#default { finish { ambient 0.4 } } camera { up <0, 1, 0> right <1, 0, 0> location <-3,3,-5> look_at <0,-0.25,0> angle 20 } #include "colors.inc" #declare whitepaint = texture { pigment { color rgb <1,1,1> } finish { diffuse 0.8 specular 0.2 } } #declare orangebeigepaint = texture { pigment { color rgb <0.8,0.6,0.4> } finish { diffuse 0.8 specular 0.2 } } #declare greenpaint = texture { pigment { color rgb <0 1 0> } finish { specular 0 reflection 0 diffuse 0.7 } } #declare offwhitepaint = texture { pigment { color rgb <0.9 0.9 0.8> } finish { specular 0 reflection 0 diffuse 0.7 } } #declare blackrubber = texture { pigment { color rgb <0.2 0.2 0.2> } finish { specular 0 reflection 0 diffuse 0.7 } } background { color Black } light_source { <10,10,-10> color rgb <0.7,0.7,0.7> } light_source { <-5,10,-10> color rgb <0.4,0.4,0.4> } //box { <-15,0,-15> <15,-1,15> texture { offwhitepaint } } box { <-15,-15,0> <15,15,1> texture { offwhitepaint } } cylinder { <-5,0,0> <5,0,0> 0.005 texture { greenpaint } } cylinder { <0,0,5> <0,0,-5> 0.005 texture { greenpaint } } cylinder { <0,-5,0> <0,5,0> 0.005 texture { greenpaint } } text { ttf "cyrvetic.ttf" "-Z" 0.1 0 scale 0.25 rotate 90*y translate <0.05,0.05,-1.3> texture { greenpaint } } text { ttf "cyrvetic.ttf" "X" 0.1 0 scale 0.25 translate <1 ,0.1,-0.1> texture { greenpaint } } text { ttf "cyrvetic.ttf" "Y" 0.1 0 scale 0.25 translate <0.05 ,0.75,-0.1> texture { greenpaint } } #include "disc_magnet.pov" union { object { disc_magnet_body texture { blackrubber } } //chip the paint by taking spheres out around the edges difference { object { disc_magnet_paint texture { orangebeigepaint } } //subtract away "chips" in the paint //position a sphere of arbitrary size at the edge (top or bottom) //and then rotate it some arbitrary amount. sphere { <0.37,0,-0.21> 0.05 rotate 20*z } sphere { <0.37,0,-0.21> 0.02 rotate 11*z } sphere { <0.37,0,-0.21> 0.02 rotate 100*z } sphere { <0.37,0,0> 0.03 rotate 140*z } sphere { <0.37,0,0> 0.04 rotate 195*z } } } union { object { disc_magnet_body texture { blackrubber } } difference { object { disc_magnet_paint texture { whitepaint } } sphere { <0.37,0,0> 0.04 rotate -20*z } sphere { <0.37,0,-0.21> 0.07 scale <1,1.5,1> rotate 200*z } sphere { <0.37,0,-0.21> 0.03 rotate 180*z } sphere { <0.37,0,0> 0.03 rotate 70*z } sphere { <0.37,0,0> 0.02 scale <1,3,1> rotate 105*z } sphere { <0.37,0,0> 0.018 rotate 120*z } sphere { <0.37,0,0> 0.015 rotate 123*z } } rotate -90*x translate <-0.55,-0.5,-0.54> }