Source code for sherpa.utils

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
#  Copyright (C) 2007, 2015, 2016  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
#  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

Objects and utilities used by multiple Sherpa subpackages

import operator
import inspect
from six.moves import zip as izip
from types import FunctionType as function
from types import MethodType as instancemethod
import string
import sys
import importlib
import numpy
import numpy.random
import numpy.fft
from . import testing
# Note: _utils.gsl_fcmp is not exported from this module; is this intentional?
from sherpa.utils._utils import calc_ftest, calc_mlr, igamc, igam, \
    incbet, gamma, lgam, erf, ndtri, sao_fcmp, rebin, \
    hist1d, hist2d, sum_intervals, neville, sao_arange
from sherpa.utils._psf import extract_kernel, normalize, set_origin, \

from sherpa import get_config
from six.moves.configparser import ConfigParser, NoSectionError
from six.moves import xrange, map

import logging
warning = logging.getLogger("sherpa").warning
debug = logging.getLogger("sherpa").debug

config = ConfigParser()

_ncpu_val = "NONE"
    _ncpu_val = config.get('parallel', 'numcores').strip().upper()
except NoSectionError:

_ncpus = None
if not _ncpu_val.startswith('NONE'):
    _ncpus = int(_ncpu_val)

_multi = False

    import multiprocessing
    _multi = True

    if _ncpus is None:
        _ncpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
except Exception as e:
    warning("parallel processing is unavailable,\n" +
            "multiprocessing module failed with \n'%s'" % str(e))
    _ncpus = 1
    _multi = False

del _ncpu_val, config, get_config, ConfigParser, NoSectionError

__all__ = ('NoNewAttributesAfterInit', 'SherpaTestCase',
           '_guess_ampl_scale', 'apache_muller', 'bisection', 'bool_cast',
           'calc_ftest', 'calc_mlr', 'calc_total_error', 'create_expr',
           'dataspace1d', 'dataspace2d', 'demuller',
           'erf', 'export_method', 'extract_kernel',
           'filter_bins', 'gamma', 'get_fwhm',
           'get_keyword_defaults', 'get_keyword_names', 'get_midpoint',
           'get_num_args', 'get_peak', 'get_position', 'get_valley',
           'guess_amplitude', 'guess_amplitude2d', 'guess_amplitude_at_ref',
           'guess_bounds', 'guess_fwhm', 'guess_position', 'guess_radius',
           'guess_reference', 'histogram1d', 'histogram2d', 'igam', 'igamc',
           'incbet', 'interpolate', 'is_binary_file', 'Knuth_close',
           'lgam', 'linear_interp', 'nearest_interp',
           'neville', 'neville2d',
           'requires_data', 'requires_fits',
           'new_muller', 'normalize', 'numpy_convolve',
           'pad_bounding_box', 'parallel_map', 'param_apply_limits',
           'parse_expr', 'poisson_noise', 'print_fields', 'rebin',
           'sao_arange', 'sao_fcmp', 'set_origin', 'sum_intervals', 'zeroin',
           'multinormal_pdf', 'multit_pdf', 'get_error_estimates', 'quantile')

_guess_ampl_scale = 1.e+3

# Types

# Default numeric types (these match the typedefs in extension.hh)
SherpaInt = numpy.intp
SherpaUInt = numpy.uintp
SherpaFloat = numpy.float_


[docs]class NoNewAttributesAfterInit(object): """ Prevents attribute deletion and setting of new attributes after __init__ has been called. Derived classes must call NoNewAttributesAfterInit.__init__ after all other initialization. """ __initialized = False # Use name mangling def __init__(self): self.__initialized = True def __delattr__(self, name): if self.__initialized and hasattr(self, name): raise AttributeError(("'%s' object attribute '%s' cannot be " + "deleted") % (type(self).__name__, name)) object.__delattr__(self, name) def __setattr__(self, name, val): if self.__initialized and (not hasattr(self, name)): raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (type(self).__name__, name)) if self.__initialized and hasattr(self, name): if callable(getattr(self, name)) and not callable(val): raise AttributeError(("'%s' object attribute '%s' cannot be " + "replaced with a non-callable attribute") % (type(self).__name__, name)) elif not callable(getattr(self, name)) and callable(val): raise AttributeError(("'%s' object attribute '%s' cannot be " + "replaced with a callable attribute") % (type(self).__name__, name)) object.__setattr__(self, name, val)
############################################################################### # # Testing stuff # ############################################################################### SherpaTestCase = testing.SherpaTestCase requires_data = testing.requires_data requires_plotting = testing.requires_plotting requires_pylab = testing.requires_pylab requires_fits = testing.requires_fits requires_group = testing.requires_group requires_stk = testing.requires_stk requires_ds9 = testing.requires_ds9 requires_xspec = testing.requires_xspec requires_package = testing.requires_package has_package_from_list = testing.has_package_from_list ############################################################################### # # Utilities # ############################################################################### # at what precisions do we assume equality in energy grids? eps = numpy.finfo(numpy.float32).eps
[docs]def filter_bins(mins, maxes, axislist): mask = None for lo, hi, axis in izip(mins, maxes, axislist): if (lo is None) and (hi is None): continue if lo is None: # axismask = axis <= hi axismask = (sao_fcmp(hi, axis, eps) >= 0) elif hi is None: # axismask = axis >= lo axismask = (sao_fcmp(lo, axis, eps) <= 0) else: # axismask = (lo <= axis) & (axis <= hi) axismask = (sao_fcmp(lo, axis, eps) <= 0) & \ (sao_fcmp(hi, axis, eps) >= 0) if mask is None: mask = axismask else: mask &= axismask return mask
[docs]def bool_cast(val): "Converts a string (true|False|on|OFF|etc...) to a boolean value" if type(val) in (tuple, list, numpy.ndarray): return numpy.asarray([bool_cast(item) for item in val], bool) elif type(val) == str: # since built in bool() only returns false for empty strings vlo = val.lower() if vlo in ('false', 'off', 'no', '0', 'f', 'n'): return False elif vlo in ('true', 'on', 'yes', '1', 't', 'y'): return True raise TypeError("unknown boolean value: '%s'" % str(val)) else: # use built in bool cast return bool(val)
[docs]def export_method(meth, name=None, modname=None): """ Given a bound instance method, return a simple function that wraps it. The only difference between the interface of the original method and the generated function is that the latter doesn't include 'self' in its argument list. This means that when the wrapper function is called with an incorrect number of arguments, the error message does not include 'self' in argument counts. The only reason to generate such a wrapper is to hide from a user the fact that they're using an instance method rather than a simple function. If meth is not an instance method, it is returned unchanged. If name is None, the generated function will have the same name as the input method. Otherwise, name must be a string containing the desired name of the new method. If modname is not None, it must be a string and will be used as the module name for the generated function. Note that the caller is responsible for assigning the returned function to an appropriate name in the calling scope. """ if type(meth) is not instancemethod: return meth if name is None: name = meth.__name__ if name == meth.__name__: old_name = '_old_' + name else: old_name = meth.__name__ defaults = meth.__defaults__ doc = meth.__doc__ # Make an argument list string, removing 'self' # argspec = None try: sig = inspect.signature(meth) except AttributeError: argspec = inspect.getargspec(meth) if argspec is None: # is this the best way to emulate the Python 2.7 version? def tostr(p): if p.kind == p.VAR_KEYWORD: return "**{}".format( elif p.kind == p.VAR_POSITIONAL: return "*{}".format( else: return argspec = ",".join([tostr(p) for p in sig.parameters.values()]) argspec = "({})".format(argspec) else: argspec = inspect.getargspec(meth) argspec[0].pop(0) argspec = inspect.formatargspec(argspec[0], argspec[1], argspec[2]) # Create a wrapper function with no default arguments g = {old_name: meth} if modname is not None: g['__name__'] = modname fdef = 'def %s%s: return %s%s' % (name, argspec, old_name, argspec) exec(fdef, g) # Create another new function from the one we just made, this time # adding the default arguments and doc string from the original method new_meth = g[name] new_meth = function(new_meth.__code__, new_meth.__globals__, new_meth.__name__, defaults, new_meth.__closure__) new_meth.__doc__ = doc return new_meth
[docs]def get_keyword_names(func, skip=0): """Return the names of the keyword arguments. Parameters ---------- func The function to query. skip : int, optional The number of keyword arguments to skip. Returns ------- names : list of str The names of the keyword arguments. It can be empty. See Also -------- get_keyword_defaults, get_num_args """ try: # Python 3+: (it appears that getargspec is not being # removed in Python 3.6, but this should stop the warnings # from earlier versions) sig = inspect.signature(func) except AttributeError: # Python 2.7 argspec = inspect.getargspec(func) if argspec[3] is None: return [] first = len(argspec[0]) - len(argspec[3]) return argspec[0][first + skip:] kwargs = [ for p in sig.parameters.values() if p.kind == p.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD and p.default != p.empty] return kwargs[skip:]
[docs]def get_keyword_defaults(func, skip=0): """Return the keyword arguments and their default values. Parameters ---------- func The function to query. skip : int, optional The number of keyword arguments to skip. Returns ------- vals : dict The keys are names of the keyword arguments, the values are the default value for that parameter. It can be empty. See Also -------- get_keyword_names, get_num_args """ try: # Python 3+: (it appears that getargspec is not being # removed in Python 3.6, but this should stop the warnings # from earlier versions) sig = inspect.signature(func) except AttributeError: # Python 2.7 argspec = inspect.getargspec(func) if argspec[3] is None: return {} first = len(argspec[0]) - len(argspec[3]) return dict(izip(argspec[0][first + skip:], argspec[3][skip:])) kwargs = [(, p.default) for p in sig.parameters.values() if p.kind == p.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD and p.default != p.empty] return dict(kwargs[skip:])
[docs]def get_num_args(func): """Return the number of arguments for a function. Parameters ---------- func The function to query. Returns ------- ntotal, npos, nkeyword : int, int, int The total number of arguments, the number of positional arguments, and the number of keyword arguments. See Also -------- get_keyword_defaults, get_keyword_names """ try: # Python 3+: (it appears that getargspec is not being # removed in Python 3.6, but this should stop the warnings # from earlier versions) sig = inspect.signature(func) except AttributeError: # Python 2.7 argspec = inspect.getargspec(func) num_args = 0 num_kargs = 0 if len(argspec[0]) != 0: num_args = len(argspec[0]) if argspec[3] is not None: num_kargs = len(argspec[3]) return (num_args, (num_args - num_kargs), num_kargs) posargs = [True for p in sig.parameters.values() if p.kind == p.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD and p.default == p.empty] kwargs = [True for p in sig.parameters.values() if p.kind == p.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD and p.default != p.empty] npos = len(posargs) nkw = len(kwargs) return (npos + nkw, npos, nkw)
[docs]def create_expr(vals, mask=None, format='%s', delim='-'): """ collapse a list of channels into an expression using hyphens and commas to indicate filtered intervals. """ expr = [] if len(vals) == 0: return '' elif len(vals) == 1: return format % vals[0] diffs = numpy.apply_along_axis(numpy.diff, 0, vals) if mask is not None: index = numpy.arange(len(mask)) diffs = numpy.apply_along_axis(numpy.diff, 0, index[mask]) for ii, delta in enumerate(diffs): if ii == 0: expr.append(format % vals[ii]) if delta != 1 or len(diffs) == 1: expr.append(',') continue if delta == 1: if expr[-1] == ',': expr.append(format % vals[ii]) if expr[-1] != delim: expr.append(delim) else: if not expr[-1] in (',', delim): expr.append(',') expr.append(format % vals[ii]) expr.append(',') if len(expr) and expr[-1] in (',', delim): expr.append(format % vals[-1]) return ''.join(expr)
[docs]def parse_expr(expr): """ parse a filter expression into numerical components for notice/ignore e.g. ':2,4:5,7:8,10:' """ res = [] if expr is None or str(expr).strip() == '': res.append((None, None)) return res vals = str(expr).strip().split(',') for val in vals: lo, hi = None, None interval = val.strip().split(':') if len(interval) == 1: lo = interval[0] if lo == '': lo = None hi = lo elif len(interval) > 1: lo = interval[0] hi = interval[1] if lo == '': lo = None if hi == '': hi = None else: raise TypeError("interval syntax requires a tuple, 'lo:hi'") if lo is not None: try: lo = float(lo) except ValueError: raise TypeError("Invalid lower bound '%s'" % str(lo)) if hi is not None: try: hi = float(hi) except ValueError: raise TypeError("Invalid upper bound '%s'" % str(hi)) res.append((lo, hi)) return res
[docs]def calc_total_error(staterror=None, syserror=None): """Add statistical and systematic errors in quadrature. Parameters ---------- staterror : array, optional The statistical error, or ``None``. syserror : array, optional The systematic error, or ``None``. Returns ------- error : array or ``None`` The errors, added in quadrature. If both ``staterror`` and ``syserror`` are ``None`` then the return value is ``None``. """ if (staterror is None) and (syserror is None): error = None elif (staterror is not None) and (syserror is None): error = staterror elif (staterror is None) and (syserror is not None): error = syserror else: error = numpy.sqrt(staterror * staterror + syserror * syserror) return error
[docs]def quantile(sorted_array, f): """Return the quantile element from sorted_array, where f is [0,1] using linear interpolation. Based on the description of the GSL routine gsl_stats_quantile_from_sorted_data - e.g. but all errors are my own. sorted_array is assumed to be 1D and sorted. """ sorted_array = numpy.asarray(sorted_array) if len(sorted_array.shape) != 1: raise RuntimeError("Error: input array is not 1D") n = sorted_array.size q = (n - 1) * f i = delta = q - i return (1.0 - delta) * sorted_array[i] + delta * sorted_array[i + 1]
[docs]def get_error_estimates(x, sorted=False): """Compute the median and (-1,+1) sigma values for the data. Parameters ---------- x : array of numbers The input values. sorted : bool, optional If ``False``, the default, then ``x`` is assumed to not be sorted. Returns ------- (median, lsig, usig) The median, value that corresponds to -1 sigma, and value that is +1 sigma, for the input distribution. Examples -------- >>> (m, l, h) = get_error_estimates(x) """ xs = numpy.asarray(x) if not sorted: xs.sort() xs = numpy.array(xs) sigfrac = 0.682689 median = quantile(xs, 0.5) lval = quantile(xs, (1 - sigfrac) / 2.0) hval = quantile(xs, (1 + sigfrac) / 2.0) return (median, lval, hval)
[docs]def poisson_noise(x): """Draw samples from a Poisson distribution. Parameters ---------- x : scalar or array The expectation value for the distribution. Returns ------- out : scalar or array A random realisation of the input array, drawn from the Poisson distribution, as a `SherpaFloat`. Notes ----- The distribution is calculated by `numpy.poisson.poisson`. Examples -------- >>> poisson_noise([10, 20, 5]) array([ 13., 21., 6.]) """ x = numpy.asarray(x) # Using numpy.where() and indexing doesn't work with 0-d arrays, so # handle them separately if x.shape == (): x = SherpaFloat(x) if x <= 0.0: x = 0.0 else: x = numpy.random.poisson(x) return SherpaFloat(x) x_out = numpy.zeros(x.shape, SherpaFloat) good = numpy.where(x > 0.0) x_out[good] = numpy.random.poisson(x[good]) return x_out
[docs]def multinormal_pdf(x, mu, sigma): """The PDF of a multivariate-normal. Returns the probability density function (PDF) of a multivariate normal [1]_. Parameters ---------- x : array An array of length k. mu : array An array of length k. sigma : array A matrix of size (k,k). It must be symmetric and positive-definite. See Also -------- multit_pdf References ---------- .. [1] """ x = numpy.asarray(x) mu = numpy.asarray(mu) sigma = numpy.asarray(sigma) if x.size != mu.size: raise TypeError("x and mu sizes do not match") if mu.size != sigma.diagonal().size: raise TypeError("sigma shape does not match x") if numpy.min(numpy.linalg.eigvalsh(sigma)) <= 0: raise ValueError("sigma is not positive definite") if numpy.max(numpy.abs(sigma - sigma.T)) >= 1.e-9: raise ValueError("sigma is not symmetric") rank = mu.size coeff = 1.0 / (numpy.power(2.0 * numpy.pi, rank / 2.0) * numpy.sqrt(numpy.abs(numpy.linalg.det(sigma)))) xmu = numpy.mat(x - mu) invsigma = numpy.mat(numpy.linalg.inv(sigma)) # The matrix multiplication looks backwards, but mu and x # are passed in already transposed. # # mu = [[a,b,c]] # x = [[d,e,f]] # return float(coeff * numpy.exp(-0.5 * ((xmu * invsigma) * xmu.T)))
[docs]def multit_pdf(x, mu, sigma, dof): """The PDF of a multivariate student-t. Returns the probability density function (PDF) of a multivariate student-t distribution [1]_. Parameters ---------- x : array An array of length k. mu : array An array of length k. sigma : array A matrix of size (k,k). It must be symmetric and positive-definite. dof : int See Also -------- multinormal_pdf References ---------- .. [1] """ n = float(dof) x = numpy.asarray(x) mu = numpy.asarray(mu) sigma = numpy.asarray(sigma) if x.size != mu.size: raise TypeError("x and mu sizes do not match") if mu.size != sigma.diagonal().size: raise TypeError("sigma shape does not match x") if numpy.min(numpy.linalg.eigvalsh(sigma)) <= 0: raise ValueError("sigma is not positive definite") if numpy.max(numpy.abs(sigma - sigma.T)) >= 1.e-9: raise ValueError("sigma is not symmetric") rank = mu.size np = float(n + rank) coeff = (gamma(np / 2.0) / (gamma(n / 2.0) * numpy.power(n, rank / 2.0) * numpy.power(numpy.pi, rank / 2.0) * numpy.sqrt(numpy.abs(numpy.linalg.det(sigma))))) xmu = numpy.mat(x - mu) invsigma = numpy.mat(numpy.linalg.inv(sigma)) # The matrix multiplication looks backwards, but mu and x # are passed in already transposed. # # mu = [[a,b,c]] # x = [[d,e,f]] # term = 1.0 + 1.0 / n * ((xmu * invsigma) * xmu.T) return float(coeff * numpy.power(term, -np / 2.0))
def _convolve(a, b): if len(a) != len(b): raise TypeError("Input arrays are not equal in length, a: %s b: %s" % (len(a), len(b))) imag = numpy.fft.fft(a) * numpy.fft.fft(b) return numpy.asarray(numpy.fft.ifft(imag), dtype=SherpaFloat)
[docs]def numpy_convolve(a, b): if a.ndim > 1 or b.ndim > 1: raise TypeError("numpy_convolution is 1D only") c = numpy.concatenate((a, numpy.zeros(len(b)))) d = numpy.concatenate((b, numpy.zeros(len(a)))) if len(a) > len(b): return _convolve(c, d)[:len(a)] return _convolve(c, d)[:len(b)]
[docs]def dataspace1d(start, stop, step=1, numbins=None): """ Populates an integrated grid if numbins is None (default) -> numpy.arange(start,stop,step) if numbins is not None -> numpy.linspace(start, stop, numbins) """ if start >= stop: raise TypeError("input should be start < stop, found start=%s stop=%s" % (start, stop)) if numbins is None: if step <= 0: raise TypeError("input should be step > 0, found step=%s" % step) if step >= (stop - start): raise TypeError( "input has produced less than 2 bins, found start=%s stop=%s step=%s" % (start, stop, step)) # xx = numpy.arange(start, stop, step, dtype=float) # xx = sao_arange(start, stop, step) xx = None if numbins is not None: if numbins <= 1: raise TypeError( "input should be numbins > 1, found numbins=%s" % numbins) xx = numpy.linspace(start, stop, numbins + 1) else: xx = sao_arange(start, stop, step) xlo = numpy.array(xx[:-1]) xhi = numpy.array(xx[1:]) y = numpy.zeros(len(xlo), dtype=float) return xlo, xhi, y
[docs]def dataspace2d(dim): """ Populates a blank image dataset """ if not numpy.iterable(dim): raise TypeError("dim must be an array of dimensions") if len(dim) < 2: raise TypeError("dimensions for dataspace2d must be > 1") if dim[0] < 1 or dim[1] < 1: raise TypeError("dimensions should be > 0, found dim0 %s dim1 %s" % (dim[0], dim[1])) x0 = numpy.arange(dim[0], dtype=numpy.float) + 1.0 x1 = numpy.arange(dim[1], dtype=numpy.float) + 1.0 x0, x1 = numpy.meshgrid(x0, x1) shape = tuple(x0.shape) x0 = x0.ravel() x1 = x1.ravel() y = numpy.zeros( return x0, x1, y, shape
[docs]def histogram1d(x, x_lo, x_hi): """Create a 1D histogram from a binned grid (``x_lo``, ``xhi``) and array of samples (``x``). See the `numpy.histogram` routine for a version with more options. Parameters ---------- x : sequence of numbers The array of samples x_lo : sequence of numbers The lower-edges of each bin. x_hi : sequence of numbers The upper-edges of each bin, which must be the same size as ``x_lo``. Returns ------- y : NumPy array The number of samples in each histogram bin defined by the ``x_lo`` and ``x_hi`` arrays. Examples -------- A simple example, calculating the histogram of 1000 values randomly distributed over [0,1). >>> x = np.random.random(1000) >>> edges = np.arange(0, 1.1, 0.1) >>> xlo = edges[:-1] >>> xhi = edges[1:] >>> y = histogram1d(x, xlo, xhi) Given a list of samples (``vals``), bin them up so that they can be used as the dependent axis (the value to be fitted) in a Sherpa data set: >>> dataspace1d(0.1, 10, 0.1) >>> (lo, hi) = get_indep() >>> n = histogram1d(vals, lo, hi) >>> set_dep(n) """ x_lo = numpy.asarray(x_lo) x_hi = numpy.asarray(x_hi) x_lo.sort() x_hi.sort() return hist1d(numpy.asarray(x), x_lo, x_hi)
[docs]def histogram2d(x, y, x_grid, y_grid): """Create 21D histogram from a binned grid (``x_grid``, ``y_grid``) and array of samples (``x``, and ``y``). See the `numpy.histogram2d` routine for a version with more options. Parameters ---------- x : sequence of numbers The array of samples (X coordinate) y : sequence of numbers The array of samples (Y coordinate), which must have the same size as the ``x`` sequence. x_grid : sequence of numbers The X bin edges. y_grid : sequence of numbers The Y bin edges. Returns ------- y : NumPy array The number of samples in each histogram bin defined by the ``x_grid`` and ``y_grid`` arrays. Examples -------- Given a list of coordinates (``xvals``, ``yvals``), bin them up so that they match the 5 by 10 pixel image data space. In this case the X grid is [1,2,...,5] and the Y grid is [1,2,..,10]. >>> dataspace2d([5, 10]) >>> (xgrid, ygrid) = get_axes() >>> n = histogram2d(xvals, yvals, xgrid, ygrid) >>> set_dep(n) """ x_grid = numpy.asarray(x_grid) y_grid = numpy.asarray(y_grid) x_grid.sort() y_grid.sort() vals = hist2d(numpy.asarray(x), numpy.asarray(y), x_grid, y_grid) return vals.reshape((len(x_grid), len(y_grid)))
def interp_util(xout, xin, yin): lenxin = len(xin) i1 = numpy.searchsorted(xin, xout) i1[i1 == 0] = 1 i1[i1 == lenxin] = lenxin - 1 # if 0 == i1: # i1 = 1 # if lenxin == i1: # i1 = lenxin - 1 x0 = xin[i1 - 1] x1 = xin[i1] y0 = yin[i1 - 1] y1 = yin[i1] return x0, x1, y0, y1
[docs]def linear_interp(xout, xin, yin): """Linear one-dimensional interpolation. Parameters ---------- xout : array_like The positions at which to interpolate. xin : array_like The x values of the data to interpolate. This must be sorted so that it is monotonically increasing. yin : array_like The y values of the data to interpolate (must be the same size as ``xin``). Returns ------- yout : NumPy array of numbers The interpolated y values (same size as ``xout``). See Also -------- interpolate, nearest_interp, neville Examples -------- >>> x = [1.2, 3.4, 4.5, 5.2] >>> y = [12.2, 14.4, 16.8, 15.5] >>> xgrid = np.linspace(2, 5, 5) >>> ygrid = linear_interp(xgrid, x, y) """ x0, x1, y0, y1 = interp_util(xout, xin, yin) val = (xout - x0) / (x1 - x0) * (y1 - y0) + y0 if numpy.isnan(val).any(): # to handle the case where two adjacent elements of xout are equal return nearest_interp(xout, xin, yin) return val
[docs]def nearest_interp(xout, xin, yin): """Nearest-neighbor one-dimensional interpolation. Parameters ---------- xout : array_like The positions at which to interpolate. xin : array_like The x values of the data to interpolate. This must be sorted so that it is monotonically increasing. yin : array_like The y values of the data to interpolate (must be the same size as ``xin``). Returns ------- yout : NumPy array of numbers The interpolated y values (same size as ``xout``). See Also -------- interpolate, linear_interp, neville Examples -------- >>> x = [1.2, 3.4, 4.5, 5.2] >>> y = [12.2, 14.4, 16.8, 15.5] >>> xgrid = np.linspace(2, 5, 5) >>> ygrid = nearest_interp(xgrid, x, y) """ x0, x1, y0, y1 = interp_util(xout, xin, yin) return numpy.where((numpy.abs(xout - x0) < numpy.abs(xout - x1)), y0, y1)
[docs]def interpolate(xout, xin, yin, function=linear_interp): """One-dimensional interpolation. Parameters ---------- xout : array_like The positions at which to interpolate. xin : array_like The x values of the data to interpolate. This must be sorted so that it is monotonically increasing. yin : array_like The y values of the data to interpolate (must be the same size as ``xin``). function : func, optional The function to perform the interpolation. It accepts the arguments (xout, xin, yin) and returns the interpolated values. The default is to use linear interpolation. Returns ------- yout : array_like The interpolated y values (same size as ``xout``). See Also -------- linear_interp, nearest_interp, neville Examples -------- Use linear interpolation to calculate the Y values for the ``xgrid`` array: >>> x = [1.2, 3.4, 4.5, 5.2] >>> y = [12.2, 14.4, 16.8, 15.5] >>> xgrid = np.linspace(2, 5, 5) >>> ygrid = interpolate(xgrid, x, y) Use Neville's algorithm for the interpolation: >>> ygrid = interpolate(xgrid, x, y, neville) """ if not callable(function): raise TypeError("input function '%s' is not callable" % repr(function)) return function(xout, xin, yin)
[docs]def is_binary_file(filename): """Estimate if a file is a binary file. Returns True if a non-printable character is found in the first 1024 bytes of the file. """ fd = open(filename, 'r') try: # Python 2 lines = fd.readlines(1024) fd.close() if len(lines) == 0: return False # If a non-printable character is found in first 1024 --> binary for line in lines: for char in line: if char not in string.printable: return True return False except UnicodeDecodeError: # Python 3 return True finally: fd.close()
[docs]def get_midpoint(a): # return numpy.abs(a.max() - a.min())/2. + a.min() return numpy.abs(a.max() + a.min()) / 2.0
[docs]def get_peak(y, x, xhi=None): return x[y.argmax()]
[docs]def get_valley(y, x, xhi=None): return x[y.argmin()]
[docs]def get_fwhm(y, x, xhi=None): half_max_val = y.max() / 2.0 x_max = x[y.argmax()] for ii, val in enumerate(y[:y.argmax()]): if val >= half_max_val: return 2.0 * numpy.abs(x[ii] - x_max) return x_max
[docs]def guess_fwhm(y, x, xhi=None, scale=1000): fwhm = get_fwhm(y, x, xhi) return {'val': fwhm, 'min': fwhm / scale, 'max': fwhm * scale}
[docs]def param_apply_limits(param_limits, par, limits=True, values=True): """ apply the dictionary of guess values to parameter, also, save the defaults for rollback. """ # only guess thawed parameters! if par.frozen: return if limits and values: default_val = par.val par.set(param_limits['val'], param_limits['min'], param_limits['max'], default_min=par.min, default_max=par.max) # set original value as default outside the property interface par._default_val = default_val # set guessed flag to enable user-defined limit reset par._guessed = True elif values: default_val = par.val par.set(param_limits['val']) # set original value as default outside the property interface par._default_val = default_val else: par.set(min=param_limits['min'], max=param_limits['max'], default_min=par.min, default_max=par.max) # set guessed flag to enable user-defined limit reset par._guessed = True
def get_amplitude_position(arr, mean=False): """ Guess model amplitude and position of array returns (xval, xmin, xmax, xpos) """ xpos = xmin = xmax = xval = 0 amax = arr.max() amin = arr.min() if((amax > 0.0 and amin >= 0.0) or (amax > 0.0 and amin < 0.0 and (abs(amin) <= amax))): xpos = arr.argmax() if mean: xpos = numpy.where(arr == amax) xmax = amax * _guess_ampl_scale xmin = amax / _guess_ampl_scale xval = amax elif((amax > 0.0 and amin < 0.0 and abs(amin) > amax) or (amax == 0.0 and amin < 0.0) or (amax < 0.0)): xpos = arr.argmin() if mean: xpos = numpy.where(arr == amin) xmax = amin / _guess_ampl_scale xmin = amin * _guess_ampl_scale xval = amin elif (amax == 0.0 and amin == 0.0): xpos = arr.argmax() if mean: xpos = numpy.where(arr == amax) xmax = 100.0 / _guess_ampl_scale xmin = 0.0 xval = 0.0 return (xval, xmin, xmax, xpos)
[docs]def guess_amplitude(y, x, xhi=None): """ Guess model parameter amplitude (val, min, max) """ val, ymin, ymax, pos = get_amplitude_position(y) amin, amax = None, None if ymin != 0.0 or ymax != 0.0: amin = ymin amax = ymax if xhi is not None: binsize = numpy.abs(xhi[pos] - x[pos]) if amin is not None: amin /= binsize if amax is not None: amax /= binsize val /= binsize return {'val': val, 'min': amin, 'max': amax}
[docs]def guess_amplitude_at_ref(r, y, x, xhi=None): """ Guess model parameter amplitude (val, min, max) only valid for beta1d, bpl1d, powlaw1d """ t = 1.0 if x[1] > x[0] and r < x[0]: t = numpy.abs(y[0] + y[1]) / 2.0 elif x[1] > x[0] and r > x[-1]: t = numpy.abs(y[-1] + y[-2]) / 2.0 elif x[1] < x[0] and r > x[0]: t = numpy.abs(y[0] + y[1]) / 2.0 elif x[1] < x[0] and r < x[-1]: t = numpy.abs(y[-1] + y[-2]) / 2.0 else: for i in xrange(len(x) - 1): if ((r >= x[i] and r < x[i + 1]) or (r >= x[i + 1] and r < x[i])): t = numpy.abs(y[i] + y[i + 1]) / 2.0 break if t == 0.0: totband = 0.0 dv = 0.0 i = 1 for j in xrange(len(x) - 1): dv = x[i] - x[i - 1] t += y[i] * dv totband += dv i += 1 t /= totband return {'val': t, 'min': t / _guess_ampl_scale, 'max': t * _guess_ampl_scale}
[docs]def guess_amplitude2d(y, x0lo, x1lo, x0hi=None, x1hi=None): """ Guess 2D model parameter amplitude (val, min, max) """ limits = guess_amplitude(y, x0lo) # if (x0hi is not None and x1hi is not None): # binsize = numpy.abs((x0hi[0]-x0lo[0])*(x1hi[0]-x1lo[0])) # if limits['min'] is not None: # limits['min'] /= binsize # if limits['max'] is not None: # limits['max'] /= binsize # limits['val'] /= binsize return limits
[docs]def guess_reference(pmin, pmax, x, xhi=None): """ Guess model parameter reference (val, min, max) """ xmin = x.min() xmax = x.max() if xmin >= 1: pmin = 1 if xmax <= 1: pmax = 1 val = 0.0 if xmin < 1.0 and xmax > 1.0: val = 1.0 else: refval = numpy.floor((xmin + xmax) / 2.0) if refval < pmin or refval > pmax: refval = (xmin + xmax) / 2.0 val = refval return {'val': val, 'min': None, 'max': None}
[docs]def get_position(y, x, xhi=None): """ Get 1D model parameter positions pos (val, min, max) """ pos = get_amplitude_position(y, mean=True) xpos = pos[3] val = numpy.mean(x[xpos]) xmin = x.min() xmax = x.max() if xhi is not None: xmax = xhi.max() return {'val': val, 'min': xmin, 'max': xmax}
[docs]def guess_position(y, x0lo, x1lo, x0hi=None, x1hi=None): """ Guess 2D model parameter positions xpos, ypos ({val0, min0, max0}, {val1, min1, max1}) """ # pos = int(y.argmax()) # return the average of location of brightest pixels pos = numpy.where(y == y.max()) x0, x1 = x0lo, x1lo r1 = {'val': numpy.mean(x0[pos]), 'min': x0.min()} r2 = {'val': numpy.mean(x1[pos]), 'min': x1.min()} if x0hi is None and x1hi is None: r1['max'] = x0.max() r2['max'] = x1.max() else: r1['max'] = x0hi.max() r2['max'] = x1hi.max() return (r1, r2)
[docs]def guess_bounds(x, xhi=True): """ Guess model parameters xlo, xhi (val, min, max) """ xmin = x.min() xmax = x.max() lo = xmin + (xmax - xmin) / 2.0 if xhi: lo = xmin + (xmax - xmin) / 3.0 hi = xmin + 2.0 * (xmax - xmin) / 3.0 return ({'val': lo, 'min': xmin, 'max': xmax}, {'val': hi, 'min': xmin, 'max': xmax}) return {'val': lo, 'min': xmin, 'max': xmax}
[docs]def guess_radius(x0lo, x1lo, x0hi=None, x1hi=None): """ Guess 2D model parameter radius (val, min, max) """ # TODO: the following was the original code, but # a) x1 isn't used # b) there's no difference between the two branches # So, x0hi/x1hi are curently unused. # # if x0hi is None and x1hi is None: # x0, x1 = x0lo, x1lo # else: # x0, x1 = x0lo, x1lo x0 = x0lo delta = numpy.apply_along_axis(numpy.diff, 0, x0)[0] rad = numpy.abs(10 * delta) return {'val': rad, 'min': rad / _guess_ampl_scale, 'max': rad * _guess_ampl_scale}
def split_array(arr, m): """Split array ``arr`` into ``m`` roughly equal chunks >>> split_array(range(27), 6) [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12, 13], [14, 15, 16, 17], [18, 19, 20, 21, 22], [23, 24, 25, 26]] >>> import numpy >>> split_array(numpy.arange(25), 6) [array([0, 1, 2, 3]), array([4, 5, 6, 7]), array([ 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]), array([13, 14, 15, 16]), array([17, 18, 19, 20]), array([21, 22, 23, 24])] >>> split_array(numpy.arange(30).reshape(5,-1), 3) [array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [ 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]]), array([[12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]]), array([[18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23], [24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29]])] Author: Tom Aldcroft split_array() - originated from Python users working group """ n = len(arr) idx = [int(round(i * n / float(m))) for i in range(m + 1)] return [arr[idx[i]:idx[i + 1]] for i in range(m)] def worker(f, ii, chunk, out_q, err_q, lock): try: vals = map(f, chunk) except Exception as e: err_q.put(e) return # output the result and task ID to output queue out_q.put((ii, list(vals))) def run_tasks(procs, err_q, out_q, num): die = (lambda vals: [val.terminate() for val in vals if val.exitcode is None]) try: for proc in procs: proc.start() for proc in procs: proc.join() except KeyboardInterrupt as e: # kill all slave processes on ctrl-C die(procs) raise e if not err_q.empty(): die(procs) raise err_q.get() results = [None] * num while not out_q.empty(): idx, result = out_q.get() results[idx] = result # return list(numpy.concatenate(results)) # Remove extra dimension added by split vals = [] [vals.extend(result) for result in results] return vals
[docs]def parallel_map(function, sequence, numcores=None): """ A parallelized version of the native Python map function that utilizes the Python multiprocessing module to divide and conquer sequence. parallel_map does not yet support multiple argument sequences. :param function: callable function that accepts argument from iterable :param sequence: iterable sequence :param numcores: number of cores to use """ if not callable(function): raise TypeError("input function '%s' is not callable" % repr(function)) if not numpy.iterable(sequence): raise TypeError("input '%s' is not iterable" % repr(sequence)) size = len(sequence) if not _multi or size == 1 or (numcores is not None and numcores < 2): return list(map(function, sequence)) if numcores is None: numcores = _ncpus # Returns a started SyncManager object which can be used for sharing # objects between processes. The returned manager object corresponds # to a spawned child process and has methods which will create shared # objects and return corresponding proxies. manager = multiprocessing.Manager() # Create FIFO queue and lock shared objects and return proxies to them. # The managers handles a server process that manages shared objects that # each slave process has access to. Bottom line -- thread-safe. out_q = manager.Queue() err_q = manager.Queue() lock = manager.Lock() # if sequence is less than numcores, only use len sequence number of # processes if size < numcores: numcores = size # group sequence into numcores-worth of chunks sequence = split_array(sequence, numcores) procs = [multiprocessing.Process(target=worker, args=(function, ii, chunk, out_q, err_q, lock)) for ii, chunk in enumerate(sequence)] return run_tasks(procs, err_q, out_q, numcores)
################################# Neville2d ###################################
[docs]def neville2d(xinterp, yinterp, x, y, fval): nrow = fval.shape[0] # ncol = fval.shape[1] tmp = numpy.zeros(nrow) for row in xrange(nrow): tmp[row] = neville(yinterp, y, fval[row]) return neville(xinterp, x, tmp)
################################## Hessian #################################### class NumDeriv: def __init__(self, func, fval0): self.nfev, self.func = func_counter(func) self.fval_0 = fval0 class NumDerivCentralOrdinary(NumDeriv): """ Subtract the following Taylor series expansion:: 2 ' h '' 3 f( x +/- h ) = f( x ) +/- h f ( x ) + - f ( x ) + O( h ) 2 gives:: ' 3 f( x + h ) - f( x - h ) = 2 h f ( x ) + O( h ) ' solving for f ( x ):: ' f( x + h ) - f( x - h ) 2 f ( x ) = ----------------------- + O( h ) 2 h In addition to the truncation error of order h^2, there is a round off error due to the finite numerical precision ~ r f( x ):: ' f( x + h ) - f( x - h ) r f( x ) 2 f ( x ) = ----------------------- + --------- + O( h ) 2 h h r 2 Error ~= - + h h minimizing the error by differentiating wrt h, the solve for h:: h ~ r^1/3 """ def __init__(self, func, fval0=None): NumDeriv.__init__(self, func, fval0) def __call__(self, x, h): if 0.0 == h: return numpy.Inf return (self.func(x + h) - self.func(x - h)) / (2.0 * h) class NumDerivFowardPartial(NumDeriv): def __init__(self, func, fval0): NumDeriv.__init__(self, func, fval0) def __call__(self, x, h, *args): if 0.0 == h: h = pow(numpy.float_(numpy.finfo(numpy.float32)).eps, 1.0 / 3.0) ith = args[0] jth = args[1] ei = numpy.zeros(len(x), float) ej = numpy.zeros(len(x), float) deltai = h * abs(x[ith]) if 0.0 == deltai: deltai = h ei[ith] = deltai deltaj = h * abs(x[jth]) if 0.0 == deltaj: deltaj = h ej[jth] = deltaj fval = self.fval_0 fval += self.func(x + ei + ej) fval -= self.func(x + ei) fval -= self.func(x + ej) fval /= deltai * deltaj return fval class NumDerivCentralPartial(NumDeriv): """Add the following Taylor series expansion:: 2 ' h '' 3 f( x +/- h ) = f( x ) +/- h f ( x ) + - f ( x ) + O( h ) 2 '' and solve for f ( x ), gives:: '' f( x + h ) + f( x - h ) - 2 f( x ) 2 f ( x ) = ------------------------------------ + O( h ) 2 h In addition to the truncation error of order h^2, there is a round off error due to the finite numerical precision ~ r f( x ):: '' f( x + h ) + f( x - h ) - 2 f( x ) r f( x ) 2 f ( x ) = ------------------------------------ + -------- + O( h ) 2 2 h h r 2 Error ~= - + h 2 h minimizing the error by differentiating wrt h, the solve for h:: h ~ r^1/4 """ def __init__(self, func, fval0): NumDeriv.__init__(self, func, fval0) def __call__(self, x, h, *args): if 0.0 == h: h = pow(numpy.float_(numpy.finfo(numpy.float32)).eps, 1.0 / 3.0) ith = args[0] jth = args[1] ei = numpy.zeros(len(x), float) if ith == jth: delta = h * abs(x[ith]) if 0.0 == delta: delta = h ei[ith] = delta fval = - 2.0 * self.fval_0 fval += self.func(x + ei) + self.func(x - ei) fval /= delta * delta return fval else: ej = numpy.zeros(len(x), float) deltai = h * abs(x[ith]) if 0.0 == deltai: deltai = h ei[ith] = deltai deltaj = h * abs(x[jth]) if 0.0 == deltaj: deltaj = h ej[jth] = deltaj fval = self.func(x + ei + ej) fval -= self.func(x + ei - ej) fval -= self.func(x - ei + ej) fval += self.func(x - ei - ej) fval /= (4.0 * deltai * deltaj) return fval class NoRichardsonExtrapolation: def __init__(self, sequence, verbose=False): self.sequence = sequence self.verbose = verbose def __call__(self, x, t, tol, maxiter, h, *args): self.sequence(x, h, *args) class RichardsonExtrapolation(NoRichardsonExtrapolation): """From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In numerical analysis, Richardson extrapolation is a sequence acceleration method, used to improve the rate of convergence of a sequence. It is named after Lewis Fry Richardson, who introduced the technique in the early 20th century.[1][2] In the words of Birkhoff and Rota, '... its usefulness for practical computations can hardly be overestimated.' 1. Richardson, L. F. (1911). \"The approximate arithmetical solution by finite differences of physical problems including differential equations, with an application to the stresses in a masonry dam \". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A 210. 2. Richardson, L. F. (1927). \" The deferred approach to the limit \". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A 226:""" def __init__(self, sequence, verbose=False): self.sequence = sequence self.verbose = verbose def __call__(self, x, t, tol, maxiter, h, *args): richardson = numpy.zeros((maxiter, maxiter), dtype=numpy.float_) richardson[0, 0] = self.sequence(x, h, *args) t_sqr = t * t for ii in xrange(1, maxiter): h /= t richardson[ii, 0] = self.sequence(x, h, *args) ii_1 = ii - 1 for jj in xrange(1, ii + 1): # jjp1 = jj + 1 -- this variable is not used jj_1 = jj - 1 factor = pow(t_sqr, jj) factor_1 = factor - 1 richardson[ii, jj] = (factor * richardson[ii, jj_1] - richardson[ii_1, jj_1]) / factor_1 arg_jj = richardson[ii, jj] arg_jj -= richardson[ii, jj_1] arg_ii = richardson[ii, jj] arg_ii -= richardson[ii_1, jj_1] if Knuth_close(richardson[ii, ii], richardson[ii_1, ii_1], tol): if self.verbose: print_low_triangle(richardson, jj) return richardson[ii, ii] if self.verbose: print_low_triangle(richardson, maxiter - 1) return richardson[maxiter - 1, maxiter - 1] def hessian(func, par, extrapolation, algorithm, maxiter, h, tol, t): num_dif = algorithm(func, func(par)) deriv = extrapolation(num_dif) npar = len(par) Hessian = numpy.zeros((npar, npar), dtype=numpy.float_) for ii in xrange(npar): for jj in xrange(ii + 1): answer = deriv(par, t, tol, maxiter, h, ii, jj) Hessian[ii, jj] = answer / 2.0 Hessian[jj, ii] = Hessian[ii, jj] return Hessian, num_dif.nfev[0] def print_low_triangle(matrix, num): # print matrix for ii in xrange(num): print(matrix[ii, 0], end=' ') for jj in xrange(1, ii + 1): print(matrix[ii, jj], end=' ') print() def symmetric_to_low_triangle(matrix, num): low_triangle = [] for ii in xrange(num): for jj in xrange(ii + 1): low_triangle.append(matrix[ii, jj]) # print_low_triangle( matrix, num ) # print low_triangle return low_triangle ############################### Root of all evil ############################## def printf(format, *args): """Format args with the first argument as format string, and write. Return the last arg, or format itself if there are no args.""" sys.stdout.write(str(format) % args) return if_(args, args[-1], format) def func_counter(func): '''A function wrapper to count the number of times being called''' nfev = [0] def func_counter_wrapper(x, *args): nfev[0] += 1 return func(x, *args) return nfev, func_counter_wrapper def func_counter_history(func, history): '''A function wrapper to count the number of times being called''' nfev = [0] def func_counter_history_wrapper(x, *args): nfev[0] += 1 y = func(x, *args) history[0].append(x) history[1].append(y) return y return nfev, func_counter_history_wrapper def is_in(arg, seq): for x in seq: if arg == x: return True return False def is_iterable(arg): return isinstance(arg, list) or isinstance(arg, tuple) \ or isinstance(arg, numpy.ndarray) or numpy.iterable(arg) def is_sequence(start, mid, end): return (start < mid) and (mid < end)
[docs]def Knuth_close(x, y, tol, myop=operator.__or__): """Check whether two floating-point numbers are close together. Notes ----- The following text was taken verbatim from [1]_: In most cases it is unreasonable to use an operator==(...) for a floating-point values equality check. The simple solution like ``abs(f1-f2) <= e`` does not work for very small or very big values. This floating-point comparison algorithm is based on the more confident solution presented by D. E. Knuth in 'The art of computer programming (vol II)'. For a given floating point values u and v and a tolerance e:: | u - v | <= e * |u| and | u - v | <= e * |v| (1) defines a "very close with tolerance e" relationship between u and v:: | u - v | <= e * |u| or | u - v | <= e * |v| (2) defines a "close enough with tolerance e" relationship between u and v. Both relationships are commutative but are not transitive. The relationship defined by inequations (1) is stronger that the relationship defined by inequations (2) (i.e. (1) => (2) ). References ---------- .. [1] """ diff = abs(x - y) if 0.0 == x or 0.0 == y: return diff <= tol return myop(diff <= tol * abs(x), diff <= tol * abs(y))
def safe_div(num, denom): import sys dbl_max = sys.float_info.max dbl_min = sys.float_info.min # avoid overflow if denom < 1 and num > denom * dbl_max: return dbl_max # avoid underflow if 0.0 == num or denom > 1 and num < denom * dbl_min: return 0 return num / denom def Knuth_boost_close(x, y, tol, myop=operator.__or__): """ The following text was taken verbatim from: In most cases it is unreasonable to use an operator==(...) for a floating-point values equality check. The simple solution like abs(f1-f2) <= e does not work for very small or very big values. This floating-point comparison algorithm is based on the more confident solution presented by D. E. Knuth in 'The art of computer programming (vol II)'. For a given floating point values u and v and a tolerance e: | u - v | <= e * |u| and | u - v | <= e * |v| (1) defines a "very close with tolerance e" relationship between u and v | u - v | <= e * |u| or | u - v | <= e * |v| (2) defines a "close enough with tolerance e" relationship between u and v. Both relationships are commutative but are not transitive. The relationship defined by inequations (1) is stronger that the relationship defined by inequations (2) (i.e. (1) => (2) ). Because of the multiplication in the right side of inequations, that could cause an unwanted underflow condition, the implementation is using modified version of the inequations (1) and (2) where all underflow, overflow conditions could be guarded safely: | u - v | / |u| <= e and | u - v | / |v| <= e (1`) | u - v | / |u| <= e or | u - v | / |v| <= e (2`)""" diff = abs(x - y) if 0.0 == x or 0.0 == y: return diff <= tol diff_x = safe_div(diff, x) diff_y = safe_div(diff, y) return myop(diff_x <= tol, diff_y <= tol) def list_to_open_interval(arg): if not numpy.iterable(arg): return arg str = '(%e, %e)' % (arg[0], arg[1]) return str def mysgn(arg): if arg == 0.0: return 0 elif arg < 0.0: return -1 else: return 1 # Is this ever used? It is checked for as an exception, so really should be # derived from an exception, but is never thrown, as far as I can see. class OutOfBoundErr: pass class QuadEquaRealRoot: """ solve for the real roots of the quadratic equation: a * x^2 + b * x + c = 0""" def __call__(self, a, b, c): if 0.0 == a: # # 0 * x^2 + b * x + c = 0 # if 0.0 != b: # # 0 * x^2 + b * x + c = 0 # the folowing still works even if c == 0 # answer = - c / b return [answer, answer] else: # # 0 * x^2 + 0 * x + c = 0 # # a == 0, b == 0, so if c == 0 then all numbers work so # returning nan is not right. However if c != 0 then no # roots exist. # return [None, None] elif 0.0 == b: # # a * x^2 + 0 * x + c = 0 # if 0.0 == c: # a * x^2 + 0 * x + 0 = 0 return [0.0, 0.0] else: # a * x^2 + 0 * x + c = 0 if mysgn(a) == mysgn(c): return [None, None] answer = numpy.sqrt(c / a) return [-answer, answer] elif 0.0 == c: # # a * x^2 + b * x + 0 = 0 # return [0.0, - b / a] else: discriminant = b * b - 4.0 * a * c # TODO: is this needed? debug("disc={}".format(discriminant)) sqrt_disc = numpy.sqrt(discriminant) t = - (b + mysgn(b) * sqrt_disc) / 2.0 return [c / t, t / a]
[docs]def bisection(fcn, xa, xb, fa=None, fb=None, args=(), maxfev=48, tol=1.0e-6): history = [[], []] nfev, myfcn = func_counter_history(fcn, history) try: if fa is None: fa = myfcn(xa, *args) if abs(fa) <= tol: return [[xa, fa], [[xa, fa], [xa, fa]], nfev[0]] if fb is None: fb = myfcn(xb, *args) if abs(fb) <= tol: return [[xb, fb], [[xb, fb], [xb, fb]], nfev[0]] if mysgn(fa) == mysgn(fb): # TODO: is this a useful message for the user? warning(__name__ + ': ' + fcn.__name__ + ' fa * fb < 0 is not met') return [[None, None], [[None, None], [None, None]], nfev[0]] while nfev[0] < maxfev: if abs(fa) > tol and abs(fb) > tol: xc = (xa + xb) / 2.0 fc = myfcn(xc, *args) if abs(xa - xb) < min(tol * abs(xb), tol / 10.0): return [[xc, fc], [[xa, fa], [xb, fb]], nfev[0]] if mysgn(fa) != mysgn(fc): xb, fb = xc, fc else: xa, fa = xc, fc else: if abs(fa) <= tol: return [[xa, fa], [[xa, fa], [xb, fb]], nfev[0]] else: return [[xb, fb], [[xa, fa], [xb, fb]], nfev[0]] xc = (xa + xb) / 2.0 fc = myfcn(xc, *args) return [[xc, fc], [[xa, fa], [xb, fb]], nfev[0]] except OutOfBoundErr: return [[None, None], [[xa, fa], [xb, fb]], nfev[0]]
def quad_coef(x, f): """ p( x ) = f( xc ) + A ( x - xc ) + B ( x - xc ) ( x - xb ) = f( xc ) + A ( x - xc ) + B ( ( x - xc ) ( x - xc ) + ( x - xc ) ( xc - xb ) ) = f( xc ) + ( A + B ( xc - xb ) ) ( x - xc ) + B ( x - xc )^2 = f( xc ) + C ( x - xc ) + B ( x - xc )^2 ; C = A + B ( xc - xb ) = f( xc ) + C x - C xc + B ( x^2 - 2 x xc + xc^2 ) = B x^2 + ( C - 2 * B xc ) x + f( xc ) - C xc + B xc^2 = B x^2 + ( C - 2 * B x[2] ) x + f[ 2 ] + x[2] * ( B x[ 2 ] - C ) """ [B, C] = transformed_quad_coef(x, f) B_x2 = B * x[2] return [B, C - 2 * B_x2, f[2] + x[2] * (B_x2 - C)] def transformed_quad_coef(x, f): """ p( x ) = f( xc ) + A ( x - xc ) + B ( x - xc ) ( x - xb ) where A and B are the divided differences:: f( xc ) - f( xb ) A = ----------------- xc - xb 1 ( f( xc ) - f( xb ) f( xb ) - f( xa ) ) B = ------- ( ----------------- - ----------------- ) xc - xa ( xc - xb xb - xa ) p( x ) = f( xc ) + A ( x - xc ) + B ( x - xc ) ( x - xb ) = f( xc ) + A ( x - xc ) + B ( ( x - xc ) ( x - xc ) + ( x - xc ) ( xc - xb ) ) = f( xc ) + ( A + B ( xc - xb ) ) ( x - xc ) + B ( x - xc )^2 = f( xc ) + C ( x - xc ) + B ( x - xc )^2 where C = A + B ( xc - xb ) The root of p( x ), using the quadratic formula:: 1 ( ) x - xc = --- ( - C +/- sqrt( C^2 - 4 f( xc ) B ) ) 2 B ( ) Rationalize the numerator to avoid subtractive cancellation:: 2 f( xc ) x - xc = ------------------------------- C +/- sqrt( C^2 - 4 f( xc ) B ) The sign should be chosen to maximize the denominator. Therefore, the next point in the iteration is:: 2 f( xc ) x = xc - -------------------------------------- C + sgn( C ) sqrt( C^2 - 4 f( xc ) B ) { -1, x < 0 where sgn(x) = { { 1, x >= 0 """ xa, xb, xc = x[0], x[1], x[2] fa, fb, fc = f[0], f[1], f[2] xc_xb = xc - xb fc_fb = fc - fb A = fc_fb / xc_xb fb_fa = fb - fa xb_xa = xb - xa xc_xa = xc - xa B = (A - fb_fa / xb_xa) / xc_xa C = A + B * xc_xb return [B, C]
[docs]def demuller(fcn, xa, xb, xc, fa=None, fb=None, fc=None, args=(), maxfev=32, tol=1.0e-6): """A root-finding algorithm using Muller's method [1]_. p( x ) = f( xc ) + A ( x - xc ) + B ( x - xc ) ( x - xb ) Notes ----- The general case:: 2 f( x ) n x = x - ---------------------------------------- n+1 n C + sgn( C ) sqrt( C^2 - 4 f( x ) B ) n n n n n 1 ( f( x ) - f( x ) f( x ) - f( x ) ) ( n n-1 n-1 n-2 ) B = ------- ( ------------------ - ------------------- ) n x - x ( x - x x - x ) n n-2 ( n n-1 n-1 n-2 ) f( x ) - f( x ) n n-1 A = ----------------- n x - x n n-1 C = A + B ( x - x ) n n n n n-1 The convergence rate for Muller's method can be shown to be the real root of the cubic x - x^3, that is:: p = (a + 4 / a + 1) / 3 a = (19 + 3 sqrt(33))^1/3 In other words: O(h^p) where p is approximately 1.839286755. References ---------- .. [1] """ def is_nan(arg): if arg != arg: return True if arg is numpy.nan: return True return numpy.isnan(arg) history = [[], []] nfev, myfcn = func_counter_history(fcn, history) try: if fa is None: fa = myfcn(xa, *args) if abs(fa) <= tol: return [[xa, fa], [[xa, fa], [xa, fa]], nfev[0]] if fb is None: fb = myfcn(xb, *args) if abs(fb) <= tol: return [[xb, fb], [[xb, fb], [xb, fb]], nfev[0]] if fc is None: fc = myfcn(xc, *args) if abs(fc) <= tol: return [[xc, fc], [[xc, fc], [xc, fc]], nfev[0]] while nfev[0] < maxfev: [B, C] = transformed_quad_coef([xa, xb, xc], [fa, fb, fc]) discriminant = max(C * C - 4.0 * fc * B, 0.0) if is_nan(B) or is_nan(C) or \ 0.0 == C + mysgn(C) * numpy.sqrt(discriminant): return [[None, None], [[None, None], [None, None]], nfev[0]] xd = xc - 2.0 * fc / (C + mysgn(C) * numpy.sqrt(discriminant)) fd = myfcn(xd, *args) # print 'fd(%e)=%e' % (xd, fd) if abs(fd) <= tol: return [[xd, fd], [[None, None], [None, None]], nfev[0]] xa = xb fa = fb xb = xc fb = fc xc = xd fc = fd # print 'demuller(): maxfev exceeded' return [[xd, fd], [[None, None], [None, None]], nfev[0]] except ZeroDivisionError: # print 'demuller(): fixme ZeroDivisionError' # for x, y in izip( history[0], history[1] ): # print 'f(%e)=%e' % ( x, y ) return [[xd, fd], [[None, None], [None, None]], nfev[0]]
[docs]def new_muller(fcn, xa, xb, fa=None, fb=None, args=(), maxfev=32, tol=1.e-6): # This function does not appear to be used def regula_falsi(x0, x1, f0, f1): if f0 < f1: xl, fl = x0, f0 xh, fh = x1, f1 else: xl, fl = x1, f1 xh, fh = x0, f0 x = xl + (xh - xl) * fl / (fl - fh) if is_sequence(x0, x, x1): return x else: return (x0 + x1) / 2.0 history = [[], []] nfev, myfcn = func_counter_history(fcn, history) try: if fa is None: fa = myfcn(xa, *args) if abs(fa) <= tol: return [[xa, fa], [[xa, fa], [xa, fa]], nfev[0]] if fb is None: fb = myfcn(xb, *args) if abs(fb) <= tol: return [[xb, fb], [[xb, fb], [xb, fb]], nfev[0]] if mysgn(fa) == mysgn(fb): # TODO: is this a useful message for the user? warning(__name__ + ': ' + fcn.__name__ + ' fa * fb < 0 is not met') return [[None, None], [[None, None], [None, None]], nfev[0]] while nfev[0] < maxfev: xc = (xa + xb) / 2.0 fc = myfcn(xc, *args) if abs(fc) <= tol: return [[xc, fc], [[xa, fa], [xb, fb]], nfev[0]] tran = transformed_quad_coef([xa, xb, xc], [fa, fb, fc]) B = tran[0] C = tran[1] discriminant = max(C * C - 4.0 * fc * B, 0.0) xd = xc - 2.0 * fc / (C + mysgn(C) * numpy.sqrt(discriminant)) fd = myfcn(xd, *args) # print 'fd(%e)=%e' % (xd, fd) if abs(fd) <= tol: return [[xd, fd], [[xa, fa], [xb, fb]], nfev[0]] if mysgn(fa) != mysgn(fc): xb, fb = xc, fc continue if mysgn(fd) != mysgn(fc) and xc < xd: xa, fa = xc, fc xb, fb = xd, fd continue if mysgn(fb) != mysgn(fd): xa, fa = xd, fd continue if mysgn(fa) != mysgn(fd): xb, fb = xd, fd continue if mysgn(fc) != mysgn(fd) and xd < xc: xa, fa = xd, fd xb, fb = xc, fc continue if mysgn(fc) != mysgn(fd): xa, fa = xc, fc continue # print 'new_muller(): maxfev exceeded' return [[xd, fd], [[xa, fa], [xb, fb]], nfev[0]] except (ZeroDivisionError, OutOfBoundErr): # print 'new_muller(): fixme ZeroDivisionError' # for x, y in izip( history[0], history[1] ): # print 'f(%e)=%e' % ( x, y ) return [[xd, fd], [[xa, fa], [xb, fb]], nfev[0]]
# # /* # * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # * # * # * # * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # * limitations under the License. # */ #
[docs]def apache_muller(fcn, xa, xb, fa=None, fb=None, args=(), maxfev=32, tol=1.0e-6): history = [[], []] nfev, myfcn = func_counter_history(fcn, history) try: if fa is None: fa = myfcn(xa, *args) if abs(fa) <= tol: return [[xa, fa], [[xa, fa], [xa, fa]], nfev[0]] if fb is None: fb = myfcn(xb, *args) if abs(fb) <= tol: return [[xb, fb], [[xb, fb], [xb, fb]], nfev[0]] if mysgn(fa) == mysgn(fb): # TODO: is this a useful message for the user? warning(__name__ + ': ' + fcn.__name__ + ' fa * fb < 0 is not met') return [[None, None], [[None, None], [None, None]], nfev[0]] xc = (xa + xb) / 2.0 fc = myfcn(xc, *args) # print 'MullerBound() fc(%.14e)=%.14e' % (xc,fc) if abs(fc) <= tol: return [[xc, fc], [[xc, fc], [xc, fc]], nfev[0]] xbest, fbest = xa, fa if abs(fb) < abs(fa): xbest, fbest = xb, fb if abs(fc) < abs(fbest): xbest, fbest = xc, fc oldx = 1.0e128 while nfev[0] < maxfev: tran = transformed_quad_coef([xa, xb, xc], [fa, fb, fc]) B = tran[0] C = tran[1] discriminant = max(C * C - 4.0 * fc * B, 0.0) den = mysgn(C) * numpy.sqrt(discriminant) xplus = xc - 2.0 * fc / (C + den) if C != den: xminus = xc - 2.0 * fc / (C - den) else: xminus = 1.0e128 if is_sequence(xa, xplus, xb): x = xplus else: x = xminus # print 'xa=', xa, '\tx=', x, '\txb=', xb, '\txc=', xc # fubar = quad_coef( [xa,xb,xc], [fa,fb,fc] ) # quad = QuadEquaRealRoot( ) # print quad( fubar[0], fubar[1], fubar[2] ) # print # sanity check if not is_sequence(xa, x, xb): x = (xa + xb) / 2.0 y = myfcn(x, *args) # print 'MullerBound() y(%.14e)=%.14e' % (x,y) if abs(y) < abs(fbest): xbest, fbest = x, y tolerance = min(tol * abs(x), tol) if abs(y) <= tol or abs(x - oldx) <= tolerance: return [[x, y], [[xa, fa], [xb, fb]], nfev[0]] mybisect = (x < xc and (xc - xa) > 0.95 * (xb - xa)) or \ (x > xc and (xb - xc) > 0.95 * (xb - xa)) or \ (x == xc) if not mybisect: if x > xc: xa = xc fa = fc if x < xc: xb = xc fb = fc xc, fc = x, y oldx = x else: xmid = (xa + xb) / 2.0 fmid = myfcn(xmid, *args) if abs(fmid) < abs(fbest): xbest, fbest = xmid, fmid # print 'MullerBound() fmid(%.14e)=%.14e' % (xmid,fmid) if abs(fmid) <= tol: return [[xmid, fmid], [[xa, fa], [xb, fb]], nfev[0]] if mysgn(fa) + mysgn(fmid) == 0: xb = xmid fb = fmid else: xa = xmid fa = fmid xc = (xa + xb) / 2.0 fc = myfcn(xc, *args) if abs(fc) < abs(fbest): xbest, fbest = xc, fc # print 'MullerBound() fc(%.14e)=%.14e' % (xc,fc) if abs(fc) <= tol: return [[xc, fc], [[xa, fa], [xb, fb]], nfev[0]] oldx = 1.0e128 # # maxfev has exceeded, return the minimum so far # return [[xbest, fbest], [[xa, fa], [xb, fb]], nfev[0]] # # Something drastic has happened # except (ZeroDivisionError, OutOfBoundErr): return [[xbest, fbest], [[xa, fa], [xb, fb]], nfev[0]]
[docs]def zeroin(fcn, xa, xb, fa=None, fb=None, args=(), maxfev=32, tol=1.0e-2): """Obtain a zero of a function of one variable using Brent's root finder. Return an approximate location for the root with accuracy:: 4*DBL_EPSILON*abs(x) + tol using the algorithm from [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] G.Forsythe, M.Malcolm, C.Moler, Computer methods for mathematical computations. M., Mir, 1980, p.180 of the Russian edition Notes ----- The function makes use of a bisection procedure combined with a linear or quadratic inverse interpolation. At each step the code operates three abscissae - a, b, and c: - b - the last and the best approximation to the root - a - the last but one approximation - c - the last but one or even an earlier approximation such that: 1) ``|f(b)| <= |f(c)|`` 2) f(b) and f(c) have opposite signs, i.e. b and c encompass the root Given these abscissae, the code computes two new approximations, one by the bisection procedure and the other one from interpolation (if a,b, and c are all different the quadratic interpolation is used, linear otherwise). If the approximation obtained by the interpolation looks reasonable (i.e. falls within the current interval [b,c], not too close to the end points of the interval), the point is accepted as a new approximation to the root. Otherwise, the result of the bissection is used. """ history = [[], []] nfev, myfcn = func_counter_history(fcn, history) try: if fa is None: fa = myfcn(xa, *args) if abs(fa) <= tol: return [[xa, fa], [[xa, fa], [xb, fb]], nfev[0]] if fb is None: fb = myfcn(xb, *args) if abs(fb) <= tol: return [[xb, fb], [[xa, fa], [xb, fb]], nfev[0]] if mysgn(fa) == mysgn(fb): # TODO: is this a useful message for the user? warning(__name__ + ': ' + fcn.__name__ + ' fa * fb < 0 is not met') return [[None, None], [[None, None], [None, None]], nfev[0]] xc = xa fc = fa DBL_EPSILON = numpy.float_(numpy.finfo(numpy.float32).eps) while nfev[0] < maxfev: prev_step = xb - xa if abs(fc) < abs(fb): xa, fa = xb, fb xb, fb = xc, fc xc, fc = xa, fa tol_act = 2.0 * DBL_EPSILON * abs(xb) + tol / 2.0 new_step = (xc - xb) / 2.0 if abs(fb) <= tol: return [[xb, fb], [[xa, fa], [xb, fb]], nfev[0]] if abs(new_step) <= tol_act: if mysgn(fb) != mysgn(fa): tmp = apache_muller(fcn, xa, xb, fa, fb, args=args, maxfev=maxfev - nfev[0], tol=tol) tmp[-1] += nfev[0] return tmp elif mysgn(fb) != mysgn(fc): tmp = apache_muller(fcn, xb, xc, fb, fc, args=args, maxfev=maxfev - nfev[0], tol=tol) tmp[-1] += nfev[0] return tmp else: return [[xb, fb], [[xa, fa], [xb, fb]], nfev[0]] if abs(prev_step) >= tol_act and abs(fa) > abs(fb): cb = xc - xb if xa == xc: t1 = fb / fa p = cb * t1 q = 1.0 - t1 else: t1 = fb / fc t2 = fb / fa q = fa / fc p = t2 * (cb * q * (q - t1) - (xb - xa) * (t1 - 1.0)) q = (q - 1.0) * (t1 - 1.0) * (t2 - 1.0) if p > 0: q = -q else: p = -p if 2 * p < (1.5 * cb * q - abs(tol_act * q)) and \ 2 * p < abs(prev_step * q): new_step = p / q if abs(new_step) < tol_act: if new_step > 0: new_step = tol_act else: new_step = -tol_act xa = xb fa = fb xb += new_step fb = myfcn(xb, *args) # print 'fa(%f)=%f\tfb(%f)=%f\tfc(%f)=%f' % (xa,fa,xb,fb,xc,fc) if fb > 0 and fc > 0 or fb < 0 and fc < 0: xc = xa fc = fa return [[xb, fb], [[xa, fa], [xc, fc]], nfev[0]] except (ZeroDivisionError, OutOfBoundErr): return [[xb, fb], [[xa, fa], [xc, fc]], nfev[0]]
def public(f): """Use a decorator to avoid retyping function/class names. * Based on an idea by Duncan Booth: * Improved via a suggestion by Dave Angel: """ _all = sys.modules[f.__module__].__dict__.setdefault('__all__', []) if f.__name__ not in _all: # Prevent duplicates if run from an IDE. _all.append(f.__name__) return f