****************** Indices and tables ****************** * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` Glossary -------- .. glossary:: ARF The Ancillary Response Function used to describe the effective area curve of an X-ray telescope; that is, the area of the telescope and detector tabulated as a function of energy. The :term:`FITS` format used to represent ARFs is defined in the :term:`OGIP` Calibration Memo `CAL/GEN/02-002 `_. astropy A community Python library for Astronomy: _. ChIPS The Chandra Imaging and Plotting System, ChIPS, is one of the plotting backends supported by Sherpa. It is the default choice when using Sherpa as part of :term:`CIAO`. CIAO The data reduction and analysis provided by the :term:`CXC` for users of the Chandra X-ray telescope. Sherpa is provided as part of CIAO, but can also be used separately. The CIAO system is available from http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao/. Crates The Input/Output library provided as part of :term:`CIAO`. It provides read and write access to FITS data files, with speciality support for X-ray data formats that follow :term:`OGIP` standards (such as :term:`ARF` and :term:`RMF` files). CXC The `Chandra X-ray Center `_. DS9 An external image viewer designed to allow users to interact with gridded data sets (2D and 3D). Is is used by Sherpa to display image data, and is available from http://ds9.si.edu/. It uses the :term:`XPA` messaging system to communicate with external processes. FITS The `Flexible Image Transport System `_ is a common data format in Astronomy, originally defined to represent imaging data from radio telescopes, but has since been extended to contain a mixture of imaging and tabular data. Information on the various standards related to the format are available from the `FITS documentation page `_ at :term:`HEASARC`. HEASARC NASA's High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center at Goddard Space Flight Center: https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/. matplotlib The matplotlib plotting package is is one of the plotting backends supported by Sherpa. More information can be found at http://matplotlib.org/. OGIP The Office for Guest Investigator Programs (OGIP) was a division of the Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics at Goddard Space Flight Center. The activities of that group have now become the responsibility of the `HEASARC FITS Working Group (HFWG) `_, and supports the use of high-energy astrophysics data through multimission standards and archive access. Of particular note for users of Sherpa are the standard documents produced by this group that define the data formats and standards used by high-energy Astrophysics missions. PHA The standard file format used to store astronomical X-ray spectral data. The format is defined as part of the :term:`OGIP` set of standards, in particular OGIP memos `OGIP/92-007 `_ and `OGIP/92-007a `_. Confusingly, PHA can also refer to the Pulse Height Amplitude (the amount of charge detected) of an event, which is one of the two channel types that can be found in a PHA format file. PSF The Point Spread Function. This represents the response of an imaging system to a delta function: e.g. what is the shape that a point source would produce when observed by a system. It is dependent on the optical design of the system but can also be influenced by other factors (e.g. for ground-based observatories the atmosphere can add additional blurring). RMF The Redistribution Matrix Function used to describe the response of an Astronomical X-ray detector. It is a matrix containing the probability of detecting a photon of a given energy at a given detector channel. The :term:`FITS` format used to represent RMFs is defined in the :term:`OGIP` Calibration Memo `CAL/GEN/02-002 `_. XPA The `XPA messaging system `_ is used by :term:`DS9` to communicate with external programs. Sherpa uses this functionality to control DS9 - by sending it images to display and retriving any regions a used may have created on the image data. The command-line tools used for this commiunication may be available via the package manager for a particular operating system, such as `xpa-tools for Ubuntu `_, or they can be `built from source `_. XSPEC This can refer to either the X-ray Spectral fitting package, or the models from this package. XSPEC is distributed by :term:`HEASARC` and its home page is https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/xanadu/xspec/. Sherpa can be built with support for the `models from XSPEC `_.