Source code for sherpa.plot

#  Copyright (C) 2009, 2015, 2016  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
#  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

A visualization interface to Sherpa

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy
import logging
import importlib
import sys

from sherpa.utils import NoNewAttributesAfterInit, erf, SherpaFloat, \
    bool_cast, parallel_map, dataspace1d, histogram1d, get_error_estimates
from sherpa.utils.err import PlotErr, StatErr, ConfidenceErr
from sherpa.estmethods import Covariance
from sherpa.optmethods import LevMar, NelderMead
from sherpa.stats import Likelihood, LeastSq, Chi2XspecVar
from sherpa import get_config
from six.moves.configparser import ConfigParser

warning = logging.getLogger(__name__).warning

_ = numpy.seterr(invalid='ignore')

config = ConfigParser()

plot_opt = config.get('options', 'plot_pkg')
plot_opt = str(plot_opt).strip().lower() + '_backend'
if plot_opt == 'matplotlib_backend':
    plot_opt = 'pylab_backend'

if plot_opt == 'none_backend':
    plot_opt = 'dummy_backend'

    importlib.import_module('.' + plot_opt, package='sherpa.plot')
    backend = sys.modules['sherpa.plot.' + plot_opt]
    # if the user inputs a malformed backend or it is not found,
    # give a useful warning and fall back on dummy_backend of noops
    warning('failed to import sherpa.plot.%s;' % plot_opt +
            ' plotting routines will not be available')
    from . import dummy_backend as backend
    plot_opt = 'dummy_backend'


plotter = backend

__all__ = ('Plot', 'Contour', 'Point', 'SplitPlot', 'JointPlot',
           'DataPlot', 'DataContour', 'DelchiPlot', 'ComponentModelPlot',
           'ModelPlot', 'ModelContour', 'FitPlot', 'FitContour',
           'ResidPlot', 'ResidContour', 'RatioPlot', 'RatioContour',
           'IntervalProjection', 'IntervalUncertainty', 'ChisqrPlot',
           'RegionProjection', 'RegionUncertainty', 'ComponentSourcePlot',
           'PSFPlot','PSFContour','begin', 'end', 'exceptions', 'backend',
           'SourcePlot', 'SourceContour', 'Histogram', 'plotter')

_stats_noerr = ('cash', 'cstat', 'leastsq', 'wstat')

begin = backend.begin
end = backend.end
exceptions = backend.exceptions
get_latex_for_string = backend.get_latex_for_string

def _make_title(title, name=''):
    """Return the plot title to use.

    title : str
        The main title to use
    name : str or None
        The identifier for the dataset.

    title : str
        If the name is empty or None then use title,
        otherwise use title + ' for ' + name.


    if name in [None, '']:
        return title
        return "{} for {}".format(title, name)

[docs]class Plot(NoNewAttributesAfterInit): "Base class for line plots" plot_prefs = backend.get_plot_defaults() def __init__(self): """ Initialize a Plot object. All 1D line plot instances utilize Plot, which provides a generic interface to a backend. Once an instance of Plot is initialized no new attributes of the class can be made. (To eliminate the accidental creation of erroneous attributes) """ self.plot_prefs = self.plot_prefs.copy() NoNewAttributesAfterInit.__init__(self) @staticmethod
[docs] def vline(x, ymin=0, ymax=1, linecolor=None, linestyle=None, linewidth=None, overplot=False, clearwindow=True): "Draw a line at constant x, extending over the plot." backend.vline(x, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, linecolor=linecolor, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth, overplot=overplot, clearwindow=clearwindow)
[docs] def hline(y, xmin=0, xmax=1, linecolor=None, linestyle=None, linewidth=None, overplot=False, clearwindow=True): "Draw a line at constant y, extending over the plot." backend.hline(y, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, linecolor=linecolor, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth, overplot=overplot, clearwindow=clearwindow)
[docs] def plot(self, x, y, yerr=None, xerr=None, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, overplot=False, clearwindow=True): backend.plot(x, y, yerr, xerr, title, xlabel, ylabel, overplot, clearwindow, **self.plot_prefs)
[docs] def overplot(self, *args, **kwargs): "Add the data to an existing plot." kwargs['overplot'] = True self.plot(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Contour(NoNewAttributesAfterInit): "Base class for contour plots" contour_prefs = backend.get_contour_defaults() def __init__(self): """ Initialize a Contour object. All 2D contour plot instances utilize Contour, which provides a generic interface to a backend. Once an instance of Contour is initialized no new attributes of the class can be made. (To eliminate the accidental creation of erroneous attributes) """ self.contour_prefs = self.contour_prefs.copy() NoNewAttributesAfterInit.__init__(self)
[docs] def contour(self, x0, x1, y, levels=None, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, overcontour=False, clearwindow=True): backend.contour(x0, x1, y, levels, title, xlabel, ylabel, overcontour, clearwindow, **self.contour_prefs)
[docs] def overcontour(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['overcontour'] = True self.contour(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Point(NoNewAttributesAfterInit): "Base class for point plots" point_prefs = backend.get_point_defaults() def __init__(self): """ Initialize a Point object. All 1D point plot instances utilize Point, which provides a generic interface to a backend. Once an instance of Point is initialized no new attributes of the class can be made. (To eliminate the accidental creation of erroneous attributes) """ self.point_prefs = self.point_prefs.copy() NoNewAttributesAfterInit.__init__(self)
[docs] def point(self, x, y, overplot=True, clearwindow=False): backend.point(x, y, overplot, clearwindow, **self.point_prefs)
[docs]class Histogram(NoNewAttributesAfterInit): "Base class for histogram plots" histo_prefs = backend.get_histo_defaults() def __init__(self): """ Initialize a Histogram object. All 1D histogram plot instances utilize Histogram, which provides a generic interface to a backend. Once an instance of Histogram is initialized no new attributes of the class can be made. (To eliminate the accidental creation of erroneous attributes) """ self.histo_prefs = self.histo_prefs.copy() NoNewAttributesAfterInit.__init__(self)
[docs] def plot(self, xlo, xhi, y, yerr=None, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, overplot=False, clearwindow=True): backend.histo(xlo, xhi, y, yerr, title, xlabel, ylabel, overplot, clearwindow, **self.histo_prefs)
[docs] def overplot(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['overplot'] = True self.plot(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class HistogramPlot(Histogram): def __init__(self): self.xlo = None self.xhi = None self.y = None self.xlabel = None self.ylabel = None self.title = None Histogram.__init__(self) def __str__(self): xlo = self.xlo if self.xlo is not None: xlo = numpy.array2string(numpy.asarray(self.xlo), separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) xhi = self.xhi if self.xhi is not None: xhi = numpy.array2string(numpy.asarray(self.xhi), separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) y = self.y if self.y is not None: y = numpy.array2string(numpy.asarray(self.y), separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) return (('xlo = %s\n' + 'xhi = %s\n' + 'y = %s\n' + 'xlabel = %s\n' + 'ylabel = %s\n' + 'title = %s\n' + 'histo_prefs = %s') % (xlo, xhi, y, self.xlabel, self.ylabel, self.title, self.histo_prefs))
[docs] def plot(self, overplot=False, clearwindow=True): Histogram.plot(self, self.xlo, self.xhi, self.y, title=self.title, xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel, overplot=overplot, clearwindow=clearwindow)
class PDFPlot(HistogramPlot): def __init__(self): self.points = None HistogramPlot.__init__(self) def __str__(self): points = self.points if self.points is not None: points = numpy.array2string(numpy.asarray(self.points), separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) return ('points = %s\n' % (points) + HistogramPlot.__str__(self)) def prepare(self, points, bins=12, normed=True, xlabel="x", name="x"): self.points = points self.y, xx = numpy.histogram(points, bins=bins, normed=normed) self.xlo = xx[:-1] self.xhi = xx[1:] self.ylabel = "probability density" self.xlabel = xlabel self.title = "PDF: %s" % name class CDFPlot(Plot): median_defaults = dict(linestyle='dash', linecolor='orange', linewidth=1.5) lower_defaults = dict(linestyle='dash', linecolor='blue', linewidth=1.5) upper_defaults = dict(linestyle='dash', linecolor='blue', linewidth=1.5) plot_prefs = backend.get_cdf_plot_defaults() def __init__(self): self.x = None self.y = None self.points = None self.median = None self.lower = None self.upper = None self.xlabel = None self.ylabel = None self.title = None Plot.__init__(self) def __str__(self): x = self.x if self.x is not None: x = numpy.array2string(self.x, separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) y = self.y if self.y is not None: y = numpy.array2string(self.y, separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) points = self.points if self.points is not None: points = numpy.array2string(self.points, separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) return (('points = %s\n' + 'x = %s\n' + 'y = %s\n' + 'median = %s\n' + 'lower = %s\n' + 'upper = %s\n' + 'xlabel = %s\n' + 'ylabel = %s\n' + 'title = %s\n' + 'plot_prefs = %s') % (x, y, points, self.median, self.lower, self.upper, self.xlabel, self.ylabel, self.title, self.plot_prefs)) def prepare(self, points, xlabel="x", name="x"): self.points = points self.x = numpy.sort(points) (self.median, self.lower, self.upper) = get_error_estimates(self.x, True) xsize = len(self.x) self.y = (numpy.arange(xsize) + 1.0) / xsize self.xlabel = xlabel self.ylabel = "p(<=%s)" % (xlabel) self.title = "CDF: %s" % (name) def plot(self, overplot=False, clearwindow=True): Plot.plot(self, self.x, self.y, title=self.title, xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel, overplot=overplot, clearwindow=clearwindow) Plot.vline(self.median, overplot=True, clearwindow=False, **self.median_defaults) Plot.vline(self.lower, overplot=True, clearwindow=False, **self.lower_defaults) Plot.vline(self.upper, overplot=True, clearwindow=False, **self.upper_defaults) class LRHistogram(HistogramPlot): "Derived class for creating 1D likelihood ratio distribution plots" def __init__(self): self.ratios = None = None self.ppp = None HistogramPlot.__init__(self) def __str__(self): ratios = self.ratios if self.ratios is not None: ratios = numpy.array2string(numpy.asarray(self.ratios), separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) return '\n'.join(['ratios = %s' % ratios, 'lr = %s' % str(, HistogramPlot.__str__(self)]) def prepare(self, ratios, bins, niter, lr, ppp): self.ppp = float(ppp) = float(lr) y = numpy.asarray(ratios) self.ratios = y self.xlo, self.xhi = dataspace1d(y.min(), y.max(), numbins=bins + 1)[:2] y = histogram1d(y, self.xlo, self.xhi) self.y = y / float(niter) self.title = "Likelihood Ratio Distribution" self.xlabel = "Likelihood Ratio" self.ylabel = "Frequency" def plot(self, overplot=False, clearwindow=True): Histogram.plot(self, self.xlo, self.xhi, self.y, title=self.title, xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel, overplot=overplot, clearwindow=clearwindow) if is None: return if <= self.xhi.max() and >= self.xlo.min(): Plot.vline(, linecolor="orange", linestyle="solid", linewidth=1.5, overplot=True, clearwindow=False)
[docs]class SplitPlot(Plot, Contour): """Create multiple plots. Attributes ---------- rows : int Number of rows of plots. The default is 2. cols : int Number of columns of plots. The default is 1. plot_prefs : dict The preferences for the plots. This depends on the plot backend. """ plot_prefs = backend.get_split_plot_defaults() def __init__(self, rows=2, cols=1): self.reset(rows, cols) Plot.__init__(self) Contour.__init__(self) def __str__(self): return (('rows = %s\n' + 'cols = %s\n' + 'plot_prefs = %s') % (self.rows, self.cols, self.plot_prefs))
[docs] def reset(self, rows=2, cols=1): "Prepare for a new set of plots or contours." self.rows = rows self.cols = cols self._reset_used() self._current = (0, 0) self._cleared_window = False
def _clear_window(self): if not self._cleared_window: backend.clear_window() self._cleared_window = True def _reset_used(self): self._used = numpy.zeros((self.rows, self.cols), numpy.bool_) def _next_subplot(self): row, col = numpy.where(self._used == False) if row.size != 0: row, col = row[0], col[0] else: self._reset_used() row, col = 0, 0 return row, col
[docs] def addplot(self, plot, *args, **kwargs): "Add the plot to the next space." row, col = self._next_subplot() self.plot(row, col, plot, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def addcontour(self, plot, *args, **kwargs): "Add the contour plot to the next space." row, col = self._next_subplot() self.contour(row, col, plot, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot(self, row, col, plot, *args, **kwargs): "Add the plot in the given space." self._clear_window() clearaxes = ((not kwargs.get('overplot', False)) and kwargs.get('clearwindow', True)) backend.set_subplot(row, col, self.rows, self.cols, clearaxes, **self.plot_prefs) kwargs['clearwindow'] = False plot.plot(*args, **kwargs) self._used[row, col] = True self._current = (row, col)
[docs] def contour(self, row, col, plot, *args, **kwargs): "Add the contour in the given space." self._clear_window() clearaxes = ((not kwargs.get('overcontour', False)) and kwargs.get('clearwindow', True)) backend.set_subplot(row, col, self.rows, self.cols, clearaxes, **self.plot_prefs) kwargs['clearwindow'] = False plot.contour(*args, **kwargs) self._used[row, col] = True self._current = (row, col)
[docs] def overlayplot(self, plot, *args, **kwargs): "Add the plot to the current space without destroying the contents." self.overplot(self._current[0], self._current[1], plot, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def overlaycontour(self, plot, *args, **kwargs): "Add the contour to the current space without destroying the contents." self.overcontour(self._current[0], self._current[1], plot, *args, **kwargs)
# FIXME: work on overplot issue
[docs] def overplot(self, row, col, plot, *args, **kwargs): "Add a plot to the given space without destroying the contents." kwargs['overplot'] = True self.plot(row, col, plot, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def overcontour(self, row, col, plot, *args, **kwargs): "Add a contour plot to the given space without destroying the contents." kwargs['overcontour'] = True self.contour(row, col, plot, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class JointPlot(SplitPlot): def __init__(self): SplitPlot.__init__(self) def _clear_window(self, row, col, erase=True): if not self._cleared_window: if erase: backend.clear_window() # FIXME: misuse of kwarg clearaxes for chips backend backend.set_jointplot(row, col, self.rows, self.cols, False) self._cleared_window = True else: # FIXME: misuse of kwarg clearaxes for chips backend backend.set_jointplot(row, col, self.rows, self.cols)
[docs] def plottop(self, plot, *args, **kwargs): clearaxes = kwargs.get('clearwindow', True) self._clear_window(0, 0, clearaxes) # FIXME: should not know about FitPlot, terrible hack to remove label if isinstance(plot, FitPlot): plot.dataplot.xlabel = '' plot.modelplot.xlabel = '' else: plot.xlabel = '' kwargs['clearwindow'] = False plot.plot(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def plotbot(self, plot, *args, **kwargs): self._clear_window(1, 0) # FIXME: terrible hack to remove title from bottom plot.title = '' kwargs['clearwindow'] = False plot.plot(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class DataPlot(Plot): """Create 1D plots of data values. Attributes ---------- plot_prefs : dict The preferences for the plot. x : array_like The X value for each point (the independent variable). y : array_like The Y value for each point (the dependent variable). xerr : array_like The half-width of each X "bin", if set. yerr : array_like The error on the Y value, if set. xlabel, ylabel, title : str Plot labels. """ plot_prefs = backend.get_data_plot_defaults() def __init__(self): self.x = None self.y = None self.yerr = None self.xerr = None self.xlabel = None self.ylabel = None self.title = None Plot.__init__(self) def __str__(self): x = self.x if self.x is not None: x = numpy.array2string(self.x, separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) y = self.y if self.y is not None: y = numpy.array2string(self.y, separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) yerr = self.yerr if self.yerr is not None: yerr = numpy.array2string(self.yerr, separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) xerr = self.xerr if self.xerr is not None: xerr = numpy.array2string(self.xerr, separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) return (('x = %s\n' + 'y = %s\n' + 'yerr = %s\n' + 'xerr = %s\n' + 'xlabel = %s\n' + 'ylabel = %s\n' + 'title = %s\n' + 'plot_prefs = %s') % (x, y, yerr, xerr, self.xlabel, self.ylabel, self.title, self.plot_prefs))
[docs] def prepare(self, data, stat=None): (self.x, self.y, self.yerr, self.xerr, self.xlabel, self.ylabel) = data.to_plot() # if self.yerr is None and stat is not None: if stat is not None: msg = ("The displayed errorbars have been supplied with the data or calculated using chi2xspecvar; the errors are not used in fits with %s" % if in _stats_noerr: self.yerr = data.get_yerr(True, Chi2XspecVar.calc_staterror) warning(msg) else: try: self.yerr = data.get_yerr(True, stat.calc_staterror) except: warning(msg + "\nzeros or negative values found") self.title =
[docs] def plot(self, overplot=False, clearwindow=True): Plot.plot(self, self.x, self.y, self.yerr, self.xerr, self.title, self.xlabel, self.ylabel, overplot, clearwindow)
class TracePlot(DataPlot): plot_prefs = backend.get_model_plot_defaults() def prepare(self, points, xlabel="x", name="x"): self.x = numpy.arange(len(points), dtype=SherpaFloat) self.y = points self.xlabel = "iteration" self.ylabel = name self.title = "Trace: %s" % (name) class ScatterPlot(DataPlot): plot_prefs = backend.get_scatter_plot_defaults() def prepare(self, x, y, xlabel="x", ylabel="y", name="(x,y)"): self.x = numpy.asarray(x, dtype=SherpaFloat) self.y = numpy.asarray(y, dtype=SherpaFloat) self.xlabel = xlabel self.ylabel = ylabel self.title = "Scatter: %s" % (name) class PSFKernelPlot(DataPlot): "Derived class for creating 1D PSF kernel data plots" def prepare(self, psf, data=None, stat=None): psfdata = psf.get_kernel(data) DataPlot.prepare(self, psfdata, stat) # self.ylabel = 'PSF value' # self.xlabel = 'PSF Kernel size' self.title = 'PSF Kernel'
[docs]class DataContour(Contour): """Create contours of 2D data. Attributes ---------- contour_prefs : dict The preferences for the plot. x0, x1 : array_like The coordinates of each point (the independent variables), as one-dimensional arrays. y : array_like The Y value for each point (the dependent variable), as a one-dimensional array. levels : array_like or `None` The values at which to draw contours. xlabel, ylabel, title : str Plot labels. """ contour_prefs = backend.get_data_contour_defaults() def __init__(self): self.x0 = None self.x1 = None self.y = None self.xlabel = None self.ylabel = None self.title = None self.levels = None Contour.__init__(self) def __str__(self): x0 = self.x0 if self.x0 is not None: x0 = numpy.array2string(self.x0, separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) x1 = self.x1 if self.x1 is not None: x1 = numpy.array2string(self.x1, separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) y = self.y if self.y is not None: y = numpy.array2string(self.y, separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) return (('x0 = %s\n' + 'x1 = %s\n' + 'y = %s\n' + 'xlabel = %s\n' + 'ylabel = %s\n' + 'title = %s\n' + 'levels = %s\n' + 'contour_prefs = %s') % (x0, x1, y, self.xlabel, self.ylabel, self.title, self.levels, self.contour_prefs))
[docs] def prepare(self, data, stat=None): (self.x0, self.x1, self.y, self.xlabel, self.ylabel) = data.to_contour() self.title =
[docs] def contour(self, overcontour=False, clearwindow=True): Contour.contour(self, self.x0, self.x1, self.y, self.levels, self.title, self.xlabel, self.ylabel, overcontour, clearwindow)
class PSFKernelContour(DataContour): "Derived class for creating 2D PSF Kernel contours" def prepare(self, psf, data=None, stat=None): psfdata = psf.get_kernel(data) DataContour.prepare(self, psfdata) # self.xlabel = 'PSF Kernel size x0' # self.ylabel = 'PSF Kernel size x1' self.title = 'PSF Kernel'
[docs]class ModelPlot(Plot): """Create 1D plots of model values. Attributes ---------- plot_prefs : dict The preferences for the plot. x : array_like The X value for each point (the independent variable). y : array_like The Y value for each point (the dependent variable). xerr : array_like The half-width of each X "bin", if set. yerr : array_like The error on the Y value, if set. xlabel, ylabel, title : str Plot labels. """ plot_prefs = backend.get_model_plot_defaults() def __init__(self): self.x = None self.y = None self.yerr = None self.xerr = None self.xlabel = None self.ylabel = None self.title = 'Model' Plot.__init__(self) def __str__(self): x = self.x if self.x is not None: x = numpy.array2string(self.x, separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) y = self.y if self.y is not None: y = numpy.array2string(self.y, separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) yerr = self.yerr if self.yerr is not None: yerr = numpy.array2string(self.yerr, separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) xerr = self.xerr if self.xerr is not None: xerr = numpy.array2string(self.xerr, separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) return (('x = %s\n' + 'y = %s\n' + 'yerr = %s\n' + 'xerr = %s\n' + 'xlabel = %s\n' + 'ylabel = %s\n' + 'title = %s\n' + 'plot_prefs = %s') % (x, y, yerr, xerr, self.xlabel, self.ylabel, self.title, self.plot_prefs))
[docs] def prepare(self, data, model, stat=None): (self.x, self.y, self.yerr, self.xerr, self.xlabel, self.ylabel) = data.to_plot(yfunc=model) self.y = self.y[1]
[docs] def plot(self, overplot=False, clearwindow=True): Plot.plot(self, self.x, self.y, title=self.title, xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel, overplot=overplot, clearwindow=clearwindow)
[docs]class ComponentModelPlot(ModelPlot): plot_prefs = backend.get_component_plot_defaults()
[docs] def prepare(self, data, model, stat=None): ModelPlot.prepare(self, data, model, stat) self.title = 'Model component: %s' %
class ComponentTemplateModelPlot(ComponentModelPlot): def prepare(self, data, model, stat=None): self.x = model.get_x() self.y = model.get_y() self.xlabel = data.get_xlabel() self.ylabel = data.get_ylabel() self.title = 'Model component: %s' %
[docs]class SourcePlot(ModelPlot): """Create 1D plots of unconcolved model values. Attributes ---------- plot_prefs : dict The preferences for the plot. x : array_like The X value for each point (the independent variable). y : array_like The Y value for each point (the model value). xerr : array_like The half-width of each X "bin", if set. yerr : array_like The error on the Y value, if set. xlabel, ylabel, title : str Plot labels. """ def __init__(self): ModelPlot.__init__(self) self.title = 'Source'
[docs]class ComponentSourcePlot(SourcePlot): plot_prefs = backend.get_component_plot_defaults()
[docs] def prepare(self, data, model, stat=None): SourcePlot.prepare(self, data, model, stat) self.title = 'Source model component: %s' %
class ComponentTemplateSourcePlot(ComponentSourcePlot): def prepare(self, data, model, stat=None): self.x = model.get_x() self.y = model.get_y() if numpy.iterable(data.mask): x = data.to_plot()[0] mask = (self.x > x.min()) & (self.x <= x.max()) self.x = self.x[mask] self.y = self.y[mask] self.xlabel = data.get_xlabel() self.ylabel = data.get_ylabel() self.title = 'Source model component: %s' %
[docs]class PSFPlot(DataPlot): "Derived class for creating 1D PSF kernel data plots"
[docs] def prepare(self, psf, data=None, stat=None): psfdata = psf.get_kernel(data, False) DataPlot.prepare(self, psfdata, stat) self.title =
[docs]class ModelContour(Contour): "Derived class for creating 2D model contours" contour_prefs = backend.get_model_contour_defaults() def __init__(self): self.x0 = None self.x1 = None self.y = None self.xlabel = None self.ylabel = None self.title = 'Model' self.levels = None Contour.__init__(self) def __str__(self): x0 = self.x0 if self.x0 is not None: x0 = numpy.array2string(self.x0, separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) x1 = self.x1 if self.x1 is not None: x1 = numpy.array2string(self.x1, separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) y = self.y if self.y is not None: y = numpy.array2string(self.y, separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) return (('x0 = %s\n' + 'x1 = %s\n' + 'y = %s\n' + 'xlabel = %s\n' + 'ylabel = %s\n' + 'title = %s\n' + 'levels = %s\n' + 'contour_prefs = %s') % (x0, x1, y, self.xlabel, self.ylabel, self.title, self.levels, self.contour_prefs))
[docs] def prepare(self, data, model, stat): (self.x0, self.x1, self.y, self.xlabel, self.ylabel) = data.to_contour(yfunc=model) self.y = self.y[1]
[docs] def contour(self, overcontour=False, clearwindow=True): Contour.contour(self, self.x0, self.x1, self.y, levels=self.levels, title=self.title, xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel, overcontour=overcontour, clearwindow=clearwindow)
[docs]class PSFContour(DataContour): "Derived class for creating 2D PSF contours"
[docs] def prepare(self, psf, data=None, stat=None): psfdata = psf.get_kernel(data, False) DataContour.prepare(self, psfdata) self.title =
[docs]class SourceContour(ModelContour): "Derived class for creating 2D model contours" def __init__(self): ModelContour.__init__(self) self.title = 'Source'
[docs]class FitPlot(Plot): "Derived class for creating 1D combination data and model plots" plot_prefs = backend.get_fit_plot_defaults() def __init__(self): self.dataplot = None self.modelplot = None Plot.__init__(self) def __str__(self): data_title = None if self.dataplot is not None: data_title = self.dataplot.title model_title = None if self.modelplot is not None: model_title = self.modelplot.title return (('dataplot = %s\n%s\n\nmodelplot = %s\n%s') % (data_title, self.dataplot, model_title, self.modelplot))
[docs] def prepare(self, dataplot, modelplot): self.dataplot = dataplot self.modelplot = modelplot
[docs] def plot(self, overplot=False, clearwindow=True): if self.dataplot is None or self.modelplot is None: raise PlotErr("nodataormodel") self.dataplot.plot(overplot, clearwindow) self.modelplot.overplot()
[docs]class FitContour(Contour): "Derived class for creating 2D combination data and model contours" contour_prefs = backend.get_fit_contour_defaults() def __init__(self): self.datacontour = None self.modelcontour = None Contour.__init__(self) def __str__(self): data_title = None if self.datacontour is not None: data_title = self.datacontour.title model_title = None if self.modelcontour is not None: model_title = self.modelcontour.title return (('datacontour = %s\n%s\n\nmodelcontour = %s\n%s') % (data_title, self.datacontour, model_title, self.modelcontour))
[docs] def prepare(self, datacontour, modelcontour): self.datacontour = datacontour self.modelcontour = modelcontour
[docs] def contour(self, overcontour=False, clearwindow=True): self.datacontour.contour(overcontour, clearwindow) self.modelcontour.overcontour()
[docs]class DelchiPlot(ModelPlot): """Create plots of the delta-chi value per point. The value of (data-model)/error is plotted for each point. Attributes ---------- plot_prefs : dict The preferences for the plot. x : array_like The X value for each point. y : array_like The Y value for each point: (data-model)/error xerr : array_like The half-width of each X "bin", if set. yerr : array_like The error on the Y value (each element is `1`). xlabel, ylabel, title : str Plot labels. """ plot_prefs = backend.get_resid_plot_defaults() def _calc_delchi(self, ylist, staterr): return (ylist[0] - ylist[1]) / staterr
[docs] def prepare(self, data, model, stat): (self.x, y, staterr, self.xerr, self.xlabel, self.ylabel) = data.to_plot(model) if staterr is None: if in _stats_noerr: raise StatErr('badstat', "DelchiPlot", staterr = data.get_yerr(True, stat.calc_staterror) self.y = self._calc_delchi(y, staterr) self.yerr = staterr / staterr self.ylabel = 'Sigma' self.title = _make_title('Sigma Residuals',
[docs] def plot(self, overplot=False, clearwindow=True): Plot.plot(self, self.x, self.y, self.yerr, self.xerr, self.title, self.xlabel, self.ylabel, overplot, clearwindow)
[docs]class ChisqrPlot(ModelPlot): """Create plots of the chi-square value per point. The value of ((data-model)/error)^2 is plotted for each point. Attributes ---------- plot_prefs : dict The preferences for the plot. x : array_like The X value for each point. y : array_like The Y value for each point: ((data-model)/error)^2 xerr : array_like The half-width of each X "bin", if set. yerr : array_like The error on the Y value. Will be `None` here. xlabel, ylabel, title : str Plot labels. """ plot_prefs = backend.get_model_plot_defaults() def _calc_chisqr(self, ylist, staterr): dy = ylist[0] - ylist[1] return dy * dy / (staterr * staterr)
[docs] def prepare(self, data, model, stat): (self.x, y, staterr, self.xerr, self.xlabel, self.ylabel) = data.to_plot(model) # if staterr is None: if in _stats_noerr: raise StatErr('badstat', "ChisqrPlot", staterr = data.get_yerr(True, stat.calc_staterror) self.y = self._calc_chisqr(y, staterr) self.ylabel = get_latex_for_string('\chi^2') self.title = _make_title(get_latex_for_string('\chi^2'),
[docs] def plot(self, overplot=False, clearwindow=True): Plot.plot(self, self.x, self.y, title=self.title, xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel, overplot=overplot, clearwindow=clearwindow)
[docs]class ResidPlot(ModelPlot): """Create plots of the residuals (data - model) per point. The value of (data-model) is plotted for each point. Attributes ---------- plot_prefs : dict The preferences for the plot. x : array_like The X value for each point. y : array_like The Y value for each point: data-model. xerr : array_like The half-width of each X "bin", if set. yerr : array_like The error on the Y value, if set. xlabel, ylabel, title : str Plot labels. """ plot_prefs = backend.get_resid_plot_defaults() def _calc_resid(self, ylist): return ylist[0] - ylist[1]
[docs] def prepare(self, data, model, stat): (self.x, y, self.yerr, self.xerr, self.xlabel, self.ylabel) = data.to_plot(model) self.y = self._calc_resid(y) # if self.yerr is None: if in _stats_noerr: self.yerr = data.get_yerr(True, Chi2XspecVar.calc_staterror) warning("The displayed errorbars have been supplied with the data or calculated using chi2xspecvar; the errors are not used in fits with %s" % else: self.yerr = data.get_yerr(True, stat.calc_staterror) # Some data sets (e.g. DataPHA, which shows the units) have a y # label that could (should?) be displayed (or added to the label). # To avoid a change in behavior, the label is only changed if # the "generic" Y axis label is used. To be reviewed. # if self.ylabel == 'y': self.ylabel = 'Data - Model' self.title = _make_title('Residuals',
[docs] def plot(self, overplot=False, clearwindow=True): Plot.plot(self, self.x, self.y, self.yerr, self.xerr, self.title, self.xlabel, self.ylabel, overplot, clearwindow)
[docs]class ResidContour(ModelContour): "Derived class for creating 2D residual contours (data-model)" contour_prefs = backend.get_resid_contour_defaults() def _calc_resid(self, ylist): return ylist[0] - ylist[1]
[docs] def prepare(self, data, model, stat): (self.x0, self.x1, self.y, self.xlabel, self.ylabel) = data.to_contour(yfunc=model) self.y = self._calc_resid(self.y) self.title = _make_title('Residuals',
[docs] def contour(self, overcontour=False, clearwindow=True): Contour.contour(self, self.x0, self.x1, self.y, levels=self.levels, title=self.title, xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel, overcontour=overcontour, clearwindow=clearwindow)
[docs]class RatioPlot(ModelPlot): """Create plots of the ratio of data to model per point. The value of data / model is plotted for each point. Attributes ---------- plot_prefs : dict The preferences for the plot. x : array_like The X value for each point. y : array_like The Y value for each point: data-model. xerr : array_like The half-width of each X "bin", if set. yerr : array_like The error on the Y value, if set. xlabel, ylabel, title : str Plot labels. """ plot_prefs = backend.get_ratio_plot_defaults() def _calc_ratio(self, ylist): data = numpy.array(ylist[0]) model = numpy.asarray(ylist[1]) bad = numpy.where(model == 0.0) data[bad] = 0.0 model[bad] = 1.0 return (data / model)
[docs] def prepare(self, data, model, stat): (self.x, y, self.yerr, self.xerr, self.xlabel, self.ylabel) = data.to_plot(model) self.y = self._calc_ratio(y) # if self.yerr is None: if in _stats_noerr: self.yerr = data.get_yerr(True, Chi2XspecVar.calc_staterror) self.yerr = self.yerr / y[1] warning("The displayed errorbars have been supplied with the data or calculated using chi2xspecvar; the errors are not used in fits with %s" % else: staterr = data.get_yerr(True, stat.calc_staterror) self.yerr = staterr / y[1] self.ylabel = 'Data / Model' self.title = _make_title('Ratio of Data to Model',
[docs] def plot(self, overplot=False, clearwindow=True): Plot.plot(self, self.x, self.y, self.yerr, self.xerr, self.title, self.xlabel, self.ylabel, overplot, clearwindow)
[docs]class RatioContour(ModelContour): "Derived class for creating 2D ratio contours (data:model)" contour_prefs = backend.get_ratio_contour_defaults() def _calc_ratio(self, ylist): data = numpy.array(ylist[0]) model = numpy.asarray(ylist[1]) bad = numpy.where(model == 0.0) data[bad] = 0.0 model[bad] = 1.0 return (data / model)
[docs] def prepare(self, data, model, stat): (self.x0, self.x1, self.y, self.xlabel, self.ylabel) = data.to_contour(yfunc=model) self.y = self._calc_ratio(self.y) self.title = _make_title('Ratio of Data to Model',
[docs] def contour(self, overcontour=False, clearwindow=True): Contour.contour(self, self.x0, self.x1, self.y, levels=self.levels, title=self.title, xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel, overcontour=overcontour, clearwindow=clearwindow)
[docs]class Confidence1D(DataPlot): plot_prefs = backend.get_confid_plot_defaults() def __init__(self): self.min = None self.max = None self.nloop = 20 self.delv = None self.fac = 1 self.log = False self.parval = None self.stat = None self.numcores = None DataPlot.__init__(self) def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) if 'stat' not in state: self.__dict__['stat'] = None if 'parval' not in state: self.__dict__['parval'] = None if 'numcores' not in state: self.__dict__['numcores'] = None def __str__(self): x = self.x if self.x is not None: x = numpy.array2string(self.x, separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) y = self.y if self.y is not None: y = numpy.array2string(self.y, separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) return (('x = %s\n' + 'y = %s\n' + 'min = %s\n' + 'max = %s\n' + 'nloop = %s\n' + 'delv = %s\n' + 'fac = %s\n' + 'log = %s') % (x, y, self.min, self.max, self.nloop, self.delv, self.fac, self.log))
[docs] def prepare(self, min=None, max=None, nloop=20, delv=None, fac=1, log=False, numcores=None): self.min = min self.max = max self.nloop = nloop self.delv = delv self.fac = fac self.log = log self.numcores = numcores
def _interval_init(self, fit, par): self.stat = fit.calc_stat() self.parval = par.val self.xlabel = par.fullname self.ylabel = 'Statistic Value' if self.min is None or self.max is None: oldestmethod = fit.estmethod fit.estmethod = Covariance() r = fit.est_errors() index = list(r.parnames).index(par.fullname) fit.estmethod = oldestmethod if self.min is None: self.min = par.min min = r.parmins[index] if min is not None and not numpy.isnan(min): self.min = par.val + min if self.max is None: self.max = par.max max = r.parmaxes[index] if max is not None and not numpy.isnan(max): self.max = par.val + max v = (self.max + self.min) / 2. dv = numpy.fabs(v - self.min) self.min = v - self.fac * dv self.max = v + self.fac * dv if not numpy.isscalar(self.min) or not numpy.isscalar(self.max): raise ConfidenceErr('badarg', 'Parameter limits', 'scalars') # check user limits for errors if self.min >= self.max: raise ConfidenceErr('badlimits') if self.nloop <= 1: raise ConfidenceErr('badarg', 'Nloop parameter', '> 1') if self.min < par.min: self.min = par.min if self.max > par.max: self.max = par.max if self.delv is None: self.x = numpy.linspace(self.min, self.max, self.nloop) else: eps = numpy.finfo(numpy.float32).eps self.x = numpy.arange(self.min, self.max + self.delv - eps, self.delv) x = self.x if self.log: if self.max <= 0.0 or self.min <= 0.0: raise ConfidenceErr('badarg', 'Log scale', 'on positive boundaries') self.max = numpy.log10(self.max) self.min = numpy.log10(self.min) x = numpy.linspace(self.min, self.max, len(x)) return x
[docs] def calc(self, fit, par): if type(fit.stat) in (LeastSq,): raise ConfidenceErr('badargconf',
[docs] def plot(self, overplot=False, clearwindow=True): if self.log: self.plot_prefs['xlog'] = True Plot.plot(self, self.x, self.y, title=self.title, xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel, overplot=overplot, clearwindow=clearwindow) if self.stat is not None: Plot.hline(self.stat, linecolor="green", linestyle="dash", linewidth=1.5, overplot=True, clearwindow=False) if self.parval is not None: Plot.vline(self.parval, linecolor="orange", linestyle="dash", linewidth=1.5, overplot=True, clearwindow=False) if self.log: self.plot_prefs['xlog'] = False
[docs]class Confidence2D(DataContour, Point): contour_prefs = backend.get_confid_contour_defaults() point_prefs = backend.get_confid_point_defaults() def __init__(self): self.min = None self.max = None self.nloop = (10, 10) self.fac = 4 self.delv = None self.log = (False, False) self.sigma = (1, 2, 3) self.parval0 = None self.parval1 = None self.stat = None self.numcores = None DataContour.__init__(self) def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) if 'stat' not in state: self.__dict__['stat'] = None if 'numcores' not in state: self.__dict__['numcores'] = None def __str__(self): x0 = self.x0 if self.x0 is not None: x0 = numpy.array2string(self.x0, separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) x1 = self.x1 if self.x1 is not None: x1 = numpy.array2string(self.x1, separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) y = self.y if self.y is not None: y = numpy.array2string(self.y, separator=',', precision=4, suppress_small=False) return (('x0 = %s\n' + 'x1 = %s\n' + 'y = %s\n' + 'min = %s\n' + 'max = %s\n' + 'nloop = %s\n' + 'fac = %s\n' + 'delv = %s\n' + 'log = %s\n' + 'sigma = %s\n' + 'parval0 = %s\n' + 'parval1 = %s\n' + 'levels = %s') % (x0, x1, y, self.min, self.max, self.nloop, self.fac, self.delv, self.log, self.sigma, self.parval0, self.parval1, self.levels))
[docs] def prepare(self, min=None, max=None, nloop=(10, 10), delv=None, fac=4, log=(False, False), sigma=(1, 2, 3), levels=None, numcores=None): self.min = min self.max = max self.nloop = nloop self.delv = delv self.fac = fac self.log = log self.sigma = sigma self.levels = levels self.parval0 = None self.parval1 = None self.numcores = numcores
def _region_init(self, fit, par0, par1): self.stat = fit.calc_stat() self.xlabel = par0.fullname self.ylabel = par1.fullname self.parval0 = par0.val self.parval1 = par1.val if self.levels is None: stat = self.stat if self.sigma is None or numpy.isscalar(self.sigma): raise ConfidenceErr('needlist', 'sigma bounds') thelevels = numpy.zeros(len(self.sigma), SherpaFloat) for i in range(len(self.sigma)): thelevels[i] = stat - (2. * numpy.log(1. - erf( self.sigma[i] / numpy.sqrt(2.)))) self.levels = thelevels if self.min is None or self.max is None: oldestmethod = fit.estmethod fit.estmethod = Covariance() r = fit.est_errors() fit.estmethod = oldestmethod index0 = list(r.parnames).index(par0.fullname) index1 = list(r.parnames).index(par1.fullname) if self.min is None: self.min = numpy.array([par0.min, par1.min]) min0 = r.parmins[index0] min1 = r.parmins[index1] if min0 is not None and not numpy.isnan(min0): self.min[0] = par0.val + min0 if min1 is not None and not numpy.isnan(min1): self.min[1] = par1.val + min1 if self.max is None: self.max = numpy.array([par0.max, par1.max]) max0 = r.parmaxes[index0] max1 = r.parmaxes[index1] if max0 is not None and not numpy.isnan(max0): self.max[0] = par0.val + max0 if max1 is not None and not numpy.isnan(max1): self.max[1] = par1.val + max1 # check user limits for errors if numpy.isscalar(self.min) or numpy.isscalar(self.max): raise ConfidenceErr('badarg', 'Parameter limits', 'a list') for i in [0, 1]: v = (self.max[i] + self.min[i]) / 2. dv = numpy.fabs(v - self.min[i]) self.min[i] = v - self.fac * dv self.max[i] = v + self.fac * dv hmin = numpy.array([par0.min, par1.min]) hmax = numpy.array([par0.max, par1.max]) for i in [0, 1]: # check user limits for errors if numpy.isscalar(self.min) or numpy.isscalar(self.max): raise ConfidenceErr('badarg', 'Parameter limits', 'a list') if self.min[i] >= self.max[i]: raise ConfidenceErr('badlimits') if numpy.isscalar(self.nloop) or self.nloop[i] <= 1: raise ConfidenceErr('badarg', 'Nloop parameter', 'a list with elements > 1') if self.min[i] < hmin[i]: self.min[i] = hmin[i] if self.max[i] > hmax[i]: self.max[i] = hmax[i] if self.delv is None: self.x0 = numpy.linspace(self.min[0], self.max[0], self.nloop[0]) self.x1 = numpy.linspace(self.min[1], self.max[1], self.nloop[1]) else: eps = numpy.finfo(numpy.float32).eps self.x0 = numpy.arange(self.min[0], self.max[0] + self.delv[0] - eps, self.delv[0]) self.x1 = numpy.arange(self.min[1], self.max[1] + self.delv[1] - eps, self.delv[1]) # x = numpy.array([self.x0, self.x1]) x = [self.x0, self.x1] self.x0, self.x1 = numpy.meshgrid(self.x0, self.x1) self.x0 = self.x0.ravel() self.x1 = self.x1.ravel() for i in [0, 1]: if self.log[i]: if self.max[i] <= 0.0 or self.min[i] <= 0.0: raise ConfidenceErr('badarg', 'Log scale', 'on positive boundaries') self.max[i] = numpy.log10(self.max[i]) self.min[i] = numpy.log10(self.min[i]) x[i] = numpy.linspace(self.min[i], self.max[i], len(x[i])) x0, x1 = numpy.meshgrid(x[0], x[1]) return numpy.array([x0.ravel(), x1.ravel()]).T
[docs] def calc(self, fit, par0, par1): if type(fit.stat) in (LeastSq,): raise ConfidenceErr('badargconf',
[docs] def contour(self, overplot=False, clearwindow=True): if self.log[0]: self.contour_prefs['xlog'] = True if self.log[1]: self.contour_prefs['ylog'] = True Contour.contour(self, self.x0, self.x1, self.y, levels=self.levels, title=self.title, xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel, overcontour=overplot, clearwindow=clearwindow) Point.point(self, self.parval0, self.parval1, overplot=True, clearwindow=False) if self.log[0]: self.contour_prefs['xlog'] = False if self.log[1]: self.contour_prefs['ylog'] = False
class IntervalProjectionWorker(object): def __init__(self, log, par, thawed, fit): self.log = log self.par = par self.thawed = thawed = fit def __call__(self, val): if self.log: val = numpy.power(10, val) self.par.val = val if len(self.thawed) > 1: r = return r.statval return
[docs]class IntervalProjection(Confidence1D): def __init__(self): = True Confidence1D.__init__(self)
[docs] def prepare(self, fast=True, min=None, max=None, nloop=20, delv=None, fac=1, log=False, numcores=None): = fast Confidence1D.prepare(self, min, max, nloop, delv, fac, log, numcores)
[docs] def calc(self, fit, par, methoddict=None): self.title = 'Interval-Projection' Confidence1D.calc(self, fit, par) if par.frozen: raise ConfidenceErr('frozen', par.fullname, 'interval projection') thawed = [i for i in if not i.frozen] if par not in thawed: raise ConfidenceErr('thawed', par.fullname, # If "fast" option enabled, set fitting method to # lmdif if stat is chi-squared, # else set to neldermead. # If current method is not LM or NM, warn it is not a good # method for estimating parameter limits. if type(fit.method) not in (NelderMead, LevMar): warning( + " is inappropriate for confidence " + "limit estimation") oldfitmethod = fit.method if (bool_cast( is True and methoddict is not None): if (isinstance(fit.stat, Likelihood)): if (type(fit.method) is not NelderMead): fit.method = methoddict['neldermead'] warning("Setting optimization to " + + " for interval projection plot") else: if (type(fit.method) is not LevMar): fit.method = methoddict['levmar'] warning("Setting optimization to " + + " for interval projection plot") xvals = self._interval_init(fit, par) oldpars = fit.model.thawedpars par.freeze() try: fit.model.startup() # store the class methods for startup and teardown # these calls are unnecessary for every fit startup = fit.model.startup fit.model.startup = return_none teardown = fit.model.teardown fit.model.teardown = return_none self.y = numpy.asarray(parallel_map(IntervalProjectionWorker(self.log, par, thawed, fit), xvals, self.numcores) ) finally: # Set back data that we changed par.thaw() fit.model.startup = startup fit.model.teardown = teardown fit.model.teardown() fit.model.thawedpars = oldpars fit.method = oldfitmethod
class IntervalUncertaintyWorker(object): def __init__(self, log, par, fit): self.log = log self.par = par = fit def __call__(self, val): if self.log: val = numpy.power(10, val) self.par.val = val return
[docs]class IntervalUncertainty(Confidence1D):
[docs] def calc(self, fit, par, methoddict=None): self.title = 'Interval-Uncertainty' Confidence1D.calc(self, fit, par) if par.frozen: raise ConfidenceErr('frozen', par.fullname, 'interval uncertainty') thawed = [i for i in if not i.frozen] if par not in thawed: raise ConfidenceErr('thawed', par.fullname, oldpars = fit.model.thawedpars xvals = self._interval_init(fit, par) for i in thawed: i.freeze() try: fit.model.startup() self.y = numpy.asarray(parallel_map(IntervalUncertaintyWorker(self.log, par, fit), xvals, self.numcores) ) finally: # Set back data that we changed for i in thawed: i.thaw() fit.model.teardown() fit.model.thawedpars = oldpars
class RegionProjectionWorker(object): def __init__(self, log, par0, par1, thawed, fit): self.log = log self.par0 = par0 self.par1 = par1 self.thawed = thawed = fit def __call__(self, pars): for ii in [0,1]: if self.log[ii]: pars[ii] = numpy.power(10, pars[ii]) (self.par0.val, self.par1.val) = pars if len(self.thawed) > 2: r = return r.statval return def return_none(): """ dummy implementation of callback for multiprocessing """ return None
[docs]class RegionProjection(Confidence2D): def __init__(self): = True Confidence2D.__init__(self)
[docs] def prepare(self, fast=True, min=None, max=None, nloop=(10, 10), delv=None, fac=4, log=(False, False), sigma=(1, 2, 3), levels=None, numcores=None): = fast Confidence2D.prepare(self, min, max, nloop, delv, fac, log, sigma, levels, numcores)
[docs] def calc(self, fit, par0, par1, methoddict=None): self.title = 'Region-Projection' Confidence2D.calc(self, fit, par0, par1) if par0.frozen: raise ConfidenceErr('frozen', par0.fullname, 'region projection') if par1.frozen: raise ConfidenceErr('frozen', par1.fullname, 'region projection') thawed = [i for i in if not i.frozen] if par0 not in thawed: raise ConfidenceErr('thawed', par0.fullname, if par1 not in thawed: raise ConfidenceErr('thawed', par1.fullname, # If "fast" option enabled, set fitting method to # lmdif if stat is chi-squared, # else set to neldermead # If current method is not LM or NM, warn it is not a good # method for estimating parameter limits. if type(fit.method) not in (NelderMead, LevMar): warning( + " is inappropriate for confidence " + "limit estimation") oldfitmethod = fit.method if (bool_cast( is True and methoddict is not None): if (isinstance(fit.stat, Likelihood)): if (type(fit.method) is not NelderMead): fit.method = methoddict['neldermead'] warning("Setting optimization to " + + " for region projection plot") else: if (type(fit.method) is not LevMar): fit.method = methoddict['levmar'] warning("Setting optimization to " + + " for region projection plot") oldpars = fit.model.thawedpars try: fit.model.startup() # store the class methods for startup and teardown # these calls are unnecessary for every fit startup = fit.model.startup fit.model.startup = return_none teardown = fit.model.teardown fit.model.teardown = return_none grid = self._region_init(fit, par0, par1) par0.freeze() par1.freeze() self.y = numpy.asarray(parallel_map(RegionProjectionWorker(self.log, par0, par1, thawed, fit), grid, self.numcores) ) finally: # Set back data after we changed it par0.thaw() par1.thaw() fit.model.startup = startup fit.model.teardown = teardown fit.model.teardown() fit.model.thawedpars = oldpars fit.method = oldfitmethod
class RegionUncertaintyWorker(object): def __init__(self, log, par0, par1, fit): self.log = log self.par0 = par0 self.par1 = par1 = fit def __call__(self, pars): for ii in [0, 1]: if self.log[ii]: pars[ii] = numpy.power(10, pars[ii]) (self.par0.val, self.par1.val) = pars return
[docs]class RegionUncertainty(Confidence2D):
[docs] def calc(self, fit, par0, par1, methoddict=None): self.title = 'Region-Uncertainty' Confidence2D.calc(self, fit, par0, par1) if par0.frozen: raise ConfidenceErr('frozen', par0.fullname, 'region uncertainty') if par1.frozen: raise ConfidenceErr('frozen', par1.fullname, 'region uncertainty') thawed = [i for i in if not i.frozen] if par0 not in thawed: raise ConfidenceErr('thawed', par0.fullname, if par1 not in thawed: raise ConfidenceErr('thawed', par1.fullname, oldpars = fit.model.thawedpars try: fit.model.startup() grid = self._region_init(fit, par0, par1) for i in thawed: i.freeze() self.y = numpy.asarray(parallel_map(RegionUncertaintyWorker(self.log, par0, par1, fit), grid, self.numcores) ) finally: # Set back data after we changed it for i in thawed: i.thaw() fit.model.teardown() fit.model.thawedpars = oldpars