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Channel Boundary Plots


We do not yet have a script to create channel boundary plots. The following recipe works:

  1. Create an ascii file with the channel probabilities as a function of energy (this is the MATRIX column of the response matrix) using fdump with parameters as follows

    fdump infile="new_resp.fits[2]" outfile=new_resp.txt clobber=yes
    prhead=no showcol=no showrow=no showunit=no rows="-" column=MATRIX
  2. Use the awk script awk_chan (included with this distribution) to shuffle the matrix elements so that the first 729 lines are the probablitity that a photon of a given energy will fall in channel 1, the next 729 lines are the probablitity that a photon of a given energy will fall in channel 2 etc.
  3. Read the file created by awk_chan and the corresponding energy array (the file ``energies'' supplied with this distribution) into IDL. Within IDL it is possible to define 15 channel arrays. For example, c1=MATRIX(0:728) will define a new array, c1, which contains the first 729 elements of the array MATRIX. It is then possible to add channel probabilities in any desired combination.
Mon May 11 15:21:25 EDT 1998