The AstroStat Slog » adaptive optics Weaving together Astronomy+Statistics+Computer Science+Engineering+Intrumentation, far beyond the growing borders Fri, 09 Sep 2011 17:05:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 [MADS] Adaptive filter Thu, 04 Jun 2009 21:36:50 +0000 hlee Please, do not confuse adaptive filter (hereafter, AF) with adaptive optics (hereafter, AO). I have no expertise in both fields but have small experiences to tell you the difference. Simply put, AF is comparable to software as opposed to AO to hardware, which is for constructing telescopes in order to collect data with sharpness and to minimize time varying atmospheric blurring. When you search adaptive filter in ADS you’ll more likely come across with adaptive optics and notch filter.

Not just the hardware part, but I was interested in how astronomers have applied theories and algorithms of AF to acquire cleaner data that are processed with speed and efficiency. AF is used for analyzing data as well as optimizing filters, analytically and statistically. My impression about AF textbooks, at least, is that they are written like special topics of applied statistics or optimization. A long story short, against my expectation for frequent allusion from ADS, adaptive filter turned out to be almost [MADS].

Title:Programmable Real-Time Cancellation of GLONASS Interference with the Green Bank Telescope
Authors:Poulsen, A. J.; Jeffs, B. D.; Warnick, K. F.; Fisher, J. R

I haven’t investigated the usage of AF in astronomy in a general manner. Therefore, it’s possible that principles and algorithms discussed in books like Adaptive Filtering Primer with MATLAB (A. D. Poularikas and Z. M. Ramadan), Adaptive Filter (A. H. Sayad) and Adative Filter Theory (S. Haykin) are already presented in astronomy literature under different names. If not, to assist data transmission, compression, evaluation, coding, decoding, transformation, processing, or what ever it is called depending on scientists’ specialties, with AF algorithms, one can achieve more efficient and fast results from signal and image processing analysis with almost no loss of information.

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