
  317. Mmm.. donuts
  318. Cross-validation for model selection
  319. An alternative to MCMC?
  320. [ArXiv] Data-Driven Goodness-of-Fit Tests, Aug. 1, 2007
  321. [ArXiv] Poisson Mixture, Aug. 16, 2007
  322. [ArXiv] Gamma-ray albedo of the moon, Aug. 15, 2007
  323. Coverage issues in exponential families
  324. Astrostatistics: Goodness-of-Fit and All That!
  325. [ArXiv] GRB host galaxies, Aug. 10, 2007
  326. [Quote] Changing my mind (again)
  327. [Quote] Model Skeptics
  328. Change Point Problem
  329. “They let you in now?”
  330. [ArXiv] Geneva-Copenhagen Survey, July 13, 2007
  331. Quote of the Week, August 2, 2007
  332. Quote of the Week, July 26, 2007
  333. [ArXiv] SDSS DR6, July 23, 2007
  334. [ArXiv] Three Classes of GRBs, July 21, 2007
  335. Photometric Redshifts
  336. Quote of the Week, July 19, 2007
  337. [ArXiv] Data Visualization, July 17, 2007
  338. [ArXiv] Bayesian Star Formation Study, July 13, 2007
  339. [ArXiv] Random Matrix, July 13, 2007
  340. [ArXiv] Complete Catalog of GRBs from BeppoSAX, July 13, 2007
  341. [ArXiv] Matching Sources, July 11, 2007
  342. Quote of the Week, July 12, 2007
  343. What is so special about chi square in astronomy?
  344. Summarizing Coronal Spectra
  345. A Trip Back in Time and Space
  346. Quote of the Week, July 5, 2007
  347. [ArXiv] Spectroscopic Survey, June 29, 2007
  348. Quote of the Week, June 27, 2007
  349. [ArXiv] Classical confidence intervals, June 25, 2007
  350. [ArXiv] Kernel Regression, June 20, 2007
  351. Quote of the Week, June 20, 2007
  352. [ArXiv] Solar Cycle, June 18, 2007
  353. [ArXiv] Correlation Studies, June 12, 2007
  354. [ArXiv] A Lecture Note, June 17, 2007
  355. Data Doctors
  356. Quote of the Week, June 12, 2007
  357. VOstat
  358. Bend it like Poisson
  359. Everything you wanted to know about power-laws but were afraid to ask
  360. GLAST Workshop on June 21 at Science Ctr
  361. Quote of the Week, June 5, 2007
  362. All your bias are belong to us
  363. John Rice’s Visit (2nd week of June)
  364. Quote of the Week, May 29, 2007
  365. On the unreliability of fitting
  366. Categories
  367. Quote of the Week, May 22, 2007
  368. An excerpt from “A Conversation with Leo Breiman”
  369. Is 3sigma the same as 3*1sigma?
  370. Learning R
  371. Statistics Jargon for Astronomers
  372. Recent Astrostatistics
  373. AstroStatistics Summer School at PSU
  374. FITS to ASCII
  375. Learning Python