Jonathan McDowell's ASC/SDS documents
ASC/CXC Series Documents by number
(this series currently maintained by Arnold Rots)
ASC-FITS-2.0.1: ASC FITS File Designers' Guide (Rots and McDowell)
(1999 Jun)
ASC-FITS-REGION-1.0: FITS region document (McDowell and Rots)
(1998 Mar)
ASC-FITS-FUNCTION-1.2: FITS Function document (Rots and McDowell)
(2000 Aug)
New Series Documents by number
CXC-JCM-001 Coordinate Systems Paper 1
CXC-JCM-002 Coordinate Systems Paper 2
CXC-JCM-003 Coordinate Systems Paper 3
CXC-JCM-004 CC Mode Coordinates
Data Model Series Documents by number
CXC-DM-001 Introduction: Data Analysis with the Chandra Data Model
(2001 Oct)
CXC-DM-002 Data Model Abstract Design
(2001 Oct)
CXC-DM-003 Data Model Library Architecture (proposed)
(2001 Oct)
CXC-DM-004 Virtual File Design
(2001 Oct)
CXC-DM-005 FITS Kernel Design
(2001 Oct)
CXC-DM-006 IRAF Kernel Design
(2001 Oct)
CXC-DM-007 ASCII Kernel Design
(2001 Oct)
CXC-DM-008 C Programmers' Guide
CXC-DM-009 C Programmers' Reference
CXC-DM-010 DM Manual 1: User Introduction
(2001 Oct)
CXC-DM-011 DM Manual 2: Toolkit User Guide
(2001 Oct)
CXC-DM-012 DM Manual 3: User Reference
(2001 Oct)
CXC-DM-013 Fortran Programmer's Reference (to be added)
CXC-DM-014 Fortran Wrapper Design (to be added)
Old Series Documents by number
1998 Feb 26:
SDS-1.0: Data Product List: obsolete
1996 Apr 26:
SDS-2.0: Coordinate Systems (Rev 3.0)
1997 Dec 21:
SDS-2.0: Coordinate Systems (Rev 4.2)
1998 Aug 4:
SDS-2.0: Coordinate Systems (Rev 4.3)
1999 Feb 10:
SDS-2.0: Coordinate Systems (Rev 4.4)
1999 Apr 5:
SDS-2.0: Coordinate Systems (Rev 5.0): alt version
1999 Nov 18:
SDS-2.0: Coordinate Systems (Rev 5.0): superseded by CXC-JCM-001
1998 Feb 26:
SDS-3.0: ASC Data Model Abstract Design: replaced by CXC-DM-002
1998 Feb 26:
SDS-4.0: ASC Data Model Subroutine Library: replaced by CXC-DM-008/009
1998 Mar 30:
SDS-4.1: ASC Data Model Subroutine Library: replaced by CXC-DM-008/009
1998 Mar 16:
SDS-5.0 (ASC-FITS-1.0) ASC FITS conventions: replaced by ASC-FITS-2.0.1
1998 Feb 26:
SDS-6.0: Data Model Filtering Syntax (precursor to CXC-DM-012)
1999 Jan 11:
SDS-7.1: FITS conventions for the Data Model
1997 Oct 01:
SDS-8.0: Data Product Sizing (obsolete;moved to memos)
1998 Apr 02:
SDS-9.0 Rev 2: FITS names for ASC Coords (memo)
1998 Mar 09:
SDS-10.0: (ASC-FITS-REGION-1.0) FITS region document: see ASC-FITS-REGION-1.0
1998 Feb 09:
SDS-11.0: FITS function document (superseded by ASC-FITS-FUNCTION-1.2)
1998 Mar 29:
SDS-11.1: FITS function document, modified draft (superseded by ASC-FITS-FUNCTION-1.2)
1998 Mar 29:
SDS-12.0: Coordinate system design for data model
1998 Apr 02:
SDS-13.0: Observation index files (memo)
1998 Oct 07:
SDS-14.0: Aspect offsets ICD
1998 Oct 06:
SDS-15.0: Header merging rules (memo)