Home > Download and Install Iris

Download and Install Iris

Install before the meeting | Install during the meeting

We encourage attendants to install Iris before the session in case the wifi connection isn't good during the meeting; flash drives with all the dependencies will be provided in this case.

Install before the meeting


How to tell if you have conda installed:

$ which conda

If you don't have conda/anaconda installed:

  1. Download and install Miniconda for your system.
    $ bash Miniconda-latest-<plat>-<arch>.sh -b -p $HOME/miniconda
  2. Add conda to your PATH.
    $ bash  # use a BASH environment
    $ export PATH=$HOME/miniconda/bin:${PATH}
    Note: To have conda available in all environments, add export PATH=$HOME/miniconda/bin:${PATH} to your $HOME/.bashrc or $HOME/.bash_profile.

Note that Miniconda only contains basic stuff and command line tools. Please look at at the Anaconda and, if you are interested, you can install Anaconda instead. Having both Miniconda and Anaconda is fine, as long as you are aware that you will have multiple instances of the "conda" package manager on your system.

Once you have conda/anaconda installed, create a new environment and install Iris:

$ bash
$ conda create -n iris-workshop python=2.7
$ source activate iris-workshop
prepending /Users/username/miniconda/envs/iris-workshop/bin to PATH
((iris-workshop)) $ conda install -c cxc -c sherpa iris

conda allows one to install packages into an isolated environment so that you don't affect your system packages. By activating the "iris-workshop" environment, any conda install or conda upgrade will only affect the "iris-workshop" environment.

Download Worksheets and Demo Data

You can download the worksheets and demo data from Github.

cd <some_directory>
git clone https://github.com/ChandraCXC/aas229iris
cd aas229iris

README.md   ots/        worksheets/

ls ots/

ls worksheets/
README.md         data/             integrate/        interoperability/ sedstacker/       template_fitting/
Each worksheet directory contains a worksheet for yourself to work through, including datasets. The ots/ directory contains a jar of TOPCAT lite, an "off-the-shelf" tabular manipulation and visualization tool; the interoperability worksheet uses TOPCAT to illustrate Iris' ability to communicate with Virtual Observatory tools.

Install during the meeting

If the internet connection during the meeting is good, you may follow the above instructions using conda.

Otherwise, you can download and install Iris from the flash drives that will be handed around the room. Instructions for this will be included on the flash drive.

The worksheets and datasets will also be included on the flash drive, under the iris/ folder.

Running Iris

To launch Iris, you must be in your "iris-workshop" environment. Simply run the command

$ bash
$ source activate iris-workshop
((iris-workshop)) $ iris

to launch the application.

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