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RXTE lightcurve: blue arrows designate week of multiwavelength campaign (Campaign 2007).
On color-color plot black is all 15 years; red is during the week of the campaign. In this
case no observations during week of campaign.
RXTE/ASM lightcurves of LMC X-3.
Red arrows designate XMM observation times;
Green FUSE; Blue Chandra; Yellow is BeppoSAX; Cyan XTE/PCA:
Magenta is CGRO.
Compiled by Melissa Warstadt, August 16, 2007.
Data available:
RXTE (xtemaster)—
30 observations of length greater than 10,000 s
Time range: 1996-11-30 09:38:59.7 to 2007-07-09 14:56:54.2
2450417.902 to 2454291.123
Date; J. Date gis exposure sis exposure
1995-04-14 10:21:46; 2449821.931 24128 21152
1993-09-22 11:22:37;2449252.974 22624 22528
Date; J. Date Detector Grating exposure
2000-02-29 16:06:37; 2451604.171 ACIS-S HETG 18710
Date; J. Date exposure
2008-12-22 07:14:17; 2454822.802 73973.80000
25 observations of length greater than 10,000 s
time range: 1986-03-07 04:15:07 to 1992-12-11 18:03:11
2446496.677 to 2448968.252