RXTE/ASM lightcurves of 4U0614+091. Thin blue arrows designate ASCA observation times. Cyan arrows designate Spitzer observation times. Thick blue arrows designate Chandra observation times. Compiled by Emma Rosenfeld of Medfield High School, July 29 2009. Updated by Harry Hausner, July 1, 2010.
RXTE – 73 observations of length greater than 10,000 s
From 1996 to 2009
Date; J. Date gis exposure sis exposure
1998-10-15 23:56:56; 2451102.497 42880 39392
Chandra— all HETG, ACIS-S all
Date; J. Date exposure
2009-01-24 05:06:29; 2454855.712 60310
2009-01-21 13:48:16; 2454853.075 58660
2009-01-18 23:06:29; 2454850.462 45170
2009-01-19 17:43:56; 2454851.238 35190
RXTE/ASM lightcurves of 4U0614+091. Blue arrow designates Spitzer
observation time.