# # Instructions on loading rhdf5: # # URL: http://www.r-bloggers.com/working-with-hdf-files-in-r-example-pathfinder-sst-data/ # # To download and compile the package: # # > source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") # > biocLite("rhdf5") # library("rhdf5") # read the file fname <- "fe_13.monte_carlo.h5" emissivity <- h5read(fname, 'emissivity') logn <- h5read(fname, 'logn') wavelength <- h5read(fname, 'wavelength') # extract the dimensions dims <- dim(emissivity) nsim <- dims[1] nlogn <- dims[2] nlines <- dims[3] # grab the first realization of the data i <- 1 e1 <- emissivity[i,,1] e2 <- emissivity[i,,2] e3 <- emissivity[i,,3] e4 <- emissivity[i,,4] e5 <- emissivity[i,,5] # ratio relative to the 202.044 line ratio13 <- e1/e3 ratio23 <- e2/e3 ratio43 <- e4/e3 ratio53 <- e5/e3 # plot jpeg("test_chianti_mc.jpeg") par(mfrow=c(2,2)) plot(logn, ratio13, type='l') plot(logn, ratio23, type='l') plot(logn, ratio43, type='l') plot(logn, ratio53, type='l') dev.off()